The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1767: crisis

After the Lord Tianlei left, looking at Meng Zhang's slightly dissatisfied expression, the old man Yinhu sighed.

He hadn't spoken yet, Meng Zhang had already spoken.

"If you just let go of the Taoist Daoist like this, he will continue to be embarrassed with me in the future, and what will happen to me again?"

Hearing Meng Zhang's concern, the old man Yinhu smiled slightly.

"Brother Meng, you have to believe that Heavenly Thunder respects his old man."

"Although he didn't promise anything personally, his old man's consistent behavior will definitely solve the problems for you and handle this matter from beginning to end."

Seeing the old man with silver pot full of confidence, Meng Zhang couldn't say much.

He had received instructions from the Supreme Thunder, and had a little understanding of the personality of the Supreme Thunder.

When there is no better way, he can only choose to believe that Heavenly Thunder Supreme will handle the follow-up things well.

After all, many years ago, Meng Zhang was recommended by the Elderly Silver Kettle and took refuge in the Supreme Being of Heavenly Thunder.

Taking Tianlei as a person, he takes care of his subordinates.

Seeing that Meng Zhang hadn't been entangled in this topic, the silver pot old man, according to the instructions of the previous Heavenly Thunder Supreme, introduced to Meng Zhang in detail the dangerous situation currently facing Junchen Realm.

Ever since the immortal preached to Junchen Realm and established a cultivation civilization here, Junchen Realm has been facing threats from invaders from all walks of life.

I don't know by what way, the news that the immortals are about to wake up has reached the ears of the invaders outside the territory.

These extraterritorial invaders who have coveted Junchen Realm for many years know that this is their last chance.

If the immortals wake up, they will never have the idea of ​​hitting Jun Chen world.

The Junchen Realm with immortals sitting in town was not something they could break.

As a result, the invaders outside the territory gathered together and launched a fierce attack on Jun Chen Realm from all directions.

Sword Master Banxue had just issued an order to clean up Junchen Realm, and the brigade of invaders outside the realm slew to Junchen Realm.

Outside the Junchen Realm now, it had already become a **** battlefield.

On such a battlefield, True Monarch Yuanshen was just a trivial cannon fodder, and Yangshen stage monks were bigger chess pieces. Even the power of returning to the void is precarious and may fall at any time.

In the past, even though Junchen Realm had been attacked by invaders from outside the territory, the situation had never been so critical.

There are also irreconcilable contradictions among invaders outside the territory, and conflicts often occur.

The Void Returning Powers of Junchen Realm have been operating in the void for many years, and they have strict defensive deployments that can defend against enemy intrusions.

But this time, the invaders from outside the territories rarely abandon their previous suspicions and unite to deal with the human monks in Junchen Realm.

The line of defense that Tiangong arranged in the void outside the Junchen Realm was already riddled with holes and leaks everywhere.

The monks who Jun Chenjie sent out to be responsible for defense suffered heavy losses, and it was difficult to resist the enemy's continued attack.

For a long time, the Tiangong was mainly responsible for the defense of foreign invaders from outside the territory, and the various sacred sects provided assistance.

In the face of a powerful foreign enemy, the power of the Heavenly Palace family alone is absolutely unstoppable.

Tiangong began to recruit the strong men of the sacred sects to fight in the void.

Now, although the defense line that gathered the strong from all sides has temporarily stabilized, the enemy's offensive is still fierce, and the crisis is far from over.

Under this circumstance, Tiangong urgently needs to end the sweeping operation of Jun Chen Realm as soon as possible, and put all the main power into the void.

It is only the first step to recruit monks from various sacred sects. In the next step, Tiangong will continue to expand the scope of the recruitment and vigorously recruit monks with void combat capabilities in Junchen Realm to go outside the void to resist the enemy's invasion.

After hearing the words of the old man Yinhu, some of the doubts in Meng Zhang's heart were answered.

It is no wonder that Tiangong has been urging the Xihai side to speed up the progress, fight with the Xihai Sea Clan as soon as possible, and complete the cleaning operation as soon as possible.

On the side of the West Sea, it did contain a lot of power for the human cultivators.

Aside from other things, it is a huge waste of a few rebirth powers to stay here all the time.

In the past, under the Taiyimen and Hanhai Dao League, many primordial true monarchs went to the void to experience or complete some specific tasks.

Meng Zhang shouldn't have known the news of the great changes outside of Jun Chen Realm for so long.

However, in order to step up the construction of the blessed land, Taiyimen recalled many monks in the void.

Some time ago, after Tiangong issued the order for the cleaning operation, in order to reinforce the Star Luo Islands side, Meng Zhang even recalled all the monks in the void to Junchen Realm.

In this way, Taiyimen lost the most direct source of information outside of Jun Chen Realm.

In fact, the battle outside Jun Chen realm has been earth-shattering, but due to the secrecy of the Tiangong, relevant news has not spread within Jun Chen realm.

Tiangong is also worried about the news of foreign enemies' invasion, causing confusion within the people, making it difficult to continue the cleaning operation.

Heavenly Thunder Supreme had previously said that Junchen Realm was an internal and external trouble, but now the silver pot old man only talked about external crises, not internal crises.

Under Meng Zhang's questioning, the silver pot old man quickly came up with this this cleaning operation, Tiangong found a lot of problems within Junchen Realm.

These problems were covered up in the past, but now they are exposed, making the top leaders of Tiangong a big surprise.

The number of Void-Returning Powers hidden among the various alien races is far more than the Heavenly Palace high-levels imagined.

Within the Junchen Realm, especially the Middle-earth Continent, many monks have colluded with foreign races for benefits, and there are even examples of falling into the magical way.

In this sweeping operation, Tiangong seemed to have achieved great results, and it also forced out some of the hidden trump cards of the major alien races.

But it is precisely because of this that makes the top of Tiangong feel a sense of crisis.

Those eliminated during the cleaning operation were all low-level alien races.

The vast majority of those aliens' abilities of returning to the void have escaped the pursuit of the cultivators and are hidden again.

Through the battles, the monks of the human race have made more discoveries.

Such as the traces of some powerful aboriginal gods, the hidden strength of the gods and so on.

If all the great alien races in Junchen Realm joined hands, it would be enough to cause huge trouble to the Heavenly Palace and shake the rule of the human race cultivator over Junchen Realm.

Foreign enemies invaded, and there were many internal advantages and disasters, and many senior officials in Tiangong began to feel headaches.

Originally accompanied by Snow Sword Lord's order to carry out the cleaning operation, it meant that the inside must be settled first.

Banxue Jianjun and other high-level Heavenly Palace officials had long anticipated that before the immortals completely awakened, invaders from outside the territory would inevitably make big moves.

However, the internal enemy showed such a powerful strength, and many powerful enemies were well hidden, it was really difficult.

The foreign invaders came so fast and the offensive was so fierce, it really exceeded the expectations of many people, and completely broke the original arrangement and plan of the Tiangong.

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