The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 388: The bear falls in love with the girl·the bear bears the bear

Bears and beautiful girls are songs from all seven countries.

Because of the influence of Mans Reid, the freedmen fell in love with this song.

The lyrics are the story of a bear falling in love with a beautiful girl who is expecting a knight.

This song is very popular both among the nobles and among the common people.

Mans Reid also likes this song very much, comparable to ‘Dorn’s Lover’.

A beautiful **** the carriage picked up the harp and handed it to Mans Reid. The beautiful girl is Dana's younger sister Vale.

If the beauty of Fire Kiss Ygritte is a knife, then the beauty of Vale is a winter rose in the snow, blue as frost. In terms of feminine femininity, after Wale is the beauty of wild people, no one can match.

She has beautiful blonde hair, her eyes are as beautiful as honey, and she has long hair in a cape. She is slender and plump, with graceful behavior, like a well-educated nobleman.

Beside Wa'er, there was a man with a thin body like a gun but with an animal skin mask on his face. He was his latest male favorite. The male pet is a nickname for Wale’s boyfriend by wild people, because Wale often changes boyfriends, and there is no warrior who can be with her for more than ten days.

If Wa's boyfriend is not as good as she wants, he will be driven out of Wa's tent. Soon, Wale will fancy his new boyfriend.

Wal's beauty is unmatched, so the boyfriend she fancy knows that she will soon be rejected, but he is still happy to be with her. This is also the capital for them to brag to others in the future. However, these boyfriends have since then had a new name: Walter's male favorite.

It is said that there are many male favorites of Waer, but this new male favorite is that no one has seen his true face. Waer brought him back in the mountains where he was hunting. When he brought him back, the male pet was wearing an animal skin mask, only one very sharp eye was exposed, his eyes sharp like a cold blade.

No one has heard the voice of a man.

Wale told everyone that the new male pet she found saved her life in the siege of the wolves. She did not allow everyone to call him a male pet. She announced to Mans Reid and everyone that he was her real boyfriend.

Except for Mans and Dana, everyone laughed.

Everyone thought that what Waer said was completely unreliable.

Wah may be tired of the past gameplay, and now he is playing a new trick, and he actually covers the face of the male pet, and the male pet has never said a word, everyone thinks he is dumb.

No matter how unreasonable, as long as it is what Waer did, everything has a reasonable element.

Both Mans Reid and Dana are extremely fond of Variety and have developed a personality like her to do whatever they want.

Who told the gods to bestow her beauty? !

Like her sister Dana, Wale loves listening to Mans playing piano and singing.

Freedmen like to listen to Mans Reid singing.

Freedom's songs and dances are very good. Their songs are simple and direct, passionate and unrestrained, they always have very long pitches and little changes in melody, but they are full of vigorous and simple atmosphere.

It was Mans Reid who brought another variety of song forms to the free people.

Mans once conquered the natives of the frozen coast with singing and harp. Those fierce guys drive chariots made of walrus bones, but they like music very much. They think that only great wise men can sing beautiful music. Moreover, Mans has the ability to sing instantly by pointing at something, which is deeply loved by the aborigines, and Mans's singing has convinced them.

Mans played the harp. He hadn't spoken yet. The sound of the harp had just begun. The giant nemesis Tormund behind him sang loudly.

This bear, bear, bear!

The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush.

Bear! Bear!

A smile appeared on Mans Reid's face, and when he smiled, he was a person willing to be close to him. So many people will ignore his sharper sword.

Vale pulled up his male pet, who was also on the carriage, and he took care of the lives of Vale and Dana. At night, I slept in a small tent outside Waer's tent.

This is something that has never happened before. The male pet is unwilling to enter Waer's tent. If Waer disagrees, he will leave.

Walter gave in for the first time.

In the past, Wal's male pets all slept in Wal's tent. But it is said that no one got the chance to climb on the big bed of Wah, all the men actually slept on the ground of Wah, in animal skin blankets. But what does it matter? As long as a man can enter the tent of Wa'er once, this is the glory of a man. As for the men who can have the opportunity to sleep on the ground of the Wana tent, that is even more so that the men of the freedmen secretly envy and verbally derogate.

