The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 152: "Detective Chinatown" released

Latest website: New Year's Day, a certain movie theater in Yanjing.

Although Chen Ya did not have a movie released this time, he is still very concerned about this Spring Festival file dispute.

Because this time Xu Mu's movie was released.

And Xu Mu is also the biggest hatred in his heart!

From the day when Xu Mu and Xu Fei, the queen of the **** scandal, broke out on January 25th, he knew that it wasn't that simple. These must be Xu Mu's arrangements.

Sure enough, on the 26th, Xu Mu used the heat of the scandal to make a wave of advertisements for his movie.

This also confirmed his previous speculation.

After this advertisement, Chen Ya knew that Xu Mu's arrangement had just begun.

What surprised Chen Ya was that Xu Mu actually advertised until the spring evening.

That's right, it's the Spring Festival Gala.

Queen Xu Fei’s first song "The Past Can Only Be Recollected", the text on the screen, actually wrote the soundtrack of the movie "Chinatown Detective".

To be honest, Chen Ya was extremely shocked when he saw this.

Because no one can advertise a movie on a spring evening like Xu Mu!

Moreover, it does not matter if you advertise in the spring evening.

Not only that, but the key song was still popular after the end of the Spring Festival Gala.

Even, it once occupied the second place in the hot search.

what does this mean?

This means that the night before the Spring Festival file was released, Xu Mu and his new movie successfully gained top traffic and exposure.

Moreover, the matter is far from over here.

Because Toutiao is also related to Xu Mu.

"Because of Love", sung by Xu Mu and Queen Xu Fei, made the headlines even more.

The topic was hot for a long time.

Not only the headlines, but also the Moments of Friends, Post Bar, and short videos on the Internet are crazy to spread the performance video of their performance of "Because of Love" last night in the Spring Festival Gala.

In the selection of the best program of the Spring Festival Gala, the votes were far ahead.

Xu Fei, the queen of the day, has even reached the top of the star popularity list.

Amazingly, at this moment, she is the number one star!

And Xu Mu, a new director who has only made a few movies, has also entered the top 50 celebrity popularity lists.

Directors who can be in the top 100 of the star popularity list are all quite amazing people.

Even the most famous international director Zhang Da, only ranked 98th.

It can be imagined how huge the traffic brought to them by the Spring Festival Gala.

With such a huge amount of traffic, how could their new movie "Detective Chinatown" not be noticed?

Therefore, on the first day of the new year, Chen Ya went straight to the cinema, ready to watch Xu Mu's new movie.

Because he wants to see the quality of the movie.

If the quality is not bad, maybe it can compete with Hollywood blockbusters.


Soon, Chen Ya followed the audience to the second theater.

Before watching the movie, he saw that the schedule of "Detective Chinatown" was 15%, which was second only to the 25% of Hollywood blockbusters.

It can be seen that the theaters are also very optimistic about Xu Mu's new movie.

After Chen Ya found her seat, she sat down.

Before the film was officially aired, he took a look at the attendance rate, and it turned out to be 100%.

Of course, a large part of the reason is that today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and everyone’s entertainment is basically watching movies.

This, Chen Ya was not too surprised.

It would be surprising if the attendance rate is still so high in a few days.

After ten minutes of advertising, the film officially began to play.

Chen Ya adjusted his sitting posture and began to watch the movie seriously.

As soon as the movie came up, the song "The Past Can Only Be Recollected" sung by Queen Xu Fei last night in the Spring Festival evening was played briefly.

Chen Ya's eyes condensed when he heard it.

Sure enough, advertising on the Spring Festival Gala last night must be part of Xu Mu's plan.

Chen Ya also found that when the music sounded, there was also a small commotion among the crowd watching the movie.

Obviously, they also knew that this song was sung by the Queen on the Spring Evening.

The music appeared for a short time, and then it entered the plot.

As soon as it came up, a case was thrown out, which aroused the curiosity of the audience.

Not only that, Chen Ya also found that these actors who appeared on stage at the beginning are very distinctive.

At least, the character setting is very characteristic and very happy.

Especially Kun Tai took a thick mouthful of Guang Pu and the navel-baring outfit, and smiled directly at the crowd.

All of a sudden, laughter arose in the auditorium.

Next, because of the gold theft and homicide cases, Inspector Tyrande gave them instructions that whoever can solve the case is the Deputy Inspector General.

The suspense is thrown, the task is thrown, and then the protagonist comes on stage.

What's interesting is that this movie is not a male protagonist, but there are two.

When Chen Ya saw this, she was slightly surprised.

Because of a little poor control, this movie is likely to fall apart.

However, Chen Ya discovered after watching it for a while that this might be impossible at all.

Because of the character creation, the contrast is too sharp!

