The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3238: break through

According to Meng Zhang's plan, it is best to destroy the Zerg army led by the six Zerg kings before the Zerg mother emperor arrives here.

In this way, they can concentrate on dealing with the strongest Zerg empress in the subsequent battles.

Now that the Taiyi Realm and spiritual cultivators have joined forces, it is entirely possible to complete Meng Zhang's plan.

The Taiyi Realm took the lead.

One after another, the void warships left the Taiyi Realm and moved forward, forming a loose formation in front of the Taiyi Realm, speeding forward.

After the Zerg in front came into range, the Void Battleships opened fire without hesitation.

The ferocious firepower created gaps in the Zerg army.

There were also many long-range attacking units in the Zerg army, and they immediately launched a counterattack, fighting the opponent vigorously.

Taiyi Realm quickly caught up from behind and joined the battle.

These void battleships take the etheric world as their support and center, and keep bombarding the Zerg army.

Taiyi Realm is more like a huge fortress, with extremely fierce firepower.

After each large-scale fire, it can disperse or even eliminate a Zerg team.

The spiritual cultivators still kept their word and did not let Taiyi Realm participate in the battle alone.

They don't seem to know how to preserve their strength and steal and play tricks, but honestly put their main force into the battle.

I saw the spiritual cultivators formed a special formation, moving towards the Zerg army, and at the same time began to stimulate their spiritual power.

The spiritual power like the tide pushes the vitality in the void, and even distorts the rules of heaven and earth in the void.

Countless Zergs exploded and died before they had contact with the spiritual practitioners.

Layman Burning Heart, the three celestial-level spiritual cultivators, have been staying in the spiritual cultivating team, controlling and guiding the gathered power of all spiritual cultivators.

The six insect kings each lead their personal guards and serve as the nodes of the entire army of insects, gathering countless forces of the insects to fight against the enemy.

The Moon God temporarily stays in the Heaven Realm of the Taiyi Realm, coordinating and controlling the power of heaven and earth in the Taiyi Realm, and blessing the monks from all sides of the Taiyi Realm participating in the battle.

Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing led an elite team of monks to attack the Zerg army head-on, trying to get inside.

To deal with the Zerg army, the beheading tactic is a good choice.

As long as the six worm kings are eliminated, the entire zerg army will probably fall into huge chaos.

Compared with starting from the periphery, slowly clearing the wings of the Zerg army, and stepping into the army step by step, this tactic can tell the winner faster.

Of course, if he didn't have absolute confidence in his own strength, he wouldn't dare to use such a tactic easily.

Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing took the lead, and each used their own means to kill the Zerg army in front, which kept retreating, almost shaking the formation of the entire army.

An Moran, Jade Dragon King, Mu Xingtong and other real immortal-level powerhouses guarded Meng Zhang's two wings and continued to expand their battle results.

The number of such a small team is less than double digits, but it is extremely ferocious. It is like an extremely sharp knife, easily entering the Zerg army, and has the posture to kill the entire army.

If they can't be stopped in time, maybe they will shake the entire Zerg army.

The two insect kings led the personal guards and took the initiative to intercept them.

The yin and yang qi turned into a long river and rushed straight, easily dissipating the guards led by the two insect kings, and made the two insect kings have to retreat again and again.

Meng Zhang showed great power and showed extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The two insect kings at the level of immortals, together with their personal guards, had almost no power to fight back in front of him, and could only be passively beaten.

A celestial-level insect king, with the help of the personal guards.

Logically speaking, the combat power should be about the same as that of ordinary angels.

But the two insect kings were completely suppressed by Meng Zhang, and they continued to bear his fierce blows.

Another worm king came to help with his personal guards, but Gu Yue Lingqing easily stopped him.

Gu Yue Lingqing's combat power was also stronger than that of ordinary celestial beings.

He was probably inspired by Meng Zhang, and he was so brave that he beat the insect king back steadily.

Although there are still three-headed insect kings, they can't be separated now and must take charge of the entire Zerg army.

Otherwise, whether it is the onslaught from the second world or the impact from the spiritual cultivators, it is possible to defeat the entire Zerg army.

The three worm kings had to lead an army to fight against two enemies, and they could not directly help their companions deal with Meng Zhang and the others.

The only thing they can do is to mobilize more Zerg army to besiege Meng Zhang and the others.

There is no Zerg army led by the insect king himself at the level of an immortal. In front of Meng Zhang and the others, they just came to die purely.

Anyway, the Zerg army is large in number, and it seems that they can afford this kind of loss.

Several insect kings were still a little bit aggrieved before, and felt that they should not retreat in front of the interface between Meng Zhang and Taiyi.

Before the war, they even had the idea of ​​winning.

Now that they have seen the powerful strength of Meng Zhang and Taiyi Jie, their mentality has changed again.

They didn't want to defeat Meng Zhang and the others, they just wanted to delay the time until the Zerg Mother Queen came to reinforce them.

Since Meng Zhang chose the beheading tactic, he was naturally unwilling to slowly entangle with the but wanted to make a quick decision as much as possible.

After a long river of yin and yang energy collided and twisted in the void, it temporarily separated the two insect kings he was facing from the other army of insect races.

The two insect kings had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

They led the guards to join forces, huddled together to keep warm, and fought against the mighty Meng Zhang together.

Meng Zhang broke away from the small team he led, and crashed into the guards of the two insect kings.

Countless fierce sword qi swam around Meng Zhang's body.

All Zerg members who tried to get close to his body, no matter how high or low they were, were smashed to pieces by the sword energy.

The remaining personal guards of the two Zerg Kings gathered together, at least thousands of Zerg members, including many powerful high-level Zerg.

But in front of Meng Zhang, they were like chickens and dogs, completely vulnerable.

Meng Xianting walked like a stroll, facing countless broken limbs and broken bodies of the Zerg, and approached the two Zerg Kings step by step.

The two worm kings gathered the strength of their personal guards and issued a series of strange secret techniques, which were easily resolved by Meng Zhang before they got close.

Although the Zerg race has many powerful secret arts with different functions, it is obviously not a wise choice to fight Meng Zhang, a magician.

Meng Zhang continued to show his power against the spells of the two insect kings.

It didn't take long for the two insect king's personal guards to be slaughtered.

You must know that the members of the Zerg King's personal guards are all carefully selected from thousands of Zerg strongmen, and they have extremely strong abilities.

Among them, there is no lack of powerhouses at the level of true immortals.

The captain of the personal guard is looking forward to being by the side of the insect king, being impregnated with his power, and greatly improving in all aspects.

After the insect king gathers the power of the personal guards, it can greatly improve its own strength.

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