The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1774: Chiyin Sword Sha

Meng Zhang shook his head, temporarily putting aside these headaches.

If you keep worrying about these things in your heart, then nothing can be done.

Meng Zhang Xiang Shouzheng asked the question he cared most.

In the heyday of Taiyimen, how many rebirth powers were there, what happened to them later, and did they leave any legacy?

According to Shouzheng's knowledge, the Taiyi Sect had three powers of returning to the void.

After the demise of the Taiyimen, these rebirth powers lost the news.

As for their legacy, there are indeed some.

Not to mention anything else, this place of trial in the underworld was established with the help of the power of rebirth.

After a long and long-winded shouzheng, he finally came up with a question that Meng Zhang was most concerned about.

In the depths of the ground next to the trial ground, there is a magic weapon left by the power of returning to the void in the door.

This magic weapon is called Chiyin Sword Sha, and it is a special flying sword created after condensing all kinds of tyrannical evil auras between heaven and earth and refining it into a sword evil.

Soon after Shouzheng established his foundation in the underworld, a Void Returning Power in the gate entrusted someone to take this Scarlet Yin Sword to the underworld and handed it to Shouzheng.

This Void-Returning Power confessed to keeping upright, and buried this Scarlet Yin Sword in the depths of the ground near the trial ground, allowing it to absorb the Yin Sha Qi of the underworld, and use it to warm and nourish the flying sword and enhance its power.

Because of its special environment, the underworld possesses far more types and more powerful evil spirits than the Yang world.

Shouzheng obeyed the instructions and buried this Chiyin Sword Sha.

After this, in addition to allowing it to absorb the evil spirits around it spontaneously, Shouzheng will also collect all kinds of evil evil spirits with heart, and use it to feed this magic weapon.

Even after the Taiyi Gate perished and there was no news of the Void Returning Power in the gate, he did not stop this work.

Now that Meng Zhang is promoted to the Void Return Period, he is already qualified to be a magic weapon for the imperial envoy.

Since Shouzheng had entrusted everything to Meng Zhang, this Chiyin Sword Sha was naturally no exception.

Shouzheng brought Meng Zhang's divine mind incarnation and Tai Miao to the place where the Chi Yin Sword Sha was buried.

This place is not only secret, but also has many restrictions and guards.

On weekdays, in addition to defending himself, he would never allow any of his subordinates to approach here.

This place is next to the trial place, shrouded by the power of the space of the trial place.

If there is no special technique, you can only enter this place by forcibly contending with the power of the space of the trial land.

Shouzheng led the way, casting spells one by one to lift the various restrictions, and brought Meng Zhanghe Taimiao to the top of a small hill.

They walked up the hill, and underneath was an unfathomable gully, which revealed icy chills.

On the surface of the gully, there is a strong yin and evil air that is like a real substance, which is constantly tumbling and jumping.

Ever since the Scarlet Yin Sword Sha was buried in this place, even the guardian Shouzheng had never seen this flying sword again.

His task is to throw various evil spirits into it regularly.

There are too many evil spirits gathered here, too many types and too complicated.

Some evil spirits have strong lethality on the soul body and even the body of ghosts and gods.

The ghosts or ghosts in the underworld, even if they came to this place, did not dare to enter it hastily.

What Meng Zhang is here is just an incarnation of divine consciousness, and in terms of strength, it is inferior to ordinary true primordial primordial monarchs.

But his eyesight and insight are all first-class wise.

In Meng Zhang's eyes, those seemingly strong evil spirits are actually remnants.

The true essence of the evil Yin Qi should have long been absorbed and refined by the evil sword.

Of course, these residues are not useless, at least they have a strong restraint effect on the soul.

Meng Zhang, the incarnation of divine consciousness, really didn't dare to go deep into it rashly.

After receiving Meng Zhang's instructions, Tai Miao stepped forward and jumped into the bottomless gully.

After a short period of time, Tai Miao jumped out of it in embarrassment.

Judging from the fluctuating breath on his body, he was clearly injured.

Tai Miao secretly applauded risk.

If it weren't for his somewhat natural ghosts and gods' characteristics, the body of ghosts and gods is particularly powerful, and I'm afraid that the scum of evil spirits would have been eroded long ago.

Although it took a lot of effort, fortunately, he did not humiliate his life and brought out the Chi Yin Sword Sha.

I saw a gray mist condensed into the form of a flying sword, beating fiercely in Tai Miao's hand.

This flying sword seems to have a special kind of magic power, but after a few more glances, it feels faintly painful.

If it weren't too powerfully restrained, this flying sword might have flown away long ago.

After so many years, Shouzheng was very excited when he saw this flying sword appear again.

Under Meng Zhang's sign, Tai Miao let go of the restraint on that flying sword.

This flying sword flew into the air, free from the wonderful control.

As soon as he sensed the breath released by Meng Zhang, this flying sword took the initiative to fly into Meng Zhang's hands.

Although Meng Zhang is only the incarnation of a divine mind here, he is essentially capable of returning to the void.

What he practiced is the Taiyimen's direct training method "The Yin and Yang Change of Heaven and Earth", which has special power fluctuations.

There are no artifacts in the magic weapon. However, many magic weapons still have a certain spirituality ~ many of the powers of returning to the void will leave some arrangements in the magic weapons, so that the magic weapons can follow some basic guidelines.

There should be a similar arrangement in this Chiyin Sword Shaman left by Senior Taiyimen's Void Returning Power.

After Chi Yin Jian Sha sensed that Meng Zhang was the power of returning to the Void from the Taiyi Sect, it flew into his hands automatically, with no resistance.

Meng Zhang stared at the Chi Yin Sword Sha in his hand, his heart was full of ecstasy.

A good magic weapon for the battle between the Void Returning Powers can often play a key role in determining the outcome.

Due to the scarcity of magic weapons, many of Junchen Realm's Void Returning Powers have advanced to the Void Returning Period for many years, and they are still bare-handed, not a single magic weapon.

Magic weapons are almost never circulated on the market, and it is basically impossible to buy or exchange them.

Most of the magic weapons in the cultivation world are in the hands of the sacred sects and heavenly palaces.

Although it seems that you can exchange merit points for magic weapons on the Tiangong side, the merit points required are too huge, even if a group of Void Rebirth powers have served the Tiangong for thousands of years, it is difficult to obtain.

With the magic weapon of Chiyin Sword Sha, Meng Zhang would definitely increase his combat power after thorough refining.

I dare not say anything else, at least his combat effectiveness will not be at the end of the return to the virtual power.

The Chiyin Sword came to his hand, and Meng Zhang came to the underworld this time, and the main purpose of contacting and keeping upright was achieved.

Before that, he just had a try.

He didn't even think that Shouzheng really collected the magic weapon left by the seniors in the door.

Meng Zhang chatted with Shouzheng for a while, but with the magic weapon in his hands, he really couldn't sit still.

Worried about Ye Chang's dreams, he took the initiative to say goodbye to Shouzheng, and took this Chiyin Sword Fiend back to Yang Shi's deity.

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