After Tang Ren and Qin Feng appeared, the plot of the movie seemed to become a little flat.

But fortunately, Tang Ren and Kuntai have unique character settings, so they make up for the lack of plot.

Moreover, when the beautiful landlord played by Xu Fei, the queen, appeared, everyone's attention was also attracted to the past.

Because the queen is so beautiful!

The bumpy figure, the beautiful face, the cool dress and the long white legs.

A word.


Chen Ya didn't look at anyone else, it was just that when he saw Tianhou's dress, he swallowed involuntarily in his throat.

The previous plot was easy and funny, but after Huang Landeng began to arrest Tang Ren, the plot suddenly became tense.

Moreover, greater suspense also appeared.

How did Tang Ren become the murderer of Sompa?

To this end, the Chinatown detective congratulated him on embarking on the investigation journey.

The plot of the subsequent movie is not only exciting, but also very funny.

Among them, there are many funny scenes.

Whether it’s the appearance of the thief trio that binds Tang Ren and Qin Feng, but they pretend that Tang Ren’s accomplices are trusted by Axiang, or Tang Ren goes to Kuntai’s house to find Kuntai, and finally Tang Ren makes a fuss for Qin Feng at the police station. Gain time to view surveillance videos.

With the appearance of these funny plots, the laughter in the cinema has never stopped.

After seeing this, Chen Ya didn't smile like everyone else.

His face is very heavy, quite heavy.

The style of this movie is the same as his happy detective.

Moreover, for now, the quality of the movie is also very good.

Although the movie is not over yet, Chen Ya knows that the movie directed by Li Hua is going to lose!

With the playing of the movie, the most joyous scene also came.

When in the hospital, the police and the gangsters fought fiercely.

But here, Xu Mu used a relaxed and funny way to resolve the tragic occurrence.

Queen Xu Fei's "The Past Can Only Be Reminiscence" also shines here, and it fits perfectly with the movie screen.

The laughter in the cinema didn't stop after the music started.

Of course, the details of this scene are also full of laughter.

For example, patients in wheelchairs can actually run because of the rush.

A miracle was born like this!


After the hospital rush was over, the movie was almost at the end.

Next, it's time to reveal the murderer.

The gold theft case came to light and the murderer was also found.

And here, I have to praise Lu Ming's acting skills.

The perverted adoptive father was acted by him, and it was almost three-pointer.

The murderer was found, and then he jumped out of the window and was hit and killed.

The story seems to be over here.

However, the biggest reversal appeared again.

And the scariest smile in the whole movie was born.

That's right, it's the smile of Sino children.

When this smile appeared, the whole movie theater became silent.

And this ending, Chen Ya didn't think of it either.

He didn't even expect that this group of unknown group actors and small actors that Xu Mu was looking for would have such good acting skills.

When the movie was over, everyone began to slowly leave the theater.

And Chen Ya was sitting in her seat, looking at the big screen in front of her, and was a little speechless for a while.


After the film screening was over, film reviews appeared on the Internet soon.

Among them, the well-known film critic Hailing once again published a film review.

"Because Xu Mu has a lot of news on the Internet these days, he is very popular in the reasoning world.

So today, I came here to watch his new movie "Detective Chinatown".

To be honest, this movie really surprised me.

This movie, whether it is the setting of the plot, or the setting of the characters, is very good.

The plot is full of suspense and excitement, but without losing the humorous style.

It's hard to believe that he actually blended this contradictory style so well. Before that, it seemed that only Chen Ya's "Happy Detective" had done it.

However, compared to "Detective Joy", the character setting of this "Detective Chinatown" is much more interesting.

Each character must have its own distinctive characteristics.

And I remembered many characters in it. Such as Tang Ren, Qin Feng, beautiful landlord Axiang, Huang Landeng and Kuntai, the thieves trio, Tony, the godfather of Chinatown, Sinuo and his perverted father and so on.

Each of these characters has its own characteristics, which are impressive and not confusing.

Especially the actor who played the role of Sino children, although the appearance time is very short, but I am most impressed.

The last smile was frightened to be honest.

Before watching a movie, I once had a question.

Why would Xu Mu choose these unknown group actors and small actors?

And after watching this movie today, I also have the answer in my heart.

Xu He is a real director, he is a director who just wants to make good movies!

So, I finally gave this movie a rating of 9.

Moreover, I also strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie. "


Unlike the past, this time the well-known film critic Hailing not only gave a high score of 9 points, but also recommended everyone to watch the movie at the end of the film review.

This is rare in his film reviews.

For a time, because of this film review, because of the excellent quality of the film itself, the topic of "Detective Chinatown" once came to the top five in the hot search list.

Moreover, the ranking is still rising.

Even the headlines of Tianhou and Xu Mu have been threatened.

This movie is on fire!

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