The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3208: choose

Dieyou Shanzhu has reservations about his own strength and hole cards, and Meng Zhang can understand.

After all, the first contact between the two parties did not mean much mutual trust.

But since the other party refuses to be sincere, Meng Zhang will naturally increase his guard secretly.

Apart from this point, in other respects, Dieyou Shanzhu performed well.

She offered to cooperate with the two companies, and the conditions offered were also very good.

Without the intervention of Dieyou Shanzhu, the power of the Taiyi Realm alone would be able to occupy the Shenen Star District and carry out wanton plundering.

But now that the Dieyou Mountain Lord has appeared, and he is the original owner of the Shenen Star Area, naturally he cannot be thrown away.

Meng Zhang repeatedly weighed and felt that it is not appropriate to turn against the other party now, it is better to agree to the other party first.

In any case, both sides regarded the Temple of Heaven as their goal.

The Taiyi Realm can cooperate with the opponent, but it is impossible to stay in the Yunlan star area and help the opponent resist the Temple of Heaven.

No matter whose hands the Yunlan star area falls into in the end, after the matter is completed, the Taiyi world will just grab it and leave.

Leaving Dieyou Shanzhu and others to attract the main attention of the Temple of Heaven is also conducive to the Taiyi Realm's escape.

After some thought, Meng Zhang agreed to Dieyou Shanzhu's cooperation proposal.

However, before the two parties start to cooperate, there is still a problem to be solved, that is, the seeds left in the heart of Hualing Bottle Qiling.

Although the Dieyou Mountain Master has repeatedly stated that this seed is harmless, and she has no intention of using it to plot against the Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang will not trust her.

As long as there is this seed deep in the heart of Hua Lingping Ping Qi, it is a hidden danger.

Die You Shanzhu proposed to awaken the consciousness of the spirit of the spirit bottle, and talk to him after explaining the whole thing.

In this regard, Meng Zhang did not object.

Previously, Meng Zhang had easily captured the spirit of the Hualing bottle and made him fall into a coma before he began to carefully examine the depths of his mind.

Now, with a thought in Meng Zhang's mind, the consciousness of the spirit of the spirit-transforming bottle was drawn into this space.

Meng Zhang showed his hand intentionally or unintentionally, telling the other party that although this is a space she created with spiritual power, he can also bring people in and out at will.

The newly awakened consciousness of the Spirit Transformation Bottle and Artifact Spirit is still somewhat lost once it enters this place.

Soon, he saw the Dieyou Mountain Lord whom he hadn't seen for many years, and immediately became very excited.

The two sides exchanged a lot, and each told about the experiences of many years after the farewell and so on.

Meng Zhang stood quietly by the side without making a sound, letting them talk about the old days.

After the two of them talked intensely for a long time, they slowly got to the point.

Dieyou Shanzhu took the initiative to talk about the seeds planted in the heart of Hualing Pingqiling back then.

It seems that Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling has absolute trust in her and doesn't care about this matter at all.

But when the other party mentioned that she sensed some things about him in the Taiyi Realm through the seeds deep in the heart of Hualingping Pingling, and after she inadvertently learned some information about the Taiyi Realm, the expression on Hualingpingping Qiling's face Finally became serious.

The Lord Dieyou Mountain talked about the upcoming cooperation with the Taiyi Realm to deal with the Temple of Heaven and recover the Divine Grace Star Area.

The spirit of Hua Lingping Ping Qi Ling looked a little better now.

In the end, Dieyou Shanzhu said that Meng Zhang hoped that she would remove the seeds deep in Hua Lingping's spirit, and asked him what he thought.

Hua Lingping Ping Qi Ling was full of embarrassment, and fell into a long silence.

Although he has a simple mind and doesn't have any calculations on weekdays, he is not a fool after all, and he has already understood the whole thing.

If he allows the seeds deep in his heart to exist, he will never gain Meng Zhang's trust.

Don't look at what Dieyou Shanzhu said is nice, who knows what she will do with the seeds deep in the heart of the soul of the spirit bottle.

Control the spirit of the spirit bottle to cause chaos in the Taiyi world, and listen to all kinds of information in the Taiyi world...

Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling absolutely trusts her old friend, and believes that she will never do this.

However, Meng Zhang, as the master of the Taiyi Realm, would not trust Dieyou Mountain Master, an outsider.

But if the seeds deep in the heart are completely cleared, it means that Hualing Bottle Qiling and old friends have drawn a clear line, and they are no longer a family.

Those years in the Yunlan star area were the most beautiful time in Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling's life. The friendship with old friends such as Dieyou Shanzhu is what he cherishes the most...

Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling fell into an unprecedented dilemma, and really didn't want to make a choice.

Neither Dieyou Shanzhu nor Meng Zhang made a sound when he was thinking about it, nor did they intend to put pressure on him, they just waited silently.

But it was precisely this that made it even more difficult for him to make a choice.

After a long period of silence, Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling finally made a difficult choice.

No matter how good the past was, it was just the past.

He established the Eldar under his command over thousands of years.

He grew up with this spirit clan and experienced countless winds and rains.

He is the creator of this branch of Eldar, and also a member of it.

Most of the high-ranking members of this spirit clan were enlightened by him.

Even those naturally generated spirit races were basically grown up by him.

That kind of feeling is tantamount to the feeling of parents looking at their children.

In his mind, he regards this spirit race as extremely important, even surpassing his own life.

Back then, for the sake of the future of this spirit clan, he did not hesitate to break up with his old friend Sixiang Beiqi who had been with him through life and death for many years.

This spirit clan has migrated to the Taiyi Realm for many years and has become a part of the Taiyi Realm.

If they leave the Taiyi Realm, where will this spirit clan go, and how will they survive in the void?

The environment in the void is so dangerous that even those old Celestial Sects are walking on thin ice, not to mention a small and weak spirit clan.

Between the ethnic group and old friends, between the past and the present, he finally made a choice.

Hualing Pingqiling asked Dieyou Shanzhu to remove the seeds deep in his heart.

Regarding his choice, Dieyou Shanzhu didn't question him at all, but comforted him a few words, saying that we will still be friends in the future.

Without any effort, she took back the seeds deep in the heart of the Spirit Transformation Bottle.

The spirit of Hualingping Pingqi didn't say much, but he knew that the relationship between the two parties could never go back to the The choice of Hualingpingping Qiling did not affect the cooperation between Meng Zhang and Dieyou Shanzhu.

The master of Dieyou Mountain told Meng Zhang that although the Yunlan star area has been ruled by the Temple of Heaven for many years, and the indigenous people have been repeatedly brainwashed generation after generation, the fire of resistance has never disappeared.

Her psychic power has already sneaked into the Yunlan star area, connecting with the hearts of those real rebels.

She knew about Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing's actions in the Yunlan star area.

She also exchanged contact information with Meng Zhang.

After some discussion, she and Meng Zhang formulated a preliminary battle plan.

Next, the two sides will actively prepare for this.

Once activated, it is necessary to cut off the connection between the Yunlan star area and the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven in the shortest possible time.

The combined strength of the two can easily wipe out the members of the Temple of Heaven occupying the Divine Grace Star Area.

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