The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3462: keep away

【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Tai Miao is not a Tianji Immortal Master like the original deity Meng Zhang, and is not proficient in the Tianji calculation method of Dao Sect.

But one good thing about Shinto is that many gods, especially gods like him who are born as ghosts and gods, often have some sense of good, bad, and misfortune.

Sometimes, this kind of sense is not necessarily worse than the spiritual sense of the Tianji Master.

Now, Tai Miao feels that there are undercurrents and dangers in the sea of ​​flowers, and it is no longer a place to stay for a long time.

When Meng Zhang left Taiyi Realm, he considered the situation that he would not be able to contact the senior officials of Taiyi Realm in time.

Therefore, he entrusted Taimiao with full authority to handle important matters in the Taiyi world.

Although the senior officials of Taiyi Realm did not know that Tai Miao was Meng Zhang's incarnation, but because of Tai Miao's cultivation level and Meng Zhang's absolute trust in him, they had no choice but to obey Tai Miao's orders.

After a series of changes in the situation in the whirling flower sea, Meng Zhang had long wanted to let Taiyijie leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.

Before, it was just that conditions did not allow him to do it rashly.

Now, since they could not contact Yunshen Bodhisattva, Yunmen Sect and other sects were a little anxious.

The powerful people hiding in the darkness of various Buddhist cultivating forces have basically appeared.

When they were searching for the whereabouts of Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others, they did not forget to look for the retreat place of Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

Due to their rough behavior, many conflicts broke out with some Taoist cultivating forces and other neutral cultivating forces.

Many practitioners who didn't want to cause trouble saw the chaos in the sea of ​​flowers getting more and more chaotic, so they took the opportunity to leave here as soon as possible.

Yunmen Sect and other practicing sects are busy with their own affairs and can't care about these guys.

In fact, they wanted these guys to leave quickly so as not to cause trouble to them.

At this time, Tai Miao keenly realized that the opportunity for Taiyi Realm to leave the sea of ​​flowers had arrived.

The strong men of the Yunmen Sect and other practicing sects no longer have time to take care of the enemy in the Taiyi Realm.

On the Luoyu Sect side, the Mingjing Celestial Immortal actually hoped that the Taiyi Realm would continue to stay in the Sea of ​​Swirling Flowers, and sent monks to help search for the retreat place of Namo Sun Moonlight Buddha.

Tai Miao's number one task is to protect the Taiyi Realm, not to get involved in the overt and covert fight between the Taoist Golden Immortal and the Buddhist Buddha.

Besides, Meng Zhang has tried his best enough, and now there is still no news about him.

Seeing the opportunity, Tai Miao temporarily brought Tai Yi Jie into his own kingdom of God, and took Tai Yi Jie on the road.

Many monks in Taiyi Realm are very reluctant to part with the resource-rich sea of ​​dancing flowers.

In particular, there are many known resource points that they have not had the opportunity to develop, which is really a pity.

The senior officials of Taiyi Realm were sensible enough and did not let greed cover up their own reason.

Resources can be obtained from other places in the future.

The current sea of ​​whirling flowers is already an out-and-out fire pit. It might become a battlefield for the Buddha. It is obviously not a place where Taiyi Realm is qualified to stay.

Regarding the matter of leaving the sea of ​​flowers as soon as possible, even without Meng Zhang's instructions, everyone basically agreed.

Taimiao Tianshen's cultivation in the middle stage can be regarded as a strong man who is not easy to mess with. Generally, no one will deliberately embarrass him.

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Those powerful men at the level of the Great Bodhisattva have no intention of dealing with him now.

Although taking Taiyi Realm with him made him subject to great restrictions and slowed down greatly, he finally left the whirling flower sea smoothly.

After leaving the sea of ​​dancing flowers, Tai Miao kept walking towards the distance.

When he reached a place far away from the whirling flower sea, where even the great Bodhisattva could not reach it in a short time, he released the Taiyi Realm.

As for the next step for Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang had no clear instructions before, and Taimiao naturally had no clear goals.

Tai Miao discussed with the senior officials of Taiyi Realm, Taiyi Realm chose a direction away from the whirling sea of ​​flowers, and set sail again.

Although Meng Zhang is still in the sea of ​​dancing flowers and there has been no news yet, everyone has full confidence in him and believes that he will return safely.

Meng Zhang has a special sense of both Taiyi Realm and Taimiao. He can find them even if they are far away in the void.

Tai Miao continued to rule Taiyi Realm, and Taiyi Realm once again embarked on a wandering journey.

The whirling sea of ​​flowers, the Luoyu Sect, etc. were all forgotten by them.

Meng Zhang, who was in Gui Xu, could not contact Tai Miao for the time being due to the huge barrier between Gui Xu and the void. Naturally, he did not know that Tai Yi Realm had left the whirling sea of ​​flowers.

He is still following Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others from a distance to see if they can catch up with the Green Lion.

Since the Buddhist bead released by Yunji Bodhisattva has been stuck to Qing Shi's body, he has never been able to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

As that Buddhist bead continued to consume and oppress him, the cassock on his body made of the light of the sun and moon Buddha became darker and darker, as if it would disintegrate at any time.

Even for Qing Shi and the pursuers behind him, Guixu is a very dangerous place to bury them.

If it weren't for the pursuit of the Blue Lion, Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others would not have stayed in such a dangerous place for long.

For certain purposes, powerful men at the level of the Great Bodhisattva would indeed enter Guixu to explore, but every time they explored, they were cautious and walked on thin ice.

Their current pursuit, which was quite vigorous, did not lead to danger in Guixu. It must be said that both sides were very lucky.

As for whether this kind of luck can be maintained forever ~ ~ no one can say.

In fact, Qingshi is not running around like a headless fly, he still has something in mind.

The pursuers behind him destroyed the world he was guarding, and also killed several souls of Namu Sun Moon Light Buddha. They must get the punishment they deserve.

After the enemy began to show more trump cards, Qing Shi could not defeat his opponent by himself.

In this case, he had to lead them to a place where he could capture them.

After another period of escaping, Qingshi finally arrived at his destination.

In Guixu, which was originally pitch dark without any light, suddenly an extremely bright light lit up.

Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others, who were chasing the green lion, instinctively felt that something was wrong.

They were about to turn around and run away, but it was already too late.

Waves of light turned into indestructible cages, trapping them tightly.

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【Shangmenxian Road】【】

Meng Zhang, who was still some distance away from Yunshen Bodhisattva and the others, did not escape.

Before he could make any more moves, a very spiritual light trapped him.

Although Meng Zhang has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running away.

He had never seen the Buddha in person, but he had seen the clone of Pudu Golden Immortal and had been exposed to the will of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Such a scene and such magical power cannot be achieved by a powerful person at the level of a great Bodhisattva.

Before and after he fell into the cage transformed by light, there was almost no resistance at all.

(End of chapter)

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