The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 119: Movie ticket sales 1 empty

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After entangled with the reporters for more than ten minutes, Xu Mu finally escaped from their encirclement.

No way, who caused his last words to cause a sensation again.

The plot of the movie comes true.

No matter how they write the press release, it will be the best news after it is released!

Although this incident sounds a bit outrageous, after Xu Mu took out the Tyrande police's award notice, the reporters no longer doubted the authenticity of this incident.

Moreover, they would know if what Xu Mu said was true or not.

After all, Xu Mu didn't commit any crimes, so the Criminal Investigation Bureau would never fail to disclose relevant news.


Here, with the help of lawyer Zhang Yida, Xu Mu finally embarked on the road home.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you very much today."

Sitting in the other party's car, Xu Mu always finds something to thank the other party.

It is necessary to grow up as a person and in the world.

If you still don't understand anything like before, it won't work.

"Hurt, Mr. Xu is polite. I didn't help much today. When I got there, you were fine."

Zhang Yida, who was driving, turned his head slightly and glanced at Xu Mu, then replied politely.

"No, no, I still have to thank Lawyer Zhang. Really, without your help, I wouldn't be able to escape from the circle of reporters so easily."

"Harm, it's all trivial things, there is nothing to thank or not to thank."

After a few polite words, Xu Mu glanced at Zhang Yida again.

Mainly not because of the strange appearance, but because the other person's name is very interesting.

how to say.

In Xu Mu's impression, he also knew a lawyer named Zhang Yida.

It's just that Zhang Yida's legal level is a bit embarrassing.

Some things that could have been settled through compensation were in his hands. Although the client did not need to compensate, he would go to jail.

Therefore, after hearing that the other party was also called Zhang Yida, Xu Mu couldn't help but want to look at each other a few more times.

"What's wrong, Mr. Xu, is there anything wrong on my face?"

Zhang Yida also discovered Xu Mu's strange behavior through Yu Guang, and asked with some doubts.

"No, no." After Xu Mu was discovered, he waved his hand to indicate no, and then continued: "I was thinking that I might need Lawyer Zhang's help in the future, so I want to add your micro-chat."

"This is no problem. When we get to the parking place, we will add a friend."


About half an hour later, Zhang Yida sent Xu Mu to the residence, and then the two chatted with each other as friends.

After a few more polite talks, the two separated.

Xu Mu finally returned home, ready to take a rest.

After all, what happened today is a bit too nonsense!


The reporters surrounding the Criminal Investigation Bureau did not return to the company immediately after Xu Mu left, but began to compile news articles on the spot.

After all, time is flow.

Who is the first to publish this news, who will be the first to eat this traffic.

After all, what they released was confirmed news, not the news of random speculation and analysis on the Internet.

About three or four minutes later, people began to release news one after another.

[Latest news, the reason why Xu Mu was taken away by the Criminal Investigation Bureau is because the plot of his movie has come true! 】

[Unbelievable! The plot of "Manslaughter" really happened in Tyrande, and Tyrande police caught the murderer based on the plot. 】

【Shock! Xu Mu was taken away by the police because the police suspected that the plot of the "Manslaughter" movie was related to him. 】

[Is it a coincidence or something? The plot of the movie "Manslaughter" happened in reality, and the murderer was arrested because of this. 】

[Does Xu Mu have anything to do with Tyrande's real case? 】

[Grandmaster Wing Chun unexpectedly shares the same thoughts with the suspect, what is Xu Mu's identity? 】


Pieces of fresh and enthusiastic news were soon born in the hands of these reporters.

After seeing this, the netizens who eat melons were all stunned.

Because the content that some people guessed before actually happened.

Although the suspect is not Xu Mu, the plot of "Manslaughter" actually happened, and the Tyrande police found the victim's body through the film and caught the murderer.

This Nima is too outrageous!

"Fuck, as some people have guessed, the plot of the movie actually happened. However, are you sure it was not a film adapted by the director based on real cases?"

"Please see clearly, the Tyrande police only caught the murderer through the plot of the movie, so Xu Mu probably didn't know about this case before."

"Yes, this happened to Tyrande, he probably didn't know it. And the time of the incident seems to be during the filming of the movie."

"Good fellow, I'll call you good fellow."

"This thing is too outrageous, and I still don't believe it. How could there be such a coincidence in this world?"

"Yes, I always feel weird. Alas, you said, Xu Mu can come up with this movie story, did he think of committing such a crime?"

"Good guy, your idea is bold, but I think it makes sense. Otherwise, how could he have the same criminal thoughts as a suspect."

"According to you, if Xu Mu commits a crime in the future, he must be a criminal with high intelligence."


After the truth report that Xu Mu was taken away by the police, netizens rushed to shock one after another, and then they had heated discussions.

Moreover, the popularity of Xu Muhe's movie "Manslaughter" continues to rise.

After all, this matter is ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

Because of this incident, the popularity of movies continues to rise, coupled with people's curiosity.

Many people who watched the movie "Manslaughter" have sprung up in major theaters across the country.

All of a sudden, the movie tickets for "Manslaughter" were sold out.

No matter whether it is online or offline, you can no longer buy tickets for the September 30 movie.

Moreover, even the movie tickets for a few days before the National Day are almost robbed.

After all Everyone wants to see what the movie in which Tyrande police caught the murderer through the movie is like, and what story it tells.

This phenomenon was also discovered by the operation managers of major theaters.

Originally, a large number of film schedules on National Day were given to the Hollywood blockbuster "Desperate Chase".

However, the theater manager saw the hot search on the Internet and saw the movie tickets of "Manslaughter" have been sold out these days.

They decided temporarily to make up for the reduced filming volume of "Manslaughter".

Finally, the Hollywood blockbuster "Desperate Chase" has a schedule of 40%, Xu Mu's film "Manslaughter" has a schedule of 20%, and Chen Ya's film "Wandering" has a schedule of 15%. Another well-known domestic director has a schedule of 15%. The discharge amount is 15%.

As for the remaining movies that are not watched, the remaining 10% is allocated.

This shows how popular "Manslaughter" is now!

At one o'clock in the evening, the box office data of Movienet was also updated on time.

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