The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3222: kill the enemy

The body of the spirit race has infinite magical uses, not to mention that Lei Ling is a relatively rare special spirit race, and its body has more wonderful uses.

Although it is a bit troublesome to purify and demonize Thunder Spirit, many monks in Taiyi Realm have rich similar experience.

In the inheritance of Taiyi Sect, there are many secret methods of subduing demons, and there are many ways to purify demons.

When Taiyimen was still in the Junchen Realm, it had cleaned up the evil disasters and purified the residues of the evil disasters.

This time, this god-level demonized Lei Ling led the group to attack, not only did not cause too much damage to the Taiyi Realm, but he and his subordinates became the spoils of the Taiyi Realm.

After the victory in the war, Tai Miao returned to the Taiyi Realm, trying to get in touch with Meng Zhang and the others while taking the time to recover.

Meng Zhang and others were trapped in the sea of ​​mind, and all external connections were cut off.

The fleet led by Niu Dawei has long been surrounded by god-level fog demons and their groups, and has also lost contact with the outside world.

The fog demon and the moon **** fought fiercely, and the group under his command continued to attack the fleet led by Niu Dawei.

Niu Dawei's command was determined, and all the enemies were blocked from his own defensive circle.

While the fleet killed the enemy in large numbers, it had already had a chance to launch a counterattack.

But Niu Dawei ordered the fleet to stabilize, continue defensive operations, and continue to consume the enemy's strength.

The reason why he did this was because he knew very well that the final factors that determine the battle in front of him are not his own fleet and the enemy's ethnic group, but the two god-level powerhouses, Moon God and Fog Demon.

This god-level fog demon manifested a magical fog that filled the sky, surrounding the entire enemy fleet.

This vast fog not only surrounded the enemy fleet and cut off its connection with the outside world, but also greatly strengthened the combat effectiveness of the fog monster and its subordinate groups.

This magic fog is equivalent to a huge domain.

Although Luna fought the enemy in a disadvantageous situation, after some battles, she not only got used to the enemy's various methods, but also figured out many details about the enemy.

I saw a bright moon rising, and the almost endless moonlight lit up, easily dispelling the surrounding fog.

The shape of the fog demon is ever-changing, and it is undergoing complex changes at any time.

As soon as it was illuminated by the moonlight, its movements froze temporarily.

A writhing mist seemed to be frozen by the moonlight.

The Taiyin Slaughtering Sword turned into a crescent moon, and quickly circled around the cloud of mist.

There was an extremely shrill scream in the void, and the fog demon at the level of a **** was killed by the moon **** on the spot.

Luna was able to kill opponents of the same level so easily, which was beyond the imagination of both the enemy and us.

One must know that monsters of the level of demons and even demons have a great advantage over ordinary gods.

When the Moon God fought against the Luanxi Heavenly Demon, he was always passive and suffered a lot.

She has worked hard for many years and devoted herself to hard work, and now she finally sees the fruits of her years of practice.

The god-level mist demon was killed by the moon god, and the group of dragons under his command had no leader, and became the target of wanton killing by monks in the Taiyi realm.

Following Niu Dawei's order, the entire fleet launched a full-scale counterattack, and soon wiped out this monster group completely.

Next, the entire fleet began to rest on the spot,

Breaking through the siege of fog, this fleet resumed its connection with the Taiyi Realm.

However, neither Taiyi Realm nor Moon God can contact Meng Zhang for the time being.

Fortunately, everyone has confidence in Meng Zhang and is not very worried about him.

After some rest, Niu Dawei decided to follow the original plan and continue to lead the fleet to the Shenen Star District.

No matter what happened in the Shenen star area or what happened to Meng Zhang, they had to go there to know what happened there.

With Luna sitting in command, Tai Miao is relatively at ease about the safety of the fleet.

He solemnly reminded Luna to keep in touch with him at any time.

Once things go wrong, immediately cast a spell to summon him to descend.

Tai Miao and Luna are both top members of the Taiyi Realm's **** system.

One is the lord of the underworld, and the other is the lord of the heavens, and there is a special connection between them.

They can call each other down when needed.

Although it can't appear instantly, at least it can save a lot of time on the road, allowing them to join forces to fight against the enemy quickly.

Moon God kept Tai Miao's instructions in mind, and followed Niu Dawei to continue leading the fleet towards the God's Grace Star Area.

On the other side of the Shenen star area, the Dieyou mountain master inspired the spiritual power of all intelligent creatures in the entire star area, forming a vast spiritual sea, and Meng Zhang and the others were trapped in it for a while.

The two sides have been fighting for so long, and she seems to have the upper hand, but she has never been able to gain a decisive advantage.

Meng Zhang seems to have been using his spiritual aura to passively defend, but he secretly has other calculations.

As long as he starts to counterattack, there will be no chance for the opponent to resist.

At first, Meng Zhang was quite amazed at the scheming and strength of Dieyou Mountain Lord.

He originally thought that his family might be defeated this After fighting for so long, he was a little disappointed by the strength of Dieyou Mountain Lord.

It is true that Dieyou Mountain Lord is a spiritual cultivator at the level of an immortal, and his combat power surpasses many ordinary immortals.

She also mobilized the power of the sea of ​​mind, seemingly unstoppable.

However, Meng Zhang found that the opponent's combat power was still limited to the level of the first realm of immortality, and there was still a distance from the second realm of immortality.

She manipulated the spiritual sea to trap and suppress Meng Zhang and the others, but the spiritual aura emitted by Meng Zhang's team has always been more than self-preserving.

As for her subordinates, the only ones who can really be used to participate in this level of battle are the two gods who were controlled by her not long ago.

In the ocean of mind, after becoming puppets, the Iron Wall God and Jinbi God were severely restricted and could not exert any power at all.

The two gods teamed up, but they couldn't even fight against Gu Yue Ling Qing.

Meng Zhang sometimes wonders in his heart, the other party is also the master of the spiritual lineage of a large star area, why there are no other strong men under his command.

If she could dispatch a few god-level powerhouses at this time, Meng Zhang and the others might not be able to support them.

Dieyou Shanzhu said that she was bewitched by the demon in her heart, and then she fell into the way of demon and was controlled by him.

Although he was dubious about what she said, Meng Zhang still did not relax his vigilance, and kept guarding against the appearance of the inner demon she said.

Meng Zhang is not absolutely sure that he can fight against the inner demon that can infect Dieyou Shanzhu.

He had already made preparations to retreat.

Once the opponent appears and finds that he is incapable of fighting, he will find a way to retreat as soon as possible.

In order to guard against this heart demon, he also secretly kept a lot of power and hole cards.

But the two sides have been fighting for so long, and the inner demon that Dieyou Shanzhu said has never shown up.

Is this demon caught up in other things?

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