The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2260: blister

In front of Daoist Tie Mian, Meng Zhang of course guaranteed that he would go all out to fight to kill a lot of the indigenous gods and completely eliminate the remnants of this gang.

As for some small grievances between him and the major holy land sects, he will not take it to heart, nor will it affect the overall situation.

Daoist Tie Mian was very satisfied with Meng Zhang's statement.

Not long after he and Meng Zhang finished talking, he received a summons.

Daoist Tie Mian took Meng Zhang and went directly to the sky over the West Sea through the teleportation formation of the Tiangong.

In order to ensure the success of this raid, Tiangong and the major holy land sects made many careful arrangements in advance.

Daoist Tie Mian and Meng Zhang were too late.

In the nearby sky, on the sea surface, and even on the bottom of the sea, many cultivators have been waiting for a long time.

In the most conspicuous place, Yang and Xuxian of Ziyang Shengzong, Weiwu Xuxian of Guantian Pavilion, and Wang Puchen Xuxian, deputy director of Tiangong, stood together.

In a farther place, a group of monks were led by a number of Void Returning Powers.

This time, Tiangong and the sects of the major holy places are determined to completely eliminate the remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world.

In order to prevent the interference of the True Dragon Clan and the Sea Clan, they also prepared additional blocking power.

The cultivators who can appear here are at least masters at the level of Yuanshen Zhenjun.

The Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array in Tiangong has also begun to pay attention to this side.

The surrounding seas and seabeds have long been blocked by the formations arranged by the cultivators to prevent the indigenous gods from breaking through and escaping.

Thousands of years ago, the group of true immortals in the Junchen world had been determined, and almost all the true gods among the indigenous gods of the Junchen world had been wiped out.

Even a few fish that slip through the net have long since escaped from the Junchen world.

After the establishment of Jiutian and the completion of the Tianwei Lei Punishment Array, it will be even more difficult to conceal if there is a true immortal-level powerhouse in the Junchen world.

Back then, Xianyun Zhenxian knew the power of Junchen Realm's monitoring system, so he didn't dare to sneak into Junchen Realm rashly.

The moon **** was hidden in the body of the goddess of worshiping the moon back then, and was brought back to the Junchen world by Meng Zhang using the mustard seed space.

Luna has never returned to its heyday, and its strength is very limited, so naturally it will not attract the attention of the Junchen Realm monitoring system.

Since there is no true god-level powerhouse, the indigenous gods left in the Junchen world are simply unable to compete with the cultivators.

Even if there are some strong people among those indigenous gods, there are not enough believers to provide them with the power of faith. After a long period of time, their strength will only continue to weaken.

According to the estimates of the top executives of Junchen Realm, dispatching three immortals at one time is enough to suppress all dissatisfaction.

As the powerhouses from all walks of life arrive here one after another, the cultivators who have been summoned have basically gathered.

The three immortals greeted each other and dived into the deep sea ahead of the pack.

The Void Masters, including Meng Zhang, followed behind, and also quickly dived into the bottom of the sea.

Probably enough accurate information was collected long ago, and the three immortals did not spend time finding their way and dived directly towards a seabed.

It didn't take long for the three virtual immortals to lead the crowd to a coral reef near the bottom of the sea.

Except for the coral reefs and the gravel and gravel on the sea floor, there is nothing obtrusive.

Many cultivators looked around, but could not see any clues, and many had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Only a person with a deep cultivation base and a keen sense like Meng Zhang could faintly perceive something wrong here.

I didn't make everyone wait too long, but Wu Xuxian gently flicked with one hand, as if brushing off a curtain, and countless large and small blisters appeared in front of everyone.

With the eyesight of everyone present, they quickly discovered the details of these blisters.

These things that look like blisters are actually separate spaces.

Among them, there are even small worlds.

The last base of the remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world is hidden in these blisters.

Yang and Xuxian stirred their hands for a while, and a hot hurricane blew past these blisters, and most of the blisters burst.

These ruptured blisters are independent spaces that are not stable enough.

It must be a very stable and independent space to be chosen as a base by the indigenous gods.

These blisters are all covered by the secret methods of the indigenous gods. Just by observing from the outside, it is impossible to judge which blisters are the bases of the indigenous gods in a short period of time.

Or, these blisters are the bases of the native gods, and they are scattered among the bases.

Logically speaking, the cultivators only need to keep attacking the blisters here, and the native gods hidden inside will naturally not sit idly by and must come out to resist.

But I don't know what the three imaginary immortals were thinking. With an order, the monks who were going to accompany them forcibly entered these blisters.

There are not many blisters left now, and the monks who are present enter them separately, and they will soon be able to find the secret base of the indigenous gods.

Although many cultivators present did not understand much, they did not dare to disobey the order.

Including Meng Zhang, everyone broke into these blisters.

Among the monks present, many came from the sects of the major holy places, and Meng Zhang naturally would not cooperate with them.

Originally Meng Zhang was going to act alone the sympathetic and sympathetic Daoist who insisted on going with him all the way so as to take care of each other.

After not seeing him for many years, Daoist Tie Mian has also cultivated the dharma of heaven and earth, and successfully entered the middle stage of returning to the virtual world, which is enough to become Meng Zhang's powerful help.

Meng Zhang was inconvenient to refuse Daoist Tie Mian's kindness, and led him into a blister casually.

This blister is an independent space with a lower level, and it is difficult to accommodate the power of a too high level.

As soon as Meng Zhang and Daoist Iron Mian entered it, the entire space began to shake violently. It looks like it will collapse at any time.

This low-level independent space obviously cannot host indigenous gods, nor can it be used as their hidden base.

Meng Zhang just glanced around, and there seemed to be several gods in action.

Since there is no value here, he greeted Daoist Tie Mian and left here.

If they stayed here a little longer, this independent space might collapse automatically.

The collapse of space will bring many dangers. Even if Meng Zhang doesn't have to worry about his own safety, he is not willing to cause trouble for no reason.

After Meng Zhang and Daoist Tie Mian came out of the blister, he touched the blister at will, and the blister was immediately punctured, and the independent space inside collapsed.

There are three immortals staring outside, Meng Zhang will not give them an excuse to attack himself.

Without the slightest delay, Meng Zhang led Daoist Tie Mian into another blister.

The independent space in this blister was a little more stable. Meng Zhang and Daoist Tie Mian stayed in it for a while, but they still didn't find anything of value.

This is a settlement of gods, and some gods live.

Both Meng Zhang and Daoist Tie Mian despised this, so they quickly left this independent space and destroyed it at will.

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