The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3241: come

As another celestial-level worm king was killed by Meng Zhang, bursts of anger came from the zerg army.

This is another worm king, giving birth to the feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit and a fox.

Most of the time, the insect king at the level of a fairy has enough wisdom to understand everything that happens.

Meng Zhang didn't care about resting, and was going to strike while the iron was hot, and found several insect kings again, and killed them completely.

At this time, the mutation finally happened.

I saw a large area of ​​Zerg, arranged in a complex and huge pattern.

Following bursts of mysterious low-pitched chants from the Zerg army, countless Zergs suddenly exploded, and their entire bodies turned into pools of flesh and blood.

These flesh and blood gathered together and all flowed into that huge pattern.

The figure was supplemented with enough flesh and blood, and immediately spun quickly.

Soon, that huge pattern turned into a huge portal.

More Zerg burst and turned into countless flesh and blood, which seemed to be some kind of power, making them start to move slowly.

A crack slowly appeared in the huge portal.

Cold, bloodthirsty, angry... and other breaths quickly came out from the portal.

More and more Zerg members exploded and turned into flesh and blood, which became a stronger driving force to push this portal.

When the portal appeared, Meng Zhang had an ominous premonition, and instinctively wanted to rush over to stop it from operating.

However, countless Zerg armies rushed over one after another, dragging his pace with their lives.

Even the few insect kings who were moving quickly to avoid his pursuit did not continue to move, but guarded the portal with all their strength to ensure that it would not be damaged and could be opened smoothly.

Meng Zhang had just killed a group of cannon fodder and wounded a bug king who was blocking his way.

Before he got close to the portal, a powerful repelling force blocked him.

With such a slight delay, he lost his best chance.

I saw that the door was completely opened, revealing the scene behind the door.

Behind the portal, there was an empty void at first, and then a huge insect appeared there, trying to come here through the portal.

Judging from the aura on its body, this huge insect is probably the queen mother of this Zerg race.

If the real body of a queen mother descends, everyone present will be in trouble.

It's a pity that the arrival of the empress is already unstoppable.

The huge bug wasn't slow, but rather swift.

She stretched out a pair of insect feet and pulled the huge door, and squeezed her huge body over.

The real body of the Zerg Mother Queen had just arrived, and the entire Zerg army seemed to have received some invisible stimulus, and its momentum suddenly rose, even its shape changed.

The main part of the Zerg Queen's body came over, but the other parts of her huge body remained there.

The huge body twisted slightly, and immediately gave birth to terrifying power.

There are several huge tentacles on her body, as if pulling something, desperately moving towards this side.

Meng Zhang was about to interrupt his action, but after thinking about it for a while, the main part of the opponent's body has come here, so it doesn't make much sense for him to make a move at this time.

Accompanied by violent shocks, the huge tentacles protruding from the Queen Mother forcibly pulled a hill-like palace from the gate to this side.

The palace was struggling non-stop, but it was not only tightly entangled by tentacles, but also suppressed by the Queen Mother's secret method, and it was still unable to break free.

According to Meng Zhang's observation, the other side of that portal is a void that is very far away from here.

The Zerg Empress probably opened the space portal forcefully in order to quickly reinforce the Zerg army here, crossed a long distance, and descended directly here.

And the palace that has been trapped by him is probably his enemy.

At such a critical juncture, the empress refused to let go of this arch enemy. It seemed that the hatred between the two parties was very deep.

Another reason why Meng Zhang didn't interrupt his actions was that he wanted him to forcibly pull the palace over.

As soon as the Zerg Empress appeared, she began to release her powerful aura unscrupulously.

After feeling its breath, Meng Zhang, who has always been calm, couldn't help but change his face.

Judging from the strength of power alone, this Zerg mother emperor almost has the strength of the second realm of heavenly immortals.

If it weren't for speculation about its weakness, Meng Zhang might have ordered an immediate retreat.

This Zerg mother emperor is a powerful enemy that Meng Zhang has never encountered.

Relying on his own strength, it is very likely that he will not be able to defeat the opponent.

Although the palace was restrained by it, it still restrained part of the Queen Mother's power more or less.

After the Zerg Mother Queen pulled the palace over, the huge portal quickly disappeared.

The empress's whole body was covered with dense compound eyes, and she glanced around lightly. All the monks present felt shuddering and numb.

Although the Queen Mother was observing all the monks around her, her focus was on Meng Zhang from the very beginning.

The queen mother is indifferent, but she holds grudges very much.

Meng Zhangzhu killed three insect kings at the celestial, causing unprecedented losses to this group.

He was even more arrogant before, provoking face-to-face, and he was already on the empress' must-kill list.

The Empress opened her mouth wide, and spit out countless light spots.

These points of light turned into a brand new Zerg army in the void, and it was led by two insect kings of the Celestial level.

The original Zerg army that was on the verge of collapse, after the arrival of the Queen Mother, its morale was boosted, it got stronger blessings, and began to stabilize its position.

This new Zerg army immediately rushed to the battlefield, joined the battle, and joined hands with the original Zerg army.

The two Zerg armies came from the same ethnic group, so they were originally one.

Under the leadership of a total of five insect kings, the entire army cooperated tacitly, formed a strict formation, and exploded with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The Taiyi Realm and spiritual cultivators were once again caught in a bitter battle.

Meng Zhang didn't care about anything else.

He was being targeted by the Zerg mother emperor, and he had no time to care about him at the moment.

The Zerg Queen did not join the Zerg army, but was in an empty void not far away.

Facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, Meng Zhang had no intention of evading.

He took a step forward, and his figure appeared in front of the empress.

After Meng Zhang was promoted to Heavenly Immortal, he encountered many opponents of the same rank.

Among them, the strongest is probably the Luanxi Heavenly Demon who had just been promoted back then.

In the end, many gods and immortals joined forces to completely kill this powerful enemy.

Compared with the empress who is facing today, the Luanxi Heavenly Demon back then is a world of difference in terms of strength alone.

Meng Zhang knew that this time he was going to face a severe test.

In the current situation, unless he is willing to abandon the Taiyi Realm, abandon the disciples and escape.

Otherwise, he had no choice but to confront the opponent head-on.

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