The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1754: Hit the door

Although Meng Zhang was based in the Star Rock Islands in the rear, the latest information on the progress of the frontline war could still be passed on to him in time.

The advance of the front-line army was not very smooth, and the road encountered layers of resistance from the Xihai Sea Clan.

After many battles, the casualties of the Terran monk army were not small.

In this regard, the Qiu brothers and other high-level military leaders not only did not feel frustrated, but had a sense of accomplishment in their strategy.

The actions of the Xihai Sea Clan indicated that the human race cultivator army had hit their key points this time, and they had to change their previous avoidance strategy and began to take the initiative to fight the human race cultivator.

The Qiu brothers' goal was achieved.

Presumably the next step is the real decisive battle between the two sides.

The battle on the front line has become more intense, and even the few Void Rebirth Powers have increased their stay on the front line and have attracted most of their attention.

Taiyimen, which is in charge of logistics and transshipment, also encountered challenges again at this time.

As the battle line grew longer and longer, the supply route that Taiyimen was responsible for was once again harassed and attacked by the Sea Clan team.

Fortunately, after the last failure and huge losses, the scale of the harassment team sent by the Sea Clan was limited.

Although it can cause a lot of trouble to the monk army organized by the Taiyimen, the Taiyimen can still solve it.

Especially the two cultivators of Yang Shen stage, Zhenjun Haixuan and Zhenjun Lu Tianshu, helped a lot this time.

Since the Taiyi Sect monk was able to solve the problem by himself, Meng Zhang naturally wouldn't be busy doing it.

His head is not a nanny, he will solve every problem for the disciple in the door.

With the continuous advancement of the human cultivator army, I probably felt that the decisive battle was approaching, and the atmosphere on the Xingluo Islands began to become tense.

On this day, Meng Zhang was doing routine practice in a closed secret room. Suddenly, his face changed, and his face was full of shocked and unbelievable expressions.

Over the Xingluo Islands, the originally high-hanging sun was shrouded by dark clouds and disappeared without a trace.

The gusty wind roared in the sky, and the heavy rain vented like a pour, as if a hole had been opened in the sky.

Above the sea, the wind and waves are even more sturdy, and the towering waves are like falling mountain peaks, crazily pressing towards the Xingluo Islands.

The monks in the Star Rock Islands have lived overseas for a long time, and have never seen what kind of winds, waves, and stormy waves.

Although the wind and rain are rare, it's not like I've never seen it before.

But I don't know why, the human monks on the Xingluo Islands feel extremely depressed at this moment, as if they are blocking something.

As time went by, the wind and waves became more urgent, and the pair was about to completely submerge the entire Star Rock Islands.

Many smaller islands are almost submerged. Even many places on the main island are already submerged in water.

Among the many human monks in the Star Rock Islands, some of them were more sensitive, and began to feel the heavy pressure like a mountain, all of a sudden, they almost made them unable to move.

Some primordial true monarchs with higher cultivation levels finally felt that the situation was not right.

This is not an ordinary natural celestial phenomenon, but a strong man behind the scenes.

They were about to get rid of the pressure and fly up high to check it out. Meng Zhang's voice suddenly sounded, clearly reaching every monk's ears.

"Don't move around, stay on the island honestly, waiting for news from this seat."

As soon as the voice fell, Meng Zhang had already flew high in the sky despite the crazy wind and rain.

Although the enemy hasn't arrived yet, there is still some distance from the Star Rock Islands, but the enemy has begun to show its strength, which has greatly affected the place.

Crazy, really crazy.

I don't know who the Void Returning Power dared to hit the door so blatantly?

This is to regard the human race's dignity as nothing, this is a deliberate provocation, this is an offense to the human race.

Naturally, only enemies of the same rank as him can make Meng Zhang be so strict.

In the history of Junchen Realm, for many years, there hasn't been a foreign race's ability to return to the void and take the initiative to attack the human stronghold.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, since the start of the cleaning operation, many places have been fruitful. The enemies of alien races and other human races are basically retreating steadily.

Even if the Void-Returning Power of the alien race is accidentally exposed, they will soon hide again, and dare not start a war with the human monk at all.

I really didn't expect that there would be a guy who didn't know whether to live or die, and dare to take the initiative to commit the crime.

Could it be that the other party knew the truth and futility on the island, and knew that there was only Meng Zhang on the island at this time who was able to sit on the island during the reversion period, and felt that Meng Zhang was weak and could be deceived?

This is the first time that Meng Zhang has faced an enemy of the same rank since his advancement period.

He can neither protect his body nor master the means of returning to the Void Period, and his cultivation base is far from profound.

But even if the opponent is a strong veteran, Meng Zhang will not be afraid, let alone take the initiative to avoid fighting.

Meng Zhang is the highest-level monk who is in charge of sitting here, and the enemy has hit the door. No matter which aspect is considered, he can't escape.

Meng Zhang has not forgotten that he is still carrying out the tasks assigned by the Heavenly Palace, and he is observing military orders.

Fleeing and fleeing without a fight are all serious violations of the military order and will surely result in severe punishment from Tiangong.

Of course, Meng Zhang dared to take the initiative to fight, and he also relied on it.

His reliance is the Heavenly Punishment system established by Tiangong for many years.

He doesn't need to overcome the enemy, or even hold on for too long.

He only needs to hold the enemy temporarily, and after the Heavenly Palace senses the aura of the Void Return level battle, it will soon drop the Heavenly Punishment and blast and kill the alien Void Returning powerhouse.

Meng Zhang doesn’t know much about the Heavenly Punishment system of Tiangong, but he knows that this system guarantees peace between the Void Returning Powers of Jun Chen Realm, and basically prevents the Void Returning Powers from launching battles in Jun Chen Realm. Condition.

In the Heavenly Palace, there is a special method that can always monitor the power fluctuations in the Junchen Realm.

Once there is a power fluctuation of the Void Returning level, it will attract the attention of the cultivator in charge of the Heavenly Palace.

After confirmation, if it is true that the Void Returning Power violates the rules and fights in Jun Chen Realm, then it is possible to lower the so-called Heavenly Punishment.

Of course, the natural punishment system is controlled by human monks, and it is naturally affected by various human relationships.

Apart from other things, if the Holy Land Zongmen's rebirth period is powerful, the palace will definitely not arbitrarily drop the Heavenly Punishment, but slowly negotiate with the Holy Land Zongmen to see how to punish the parties.

Before the start of this cleaning operation, Sword Master Banxue had the first words to set the boundaries for the Void Returning Powers among the human monks.

The Void Returning Power of the Alien Race took the initiative to hit the door, and Meng Zhang stepped forward to fight against the Void Returning Power of the Alien Race, which was naturally justified.

As for the alien's return to the virtual power that will appear next, I am afraid that he will face the Heavenly Punishment of the Heavenly Palace.

For the power of returning to the emptiness of the alien race, Tiangong's Heaven Punishment will never show mercy.

Just as Meng Zhang calmed down the many human monks in the Xingluo Islands, a hurricane madly swept towards his location.

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