And the male pets who got kicked out of the tent after being tired of Wa's didn't feel ashamed. Every former boyfriend of Wa's bragged about all the romantic history of Wa's. Although everyone laughed at them and called them male favorites, nine out of ten men wanted to be Wale's male favorites, and the remaining one was ashamed and afraid to face Wale.

Vale pulled up his new male favorite, let go of his singing voice, and sang with Tormund’s broken duck voice—

Oh, people are saying, come and see the beauty!

beauty? He understands, but I am a bear!

The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush!

Mans joined the singing, his piano sound is very beautiful, the melody is like a natural sound——

Follow the road from here to there.

This head! That's it!

Boy, goat, dancing bear!

Jump and turn, slowly walking towards the beauty!

beauty! beauty!

Mans's wife also stroked her abdomen, echoing in a low voice--

Oh, she is so sweet, pure and beautiful!

Honey is in the hair of girls!

Hair clump! Hair clump!

Honey is in the hair of girls!

Ding Dongshan also joined the singing, his breath was high and his voice was loud--

Follow the gas surge in summer.

Bear! Bear!

The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush.

Freedmen around, the entourage of Mans, the shepherds who drove cattle and sheep to make gifts, and the trainers of the hound team, sang along together—

He follows the gas surge in summer!

Smile and shout that the fragrance is here!

Honey is in the air!

Everyone sang together, and the voice affected everyone. The last giant in the team-the strong Marg, the dog head Hajun who fell in love with Tyron and her bodyguards, all sang loudly. The five tones are not complete and they are out of tune. Margot even hummed in the old saying--

Mance's piano sound began to become sad--

Oh, I am a girl, pure and beautiful!

Don't dance with a teddy bear!

Bear! Bear!

Don't dance with a teddy bear!

The animal skin male pet next to Wa's also gleamed with one-eyed light. After he saved Wa's in the snow-capped mountains, he became Wa's male favorite. He has heard that Wa's sang this song to him dozens of times. Maybe the girl disliked bears. With a touch of sadness in his lyrics, he couldn't help humming in a low voice, but the sound of the piano changed, the sadness was gone, and it turned into a loud voice——

Lift her in the air!

Bear! Bear!

I call the knight, but you are a bear!

Bear! Bear!

The whole body is black and brown, covered with plush!

The singing was floating above the Milky River, flying into the sky, the ghost forest, Frost and Snow Fang, flew up to the Fist Peak of the Ancestors. Mason young man Huo De murmured: Brothers, I don’t think the savages are different from us. Listen to their singing——

"The wild people who can sing are not wild people, we should call them free people." Singer Dalyen said, "They are not worse than us, and we are not noble than them. Listen to their songs!"

The team crossed the milky river, and the team in front came to the south bank, and the singing became louder and louder. The freedmen in the cavalry corps all sang together. The formation of Will and the leaders of the legion prevented them from going out to meet their own. Wang, but singing can—

Kicked and shouted, the girl was frightened,

But he licked the hair of honey,

Hair clump! Hair clump!

He licked the hair of honey!

The prestige of Mans among the savages made Will's eyes narrowed slightly. Mans is a very tricky and difficult guy. With a bear, he naturally aroused the emotions of the freelance cavalry among the rangers.

Go against each other!

Will began to really appreciate Mans Reid.

The singing is flying in everyone's ears. Basically everyone has heard this song, and many people can sing it. Among the advance cavalry soldiers, some soldiers were affected and hummed.

There is a difference between freedom and wild... The people outside the Great Wall called themselves free people, and the people south of the Great Wall called them savages.

Will noticed that Ygritte was next to Jon, her eyes were full of love when she looked at Jon—Ygritte was singing too, and her eyes fell on Jon’s face—

The girl screamed and kicked into the air!

Bear! She called, ugly bear!

Let me down, you wild species.

Bear, bear, ugly bear.

Your love is daydreaming!


A bear, a black and brown body, covered with plush!

Oh, you are not a knight,

You are just a bear!


ps: The last paragraph of the lyrics has been deleted; April: 1 at 8:30 a.m., 2 at the next 2 o'clock, and at 6 o'clock 3. The reward is changed by 1 and the leader is changed 8.

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