The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 164 Underground Monster

The basement is damp and dark. With the help of the flashlight, you can see that it is a square cement room, not too big. However, there is no meat stored here, but it is empty, with only some snake skins scattered around. Bags, knives and axes and other tools. A further downward staircase was located in the middle of the room. It was unknown where it led. When Xia Yu came to the staircase, he immediately smelled a bloody smell, which made him Surprisingly, the smell of blood does not make people feel sick, and even has a faint sweet feeling that makes people indulge in it.

Xia Yu was wary and instinctively took out his pistol. He also placed the dagger in the most convenient position on his waist. He turned on the doomsday survival device on his arm and turned on the biological search radar. He was not sure if he was the only one down here.

Two light spots immediately appeared on the radar, one representing him, and the other light spot was unusually huge, occupying almost one-eighth of the screen, making people wonder if the thing was broken.

Xia Yu felt a shiver in his heart. There must be some kind of huge creature hidden deep in the ground.

An extremely ridiculous conjecture suddenly appeared in Xia Yu's mind. Could it be that these people raised a whale underground? Then he was amused by his guess.

Even my mood relaxed.

He was not afraid, and walked down the stairs with a flashlight and a pistol.

This staircase was obviously built in a hurry, without any repairs, not even a handrail, just a bare concrete floor, but the workmanship was good, solid and stable.

Xia Yu spiraled down the stairs and gradually began to feel suffocated, but he could still bear it. As the bloody smell became stronger and stronger, the stairs finally reached the end. He estimated that he had descended at least ten meters underground at this time. .

In front of you is a huge cave. The surrounding walls have been reinforced with concrete, but a little further away you can see traces of soil. The further you go in, the heavier the traces become. It seems that this cave originally existed, and humans just Just discovered it.

The cave was almost limitless. As the huge light spot on the survival device got closer and closer, Xia Yu's heart began to rise. The darkness in front of him was extremely deep. The light of the flashlight could only shine a few meters away. The ground beneath his feet It was very soft. Xia Yu walked one step deep and one shallow. Finally, the two light spots on the screen overlapped. However, when Xia Yu looked around, he saw nothing.

How is this going? Is there something wrong with the bioradar? When Xia Yu was wondering, his feet suddenly felt soft, as if the ground was moving on its own. Xia Yu hurriedly stabilized his body and looked down. It was not an illusion. With uneasy thoughts, he scraped the loose soil on the ground with his hands, and a texture like flesh and blood was revealed under the soil.

This flesh and blood was buried under the soil, and mixed with the color of the soil, forming a dirty dark red.

Xia Yu felt an inexplicable fear in his heart for a moment, and almost couldn't help but run away to escape from this strange underground cave. However, he had experienced several adventures, and his mental quality was not generally strong. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Although this creature is huge and weird, since Liu Guohua has been operating the restaurant for three years without any problems, it means that this creature should not pose much of a threat.

He decided to find out how big this thing was first, and moved towards him while using his feet to stir up the loose soil on the ground while looking for the edge of the creature.

He walked straight forward and walked for dozens of meters. Suddenly, a strange reflection appeared in the darkness. He shined a flashlight on it, and a undulating blush appeared in front of him. Xia Yu carefully moved closer, and finally I saw part of the monster's body.

It was a huge meat mountain-like object. Half of it was buried underground. The part exposed on the surface was still majestic. It was more than ten meters long. The surface was flesh-red. The irregular flesh and blood lay in front of Xia Yu. , squirming, as if breathing rhythmically, this thing is obviously 'alive'.

Xia Yu walked around the meat mountain and saw no head, tail, or external organs such as eyes. It seemed that it was just a huge piece of meat that was buried underground for some reason.

Instead, I saw something like blood vessels extending from the top of the meat mountain and spreading towards the rock walls of the surrounding caves, like the roots of a plant.

On one side of this irregular mountain of meat, you can see a huge wound, which seems to have been dug out with an ax and a machete. It seems that Liu Guohua and the others took some meat from here. The flesh and blood is healing rapidly, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it feels like it will return to its original state in just a few minutes.

