The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2149: Fierce battle

Not only is the Taiyimen's line of defense, all the lines of defense around it have been caught in the indiscriminate bombardment of the Dali Dynasty's flying boat team.

Not all sects are able to establish a solid defense like Taiyi Sect.

Facing the crazy bombardment of flying boats from high above, some sects felt too pressured and almost unable to support them. Had to send the Jindan real person to fly high in the sky, wanting to destroy the flying boat and disperse the flying boat team.

These Jindan real men who took the initiative to attack have not destroyed a few flying boats, they were intercepted by the hidden Dali Dynasty powerhouse.

This is also a routine of the Dali Dynasty campaign, specially organized hunting teams, using various conditions to hunt down the opponent's high-level monks.

The flying boat team is not only a powerful fire support, but also a powerful decoy.

Meng Zhang didn't let the Taiyimen Golden Core monks attack, it was not that the unknown prophet knew about the arrangement of the Dali Dynasty. Rather, he believed that his own Golden Core cultivator could play a greater role with the help of the power of the magic circle.

On the various defense lines around Taiyimen, there was already a beacon at this time, and there was chaos.

The various organ puppets of the Great Li Dynasty moved forward very quickly, crossing a not-so-short distance in a few strokes and rushing to the line of defense garrisoned by the Taiyi Gate.

The Great Earth God General, who was in charge of the immediate command, gave an order, and the Taiyi Gate also released a large number of agency puppets and took the initiative to greet the opponent.

I saw countless organ puppets, and they started a fierce collision and fight in front of the Taiyimen defensive line.

It's funny. In the past, Taiyimen was good at using various organs and artifacts during battles with neighboring sects, and often used various organ puppets to reduce their own casualties.

But now when I meet Dali Dynasty, I really feel like a little witch.

Taiyimen's messy style and various forms of puppets looked like a group of stragglers. And the puppet team of Dali Dynasty looked like well-trained and disciplined elite soldiers.

It didn't take long for the puppet teams of both sides to start fighting, and the Taiyimen side obviously fell below.

There are more puppets in the Dali Dynasty, and their combat effectiveness is stronger. Soon, they overwhelmed the puppets released by the Taiyimen and slammed into the defense of the Taiyimen.

Fortunately, the Taiyimen side is not just having a puppet.

In front of the defensive line, there are also groups of Taoist soldiers in line.

The soldier’s nest obtained from the remains of the fifth-order earth spirit, after so many years of warming up by Meng Zhang, the golden core monk in the door also spent a lot of effort to strengthen it, and invested countless resources.

In these years, Taiyimen has been able to mass produce second-order Taoist loess, and the output is not low.

In addition, a large number of second-order Taoist soldiers were also produced to make up for the shortcomings of the lack of attack power of the Loess Warriors.

Dali Dynasty also had Dao soldiers, and compared to Taiyimen's Dao soldiers, they were only strong but not weak.

The dynasty’s great cause is great, the territory it occupies, and the resources it possesses far exceed the entire Jiuqu League, not to mention a mere Taiyimen.

Fortunately, Taiyimen was not the main attacking direction of the Dali Dynasty. Except for a bunch of puppets serving as cannon fodder, it did not send too many Taoist soldiers here. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

A small number of Taoist soldiers followed the army, and they had not yet begun to launch a direct attack.

After a fierce battle, the Taiyimen's puppets were all lost, and the Taoist soldiers also lost most of them, and they barely blocked the puppet army of the Dali Dynasty.

At this time, it ushered in a direct attack from the army of the Great Li Dynasty.

A group of elite teams formed an army formation, steadily advancing towards the formation under the Taiyimen.

The flying boats in the sky continued to bombard them indiscriminately, causing the Golden Light Array of the Six Gods of Taiyimen to sway and shake, and the light curtain outside had been destroyed a lot. The remaining protective light curtains are also shaking constantly, looking shaky.

Probably because I felt that it was too aggrieved to be beaten and not fight back, or that such a bombardment would be too threatening to the Taiyimen protective array.

Meng Zhang seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and all of a sudden stepped up into the air, almost endless sun and moon shining out. Any flying boat that was photographed either exploded immediately or lost control, swaying in the air and swaying wildly.

Meng Zhang, who was trying to kill the flying boat team, suddenly jumped and appeared in another place, and then coldly shouted to the front: "Not coming out yet?"

"Head Meng is young, but he has good eyesight. The old man almost underestimated you again."

The empty place in front of me suddenly rippled like water.

The long-lost True Monarch Wen Dong and a tall man wearing heavy armor suddenly appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

"Marshal Wang was originally planning to hunt you by himself. But the old man knew that the head of Meng was not easy, so he took the initiative to ask Ying and come and help.

"Head Meng, no one will come to rescue you today." Zhenjun Wendong said with a smile.

It seems that the last time Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying rescued True Monarch He Luo from his hands made him hold their grudges to the present.

"Head of Meng, it is still too late for you to abandon the dark and turn to the Ming. Didn't you deliberately discuss the Taiyimen's refuge with the Dali Dynasty with the old man last time?"

"Last time we met for the first time, we didn't understand enough to reach an agreement."

"This time, the old man can provide more favorable terms."

Zhenjun Wendong is accustomed to the job of surrendering and accepting rebellion. Even though he has a grudge against Meng Zhang, he still habitually starts to surrender.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could Taiyimen take refuge in Dali Dynasty!"

Although he knew that there was no one else around, Meng Zhang quickly denied it. I had come into contact with Zhenjun Wendong before, but I couldn't just recognize it like that.

"The Tyrant Bawu Emperor of the Great Li Dynasty, who is licentious and cruel, will be condemned by God sooner or later..."

Fearing that Zhenjun Wendong would say something embarrassing to him, Meng Zhang simply began to yell at him, the emperor Bawudi who was far from the dynasty.

Sure enough, hearing Meng Zhang scolded Emperor Ba Wu, Wen Dong Zhenjun's expression changed, and he had no more thoughts of surrendering.

The humiliation of the king's father is absolutely intolerable. If you don't kill Meng Zhang on the spot, what is your face? Face the Emperor Bawu has a very high prestige among the generals of the Great Li Dynasty, and has the supreme status.

Marshal Wang over there, without even saying hello, he roared and killed Meng Zhang.

Zhenjun Wen Dong screamed secretly and had to follow suit.

Marshal Wang's initial cultivation base of the soul, but he has been tempered through thousands of times. After many years of fighting and experiencing countless **** battles, how could he put the junior Meng Zhang in his eyes. When he became the primordial spirit, it was estimated that Meng Zhang was at most a golden core monk.

The cultivation base of Zhenjun Wendong in the mid-primary stage was that he was confident that he could suppress Meng Zhang even if he was alone.

The two joined forces to kill Meng Zhang.

In Meng Zhang's ear, he faintly heard the roar of the newly promoted primordial spirit of Jiqiaozong. It seems that he has also encountered a strong enemy.

At this moment, it is impossible for the two of them to take care of each other. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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