Mindful of her righteous thoughts, Xu Ci moved her body, hugged her waist, and muttered happily: "Small kiss, how are you so good?"


"I'm using my warm body temperature, warm and cold you, have you been moved?"


Xu Ci was still obedient, let go of her directly, and continued to lie down honestly.

Xu Youyou said again how to take the medicine, and Xu replied.

She turned to the kitchen again, helped Xu Ci boil hot water, poured it into a thermos cup, screwed it, and gave Xu Ci half a cup of cool white tea, and put it on the bedside.

"It is really uncomfortable at night. When you need to take medicine, you can drink the water in the thermos cup and drink it, you know?"

Xu Ci was about to fall asleep, but he answered in a nasal voice: "Um."

Glutinous and a bit cute.

Xu Youyou was a little uneasy to see his condition, and asked, "Do you have a spare key at home?"

Xu Ci did not answer, pointing to the nightstand.

She opened the door of the cabinet herself, then saw a drawer panties, closed it again, and then heard Xu said, "Underneath, you touch it."

She could only bite her scalp and found a key in a pile of panties.

"I took the key, just in case, I will return it to you when you are ready." Xu Youyou put the key in his pocket, but did not get an answer, Xu Ci seemed to be asleep.

She helped Xu Ci cover the quilt again, turned away from Xu Ci's home, and locked the door with a key at the door.

The next morning, Xu Youyou did not go to school with Xu Ci.

After returning from the sharing area, she passed the third class and deliberately glanced through the back door glass to find that Xu Ci did not come to class.

Back in the classroom, she took out her mobile phone, opened the chat box for Xu Zi, and typed a line of words: OK?

After thinking about it, instead of sending it out, I put the phone away.

I spent a quiet day like this, and on the way back from school, I experienced bus purgatory again.

In fact, there are promises around, and indeed they can share a lot.

When she was free, she took out her cell phone, looked at WeChat, and Xu Ci did not speak to her for a day.

When she got home, she went down to the elevator on the 15th floor and stood hesitantly for a while. She thought about whether to look at Xu Ci and finally let it go.

In make-up classes.

Today Mr. Meng prepared cantaloupe for the students. It has been cut, divided into several small plates and given to them, and the toothpicks have been inserted.

"Xu Ci didn't come today?" Teacher Meng asked.

"Well, he's sick."

Teacher Meng took out a few papers from the desk: "Your family is closer to Xu Ci's home. Send this to Xu Ci and let him try it."

"Well, okay." Xu Youyou immediately took over and put it in his bag.

She suddenly had a reason to justify her promise.

In fact, you can ask at other times, and Xu Ci will be happy to answer, but I always feel very contrived.

She is not good at caring, and she will be shy when giving greetings.

At the end of the make-up lesson, Xu Youyou went back a little hurriedly. I do n’t know if it was because she went back alone today.

I ran all the way downstairs to the house, drew the elevator card, went downstairs on the 15th floor, and went up the 18th floor from the stairs.

The elevator cards in their area only go to the corresponding floor. Fortunately, the two of them are only three floors away.

By 1803, she rang the doorbell and no one opened the door for a long time.

She took the key out of her pocket, opened the door, opened the door and went in.

Xu Ci didn't turn on the light at home. She turned on the light herself and asked, "Xu Ci, are you home?"

After a while, no one answered.

She changed her shoes and walked towards the bedroom. Without turning on the bedroom lights, she saw Xu Ci still curled up in bed.

Suddenly a little disturbed, she quickly walked to Xu Ci and saw that the water on the bedside table had been drunk. He should have taken the medicine and put the medicine box on the bedside table casually.

She reached out and tore off the fever-reducing sticker on Xu Ci's forehead, and then touched the temperature on her forehead, for fear that the fever-reducing sticker disturbed the body temperature, and then touched his neck, and the temperature was better.

Xu Ci seemed to be startled. He raised his hand and touched his neck, then touched a hand, opened his eyes and looked at it, and saw Xu Youyou.

Xu Youyou subconsciously let go of her heart, she is still alive, and that's all right.

As a result, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but her hand was grasped, and then she was caught in his arms.

Xu Ci rolled over, pressed her underneath, and leaned down. Regardless of kissing up, she was caught off guard by surprise.

If the last time was a dragonfly biting water, then this time it was a stormy sea that shook the entire ocean.

The lips were crushed, because there was no precaution, it took only a moment to pry open the teeth.

