The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3211: destroy

An extremely tall phantom of a giant wearing a golden armored stomach suddenly appeared above the palace.

The giant waved its angry fist and slammed it fiercely at the butterfly.

The butterfly flew nimbly, gently avoiding the giant's attack.

While avoiding it, she continued to fight back.

The Tiebi God was entangled by these methods of Dieyou Mountain Lord, and failed to shield the artificial wormhole again in time.

Without his divine protection, the defense of the man-made wormhole was greatly reduced.

Under Gu Yue Lingqing's actions, the man-made wormhole began to twist and deform, and it seemed that it would be destroyed soon.

Suddenly, a hunchbacked old man appeared at the entrance of the man-made wormhole.

His stature skyrocketed suddenly, and he had the power to stand upright, and he immediately fixed the artificial wormhole that had begun to distort and deform, so that it would not change again.

This is the incarnation of a god.

The deity of this **** is usually in charge of guarding the other end of this man-made wormhole.

When the man-made wormhole was attacked by outsiders, the deity stabilized the wormhole channel from the other end and sent an avatar here to investigate the situation.

The territory ruled by the Temple of Heaven is not small.

In order to facilitate the rule, the high-level officials of the Temple of Heaven have built man-made wormholes on many important territories.

One end of the artificial wormhole is located in those territories, and the other end is located in the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven.

Although there are many gods in the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven, these gods have their own important affairs, and it is impossible to guard these man-made wormholes all the time.

Generally speaking, even if these man-made wormholes are attacked from outside, the attacks will come from the other side of the territory.

If the enemy has already killed the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven, then these artificial wormholes will become less important.

Therefore, although there are many man-made wormholes, there are only a few gods who take turns guarding the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven.

This time, the **** who is in charge of guarding the wormhole passage at the headquarters of the temple of the gods is very strong.

Just sending out an avatar temporarily stabilized the situation.

Gu Yue Lingqing continued to intensify his attack on the man-made wormhole, and at the same time released several celestial techniques, blasting at the hunchbacked old man, who was the incarnation of the god.

I saw that the hunchbacked old man easily dispelled Gu Yue Lingqing's magical powers, and also worked hard to stabilize the man-made wormhole.

If Gu Yue Lingqing was given enough time, he would most likely be able to defeat the opponent and destroy the man-made wormhole.

But now, what he lacks the most is time.

If the time is delayed for a long time, and more gods at the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven react, it will be impossible to continue destroying the wormhole passage.

Fortunately, Gu Yue Lingqing was not fighting alone.

While suppressing the fleet that was transporting supplies, Meng Zhang was still observing the battle situation on the Dieyou Mountain Lord's side.

Although the two sides are temporary allies, he doesn't trust this mysterious guy.

He hoped to observe the opponent's battle more, trying to see through all the reality of the opponent.

Seeing that Gu Yue Lingqing's actions were hindered, he immediately stepped in to help.

He has not forgotten that destroying the man-made wormhole is the top priority, which is related to the success or failure of this operation.

Several sharp sword qi slashed past, and the hunchbacked old man was originally the incarnation of a god, but he would rather die than retreat, and forcibly took Meng Zhang's Liangyi Tongtian sword.

Apparently, the **** on the opposite side knew that the situation was urgent, and desperately lost the incarnation to guard the man-made wormhole.

There were a few scars on his body first, and then his figure became a bit unreal.

The blow failed, and Meng Zhang felt the opponent's difficulty, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

Accompanied by the rumbling thunder, the thunder of the Yin-Yang Extinction God bombarded the past overwhelmingly. At the same time as it bombarded the old man, it also continuously bombarded the man-made wormhole.

After Meng Zhang joined the battle, Gu Yue Lingqing continued to exert her strength.

The hunchbacked old man was severely injured by the thunder of the Yin-Yang Extermination God, and all his limbs became mutilated.

The man-made wormhole was first blasted a few gaps by the Yin-Yang Extinction God Thunder, and then an invisible huge force squeezed it and directly burst it.

The entrance and exit of the man-made wormhole collapsed, and then was flooded by the violent anti-space storm.

The figure of the hunchbacked old man was completely engulfed by the anti-space storm and disappeared.

Both Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing took the initiative to avoid being involved in the anti-space storm.

The man-made wormhole was destroyed, and the connection between the Divine Favor Star District and the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven was temporarily interrupted, and their primary task was achieved.

They were about to clean up the members of the Temple of Heaven sitting here, when suddenly a violent roar came from the anti-space storm.

I saw a pair of giant hands struggling to get out of the anti-space storm, trying to enter the interior of the divine favor star area.

Meng Zhang was a little surprised, which **** from the Temple of Heaven is so brave, he dared to act against the anti-space storm, and wanted to shuttle over directly.

In fact, with the destruction of the man-made wormhole, waves of crazy storms were set off in the anti-space of the entire Shenen star area and even the surrounding areas.

Such a storm is enough to engulf an ordinary god.

As long as the high-level people of the Temple of Heaven are sensible enough, they should stay away from them

Meng Zhang didn't know whether he should say that the **** opposite was too brave or too reckless.

You must know that the original location of the artificial wormhole is the place where the anti-space storm is the most intense and violent.

To forcibly shuttle over against the anti-space storm, what is needed is not only strength, but also enough courage, or a little bit of madness.

If it were Meng Zhang himself, he would never do this.

Surprise is surprise, Meng Zhang will never sit back and watch the other party succeed.

Another wave of yin and yang extermination **** thunder bombarded those giant hands.

Although due to the influence of the anti-space storm, many of these Yin-Yang Extinction God Thunders were swallowed up, but most of them still fell on the target.

A roar that seemed to be extremely angry sounded, and Meng Zhang could clearly feel the unwillingness and fury in Those giant hands disappeared in the anti-space storm, and they failed to successfully shuttle here.

Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing took a closer look and confirmed that no enemy had taken the initiative to pass through the anti-space storm before they cared about other aspects.

No matter how slack or careless the members of the Temple of Heaven are, the unprecedented occurrence of an attack on a man-made wormhole is enough to alarm them.

The man-made wormhole was destroyed before the members of the Temple of Heaven who were scattered all over the Shenen Star District could come to reinforce them.

Now, everyone knows that there is a lot of trouble.

Many guys with more flexible minds already have a premonition that disaster is imminent.

Another **** who originally sat in a big world also controlled a huge palace, left that big world, and rushed towards the man-made wormhole.

The speed of the palace was very fast, but there was still no time to reach it before the man-made wormhole was destroyed.

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