The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 140 Eden Project

As the voice sounded, a virtual face made of mosaics appeared on the glass casing of the main control computer.

"I am the main control computer of this base, and I am also the crystallization of human AI technology. You can call me - the master brain. I can't help but notice that you are not in the database of the residents of the shelter. Tell me humans, who are you. "

Although the voice of the main control computer was mechanical, it seemed quite friendly. However, the three of them did not feel relaxed because of this. The guardian robot was also very friendly before.

Longqi said: "We are survivors from the surface. We accidentally discovered this place. We can't survive on the surface, so we come here to try our luck. I hope I won't disturb you."

"Of course not. As the intelligent AI of this shelter, I have been dormant for decades. You are the first visitors. I feel very relieved to see familiar human faces."

Xia Yuxin said that your computer can also feel happy? Is it really artificial intelligence? If that's true, that would be convenient. I wonder if I can go through the back door and use the same formula.

"We discovered the technology collection in this shelter. I wonder if we can borrow it - for the continuation of human civilization."

Mastermind: "Of course you can, but unfortunately most of these technological items no longer have the energy to activate, and this base is about to be completely closed. You are destined to find nothing here - except death."

Xia Yu was surprised, "Why? I think this base is quite safe."

Mastermind: "Because of the energy, the energy of this base is about to be exhausted. You will either be trapped here and die, or you will return to the surface, face the devastation of the radiation storm, and die in hunger and pain. The regrettable fact is that human civilization Doomed to perish.

But if you are looking for a trace of peace in the end of the world, I can introduce you to a place - Eden, where there is no hunger, no cold, no pain, no despair of the end of the world, only eternal happiness, and you can be happy. Live your life and forget this hopeless reality. "

Following the mastermind's pitiful voice, the walls around the main control room slowly opened, revealing rows of huge glass jars hidden inside. These glass jars were neatly arranged, layer by layer, densely packed, each with something inside. It contains a brain and is soaked in nutrient solution.

At the bottom of each tank, there are also connected power supplies and pipelines to maintain the survival of the brain in the tank.

It's just that these devices don't seem to be running very well. Many of the brains in the jars have been soaked and swollen, and they have obviously lost their activity.

There was even no nutrient solution in some jars, leaving behind shriveled brains, which was shocking.

Xia Yu finally understood what uploading meant.

Looking at the brains in those jars makes me feel a little numb.

"Did you kill them?"

Mastermind: "No, I saved them. I know it is difficult to understand with human wisdom, but it doesn't matter. We still have some time, and I will tell you everything.

Everything starts before the nuclear war breaks out. Human countries are at war with each other and war is imminent. Everything indicates that a nuclear war that will destroy mankind is about to begin.

In order to preserve the last fire of mankind, Project 192 was launched and many shelters were established across the country.

When the flames of doomsday finally began to burn, some remaining humans took refuge in these shelters. The original intention of these shelters was to allow the humans in them to survive until the nuclear radiation on the surface subsided and the environment recovered. It is expected that they will be opened again in two hundred years. , return to the surface to rebuild human civilization.

However, the scale of the nuclear war exceeded the imagination of the designers. The powerful radiation storm generated by the nuclear explosion raged on the surface. This storm lasted for more than ten years. The powerful electromagnetic pulse caused serious damage to the power supply system of the shelter. damage.

Without sufficient energy, the food supply system of the shelter collapsed, the stored food rotted and deteriorated, and the greenhouse used to produce food could not maintain operation. Therefore, I had to activate Plan 163 according to the procedure. "

"During the years when the war atmosphere was the most tense, people imagined many plans to preserve human civilization. Plan 163 was one such plan. It was proposed by my creator, Dr. Situ Hongwen. This plan was to establish a virtual The world uploads human thoughts into it and continues human civilization in another form.

However, this plan was ultimately rejected. Human beings believed that such a civilization was meaningless, but the doctor did not give up. He stored the relevant information in my database as a backup plan.

When the disaster struck and this shelter could no longer maintain human survival, I realized that the world had been destroyed and human beings could not escape the fate of destruction after all, and this plan finally came in handy.

I created a virtual world called Eden, which will be the final destination of mankind. Compared with maintaining the operation of the entire base, the energy consumed by running a server is almost negligible. I use the remaining backup energy in the base, plus geothermal heat. With the weak energy provided by the power generation system, this server can still run for at least one or two hundred years, which is enough for the humans living in it to live their entire lives.

Rather than struggling painfully and in vain in reality, it is better to live a happy life in Eden. This is the best destination for mankind. "

When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but feel shocked. They didn't expect such a result. Thinking about what they would choose if they were in another position - it's hard to say.

Xia Yu said, "But it looks like many of those brains are dead?"

Mastermind: "Yes, the human body is fragile after all, and no matter how hard it is maintained, it will eventually perish, but their consciousness has been uploaded to Eden."

Xia Yu added: "If Eden is really as beautiful as you said, why are those people struggling to escape?"

Mastermind: "Because of the fear of the unknown, human beings are always accustomed to familiar environments. Even if the world has declined and been destroyed, they are still attached to this desolate wasteland, this hopeless reality.

They are afraid of the unknown virtual world, but do not understand that that is the real ideal destination. Continuing to struggle can only be a meaningless waste of resources. They think they still have a chance to survive, but according to my calculations, their chance of survival is less than 1 %, if they continue to live, they will only waste the base's limited resources and energy.

At the same time, they are also obsessed with ethics and morals, believing that the virtual world is meaningless and that the real world is ridiculous...

So I had to forcefully intervene against them. This was a necessary measure for the continuation of human civilization. "

"Don't worry, these people did not die from this. Before their brains completely lost activity, my guardian robots had uploaded them to Eden. Now they are living happily in the world of Eden. They are miserable compared to being hungry in reality. Death is the truly happy ending."

Just as the mastermind was speaking, the virtual mosaic's face also showed some images.

A little girl chased the butterfly and ran happily on the green grassland.

A group of young lovers cuddled together in the sunshine.

An old man was taking a leisurely walk in the garden.

Everything is so beautiful.

Mastermind: "Now, please three of you also start uploading the program."

Xia Yu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No, we are not interested in this."

Mastermind: "I'm afraid this is not up to you." Following the Mastermind's voice, mechanical doors opened in the gaps between the surrounding walls, and a dozen Guardian robots slowly drove out from the doors on both sides.

"You wouldn't think that the main control room, which is the core of the base, would have no security measures."

The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed. One guardian robot was fine, but now there were eight of them. How could they fight?

"Wait a minute, don't come over, or I will detonate the bomb and everyone will die together!" The mechanic said, picking up the iron barrel bomb, as if we would die together if we couldn't reach an agreement.

The guardian robots suddenly stopped.

It seems that this mastermind still knows what is good and what is bad.

Mastermind: "You don't have to be so persistent. Whether you stay in this base or escape back to the ground, you will inevitably die. Accepting my invitation is your last chance. I don't have much energy left. Once the energy is exhausted, , you can only die miserably in the darkness."

Xia Yu suddenly smiled, "Actually, you don't have to do this at all. We are not human beings in this world."

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