A heavy, scorching breath spread across her cheek, and the thick breath seemed to be in her ear, causing her to fall into the abyss all at once.

She pressed her hand against his chest, but couldn't push the boy like a beast.

In fact, his lips were a bit dry, but soft enough, and there was tobacco in his mouth. It seemed that he had smoked more than one cigarette before going to bed.

Because her body temperature was higher than that of ordinary people, her arms were so warm that a mist of mist rose in front of her eyes, depriving her of intelligence a little bit.

Xu Ci seemed very anxious and hugged her strongly, anxious to rub her into his chest, and the kiss was eager and impatient.

The first kiss, it just felt a little itchy.

The second kiss was a strong drink, which drove her too drunk.

The first time I drank, I didn't think it tasted good, but I was burned by the water. The wine was not drunk, and the kiss was not lingering but ecstasy.

After a long while, he was willing to let go of her, but his lips were kissing her cheeks, the thin kisses, densely falling like the morning dew, with a seductive sweetness.

Finally, he bit her earlobe.

She tried to yell, "Xu Ci ..."

Then he shook him with his hands, his body suddenly trembled, and then the whole person froze.

Xu Ci was really confused.

When I woke up in the morning, I still had a heavy head and a splitting headache.

He asked for leave with the class teacher. He didn't go to school. There was really no difference. The leave was approved soon, so he continued to sleep in bed.

I was too hungry to sleep until noon. I ordered a takeaway with my mobile phone. When I went downstairs, I only wore a jacket. The calf was blown by the wind and became serious again.

After eating, he felt uncomfortable all over. He forced himself to take the medicine, and fell asleep in the evening.

It is estimated that the medicine has come up, and he is sleeping very heavily.

He dreamed on and off a lot.

He dreamed that he was still in the sports school, participated in the school selection, was selected, went to the provincial team with Shen Qing, and occasionally came back to see his classmates, not to mention how chic.

Also, he dreamed that he had chased Xu Youyou, and also wooed me with her.

In the dream, Xu Youyou was particularly soft and adorable, letting him handle it, she held Xu Youyou from the pure and friendly kissing and greetings to the rolling sheets in the later stage.

At the critical moment, Xu Youyou touched his neck, he felt particularly comfortable, so he took Xu Youyou's hand and pulled her into her arms.

How could she let her escape? He managed to punish her, so he kissed him regardless.

Then suddenly found something wrong, why did she put on her clothes again?

How could she still beat him?

she was……

He looked at Xu Youyou erratically. The two eyes were opposite each other, and neither of them acted.

The room did not turn on the light, it was closed for a long time during the day, and the ground heat was good, and the surrounding temperature was high.

Xu Youyou was wearing a coat, and was also held in her arms by a fevered person, under her body, and was extremely hot.

The most terrible thing is this weird atmosphere.

She finally returned to God, raised her hand and gave Xu Ci a punch, then kicked Xu Ci directly out of bed, quickly got up, picked up the bag and left.

After taking a few steps and stopping again, I took the papers out of the bag and threw them to Xu Ci. There was no way of saying, "Here you are!"

After that, he threw the key in his pocket and ran out.

Xu Ci heard the huge closing sound, shaking his body, then rubbing his cheeks, feeling that his face must be swollen and terribly painful.

He wanted to chase, but he didn't move. He looked down at the shape of his crotch support, and chasing it out was like sexual harassment.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and sent a message to Xu Youyou.

Nanfang Yinan: I'm confused, I'm sorry, I apologize to you.

After waiting for a while, Xu Youyou didn't return, he typed again.

Nanfang Nan: I'm really wrong.

Then he saw that his friend was deleted by Xu Youyou.

Xu Ci quickly switched to a trumpet and tried to talk to Xu Youyou, but found that the trumpet was also deleted.

He scratched his head at home for a while, and wanted to go downstairs now to find Xu Youyou, but he was afraid of disturbing the people late at night, so that Xu Youyou's parents found something.

What if her parents don't like her daughter being pursued by a boy?

What's more, he is just playing hooligan!

He knew it.

So Xu Ci was sitting at home for almost one night, or walking around the house, thinking how to explain to Xu Youyou.

At five o'clock in the morning, he finished washing, dressed neatly, took his schoolbag and took the elevator to the first floor, and stood waiting opposite the elevator.

When it was more than 6 o'clock, Xu Youyou finally stepped out of the elevator and immediately turned around after seeing him.