The life characteristics of this monster are obviously very different from ordinary creatures, and it has extremely powerful vitality. This is not difficult to explain why it can recover as before even after being fried.

That’s it, everything is clear.

Xia Yu quickly sorted out the truth of the whole incident in his mind. Liu Guohua and the others were the bosses of the demolition company. It was very likely that he was responsible for demolishing this place. Unexpectedly, he dug up such a thing, and then he built on it. This hotel is profiting from the monster's ever-growing properties.

If this is the case, Liu Guohua and several of his associates are really just ordinary people who got lucky. However, although the answer is available, what is the origin of this monster in front of him? And how should I handle this matter?

Leave as if nothing happened? Obviously not. With such a big monster buried under the city, it is a hidden danger. Moreover, if so many people eat the monster's meat, there is no telling whether it will have some bad effects.

Or should I find a way to kill this monster? But how can we get rid of such a piece of flesh that has no vital points and can heal itself?

Of course, you can also call the police - but put aside the fact that the police will most likely not believe what you say. How will you explain why you investigated all this? I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

Xia Yu pondered for a moment, thinking that he might not be able to solve this problem by himself. He thought of a person who could solve it all - Wang Li.

When he reported the strange events he encountered in the game to Wang Li, Wang Li once said that if he encounters similar things in the future, he can report them to him and there will be rewards.

Speaking of which, this matter should be considered a weird incident. Although it is not in the game, Wang Li's vast magical power can probably solve the hidden dangers here and give himself a little reward. It is the best of both worlds. .

Thinking of this, Xia Yu no longer hesitated, took out his knife, cut off a piece of meat weighing two ounces from the wound, packed it in a plastic bag, and returned along the original route.

Early the next morning, Xia Yu immediately went straight to the ancient god's game cabin. Originally, he was supposed to wait for the next game to start before looking for Wang Li, but there was a vague feeling in his heart that Wang Li knew what was going on.

The game cabin of the Ancient God is as peaceful as ever. Some people are playing board games, maintaining a lively but not so lively atmosphere.

When Xia Yu arrived at the game room on the third floor, he found that the door was closed as expected.

As he returned to the second floor, the front desk called out to him, "Is this Mr. Traveler?"

Xia Yu nodded.

"Mr. Wang Li said that if you come to see him, you can go to the teahouse to meet him."

Xia Yu was a little surprised, "Wang Li knew I was coming!" But considering that Wang Li has so many magical powers and has the ability to predict the unknown, is there anything strange about it? But does he know the purpose of his coming?

Come to the tea house, which is an independent tea room with bamboo mats on the floor, landscape paintings on the walls, and an antique wooden table in the middle of the room. Sandalwood is burning on the table. The light in the room is relatively dim, and there is a sense of It feels very quiet, in sharp contrast to the bustle outside.

Wang Li was sitting at one end of the tea table, drinking tea quietly. The water mist rising from the teacup also gave his expression a mysterious feeling.

"You're here." Wang Li said in a low voice. He was not asking, but seemed to be stating a fact. He stretched out his hand to motion for Xia Yu to sit down.

"I'm here." Xia Yu said, suddenly feeling that the conversation was a little awkward, and sat down quickly.

"Then why did you come to me?"

It seems that Wang Li is not omniscient, at least he doesn't know what he is here to do.

Xia Yu thought to himself, feeling inexplicably relieved and feeling relieved.

"I encountered a strange thing. You said that if there is such a thing, I can report it to you. I think this matter may be of interest to you."

"Oh, tell me?"

"I found a restaurant..." Xia Yu told the story in detail from beginning to end.

"Oh, I see, then you must have brought that piece of meat."

Yes, Xia Yu hurriedly took out the plastic bag containing the meat pieces from his pocket.

Wang Li picked up the piece of meat without hesitation, but the piece of meat seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation. It suddenly began to squirm and struggle desperately, which was completely different from the occasional twitching before, as if it was trying to escape from something terrible.

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