"Well, you wait for me." Xu Ci limped and chased after Xu Youyou, but later he was too slow to jump and chased after one leg, let alone, he jumped faster than he ran.

Xu Youyou didn't want to ignore him at all and walked faster.

"I was so sleepy yesterday, can I apologize? Can you punch me all right? I stand and fight you, or you beat me, or should I invite you to dinner?"

When Xu Cichao shook his bag, it made a sound of collision, apparently it was empty inside, only a few pens were shaking.

Xu Youyou didn't want to listen.

At first she was a little depressed, but later she lost her anger. She contacted Xu Ci normally, and now she thinks that it is really too big for her.

I coerced yesterday and returned to my home from Xu Ci's home, and started crying when I returned to the room.



Good intentions as donkey liver and lungs! Taking care of him when he was sick, how could he treat her so? !!


Nature is bad!

He ... he actually stuck his tongue out!

Thinking of this, she blushed again, hurried to the station, Xu Ci stood beside her, stared at her guilty, cleared her throat, and said, "I ... I'll buy you snacks, Or ... other ... lipstick, do you like this? "

Xu Youyou does not wear makeup.

Did not please.

Xu Ci pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at the strategy checked last night. At this time, the bus came, and Xu Ci quickly followed the car.

"Otherwise ... I'll send you a bag! Bag cures all diseases." Xu Ci followed Xu Youyou again.

Xu Youyou still ignored her. Her schoolbag was bought by Taobao for only 170 yuan, and she was not too interested in this.

Xu Ci was really wrong, so he started flipping through his schoolbag and took out the papers that Xu Youyou lost yesterday, saying, "I tried to do it last night. There are a few questions that I can't."

Xu Youyou glanced at it, then said poorly: "Bring me to see."

Sure enough it was Xueba ... The method that caught Xueba's attention was really strange.

Xu Ci quickly passed the paper to her. She took it in her hand and looked at the question. While she was looking at the problem, Xu Ci lowered her head and kept staring at Xu Youyou's face.

Uh ... my eyes are swollen, which makes Xu Ci feel bad enough.

He raised his hand and touched Xu Youyou's forehead with the tip of his index finger. It was a little hot, and he immediately asked guiltily, "Did you catch a cold too? Am I infected?"

After asking, Xu Youyou glanced at him immediately, then rolled the paper into a ball, grabbed his collar with one hand, and forced the paper ball into Xu Ci's mouth.

Xu Ci took the paper out and "snapped" several sips, and then followed Xu Youyou to the back door.

It was stupid. He poured oil on the fire, and as soon as there was some room for relaxation, he was messed up again.

Xu Ci was so angry that he drew his mouth straight, and stood beside Xu Youyou again, so he just stood, thinking hard what to do.

But when he got off the bus, no matter what Xu said, Xu Youyou ignored him.

In this way, Xu Ci went to school to look for Xu Youyou, lunch and dinner to find Xu Youyou, after school hugs Xu Youyou, Xu Youyou ignored him, giving him embarrassment.

When making up the lesson, Xu Youyou simply sat beside others and did not intend to approach Xu Ci.

Xu Ci sat across from Xu Youyou, stretched out his feet, and leaned on Xu Youyou's legs, relying on his leg length. When Meng Meng was speaking, Xu Youyou kicked Xu Ci fiercely, and Xu Ci was honest.

At the end of the make-up lesson, Xu Youyou packed things up and packed them in her bag. Xu Ci wandered around Xu Youyou like a ghost: "Little dear, listen to me explain me. ... "

Before the words were finished, Xu Youyou was hit by an elbow and couldn't say a word.

When I walked out of the building, I saw that Shi Guoliang was already waiting. The father and daughter walked in front and Xu Ci followed behind with resentment. I didn't dare to talk, mainly because I didn't know how to face Shi Guoliang.

For the next two days, Xu Ci failed to coax Xu Youyou and was on the verge of despair.

After school that day, Xu Ci walked out of school because he was not in a good mood and walked not fast. He put his hands in his down jacket pocket and walked back in two steps. I wanted to see if Xu Youyou was out.

At this time, he suddenly saw several other people approaching him and called his name: "Xu Ci."

He looked over at those people, and his footsteps immediately made him a little surprised.

Feng Rou walked in front of him, showing a pitiful appearance, and carefully asked, "Xu Ci, can I say a few words to you?"

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