The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 499: Naval Battle·Prince Tagged Captured

A mercenary brother who drank too much came to the ship's gunwale top-heavy, closed his eyes and peeed into the sea.

An arrow whizzed out and hit his forehead.

The brother crashed into the sea and threw a huge splash.

The sound failed to arouse the brothers' alertness. The brother who heard the sound closed his eyes and muttered, and went on to sleep.

Late at night, it is a good time to sleep.

But there are still a few drunken brothers in the neighboring ship fighting wine.

They all laughed when they heard the sound of falling water, cursing which guy fell into the sea after drinking too much.

It is not uncommon for brothers to fall into the sea because of drinking too much alcohol. Many brothers have the experience of falling into the sea and then climbing on a boat.

A brother raised his wine bottle and sang loudly. Then, he saw the brother opposite him staring wide and wanted to play the trick of'Make me look back'. This brother laughed and said that he had seen through the tricks of his comrades. , And then, a knife cut his throat.

When the blood splashed out, several of his brothers all stood up and drew the short knife and dagger around their waist. No one would wear a long sword to fight wine.

A throwing axe whizzed towards the face and slashed between the eyes of a brother.

The brother crashed down, and his cry of "enemy attack" was spread first.

The voice was high and sharp, and flew into the air.

It's just that when everyone was drunk and slept, the brothers heard on the adjacent boat suspected that they had heard it wrong. When they sat up and needed to reconfirm the second time, the sound disappeared.

They were amazed in their lazy physical state.

On the neighboring ship that made the noise, a few brothers who had stayed up all night fighting for alcohol had just put on a fighting posture, and several throwing axes screamed, some hit their foreheads, and some hit their necks.

The heavy axe, short-handled, precise, and drunk brothers fell into a pool of blood in a blink of an eye.

This is an attack by tribal warriors from the aboriginal stone crow department of the valley.

Since following the half-man to Longshi Island, their former stone axe has been replaced by a hatchet made of stainless steel, which can be thrown in close combat and is handy.

The thousand-man elite army of Longshidao was divided into ten hundred-member teams, each of which was responsible for attacking a battleship.


Jon Snow controlled the flagship originally belonging to Bloodbeard. Under his order, only a few rebel mercenaries were killed, and the rest were tied up, with the sword on their chests and necks. Waiting for the vital parts, the leading officers were **** by Jon Snow and stuffed a rag of a boat wiper in their mouths.

Jon Snow ordered the flagship to start and approached another large ship nearby.

"Enemy attack!"

The battleship in the distance suddenly sounded with a scream, followed by the sound of the woofer of the enemy attack.

"Enemy Attack!"

More shouts rang from all directions.

The Prince of Tattered Clothes was awakened in his sleep, he reached out and touched the long sword beside him, but he felt empty. A tall dark figure stood in front of his big bed: "Raise your hands, captain, you are captured."

The other party spoke the lingua franca of Westeros, and the Prince Tattered could understand it, but he pretended not to understand. However, a gleaming long sword came to his throat, and he saw a pair of cold eyes: "Surrender, Prince Tattered."

It was Jory Kelso who caught the Prince of Tattered Clothes.

The team of hundred men he led was the elite of the Black Armored Army, and 30 of them were knights.

The mercenary soldiers and officers outside have either been killed or completely controlled. The **** air that floated into the luxurious bedroom has said everything.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

The horn sounded in the waters to the west of the wind blow regiment, so Ed ordered, under the command of Sir Ronald Clinton, the deputy maritime secretary, all sixty warships lined up in a semicircle, extending eastward. , Letting out the sea area that leads to Junlin Heishui Bay from the west.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

The trumpet sounded in the northern waters, dozens of battleships lined up, and Ed Stark's battleship encircled the enemy fleet.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

There was also a horn from the direction of Longshidao!

Enclosed on three sides, except for the sea to the west.

In the darkness, the Prince Tattered and all his brothers heard the trumpets from three sides, and they all understood that they were trapped in the enemy's siege.

In the dark night, the horn sounded, and the enemy ships in the distance did not know how many ships there were.

The four flagships commanded by the Fengchuan regiment were under immediate control. All the warships of the Fengchuan regiment that were alarmed were not under command. The number of mercenaries on each warship that was not under control was no more than a hundred.

Soon, from the most central flagship, the horn of surrender blew by the Prince of Tattered Clothes: Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-

There were shouts of killing everywhere, and the number of legions attacked at night sounds like tens of thousands!

But despite this, there are still more than a dozen pirate warships that have joined temporarily to break out of the sea! They have rich experience and are not afraid to sail at night. They heard the loopholes in the encircling horns of the enemy and chose to take risks to break through.


When the Prince of Tattered Clothes gave an order to surrender, the soldiers of the Golden Knights were quietly lying in ambush in the primeval forest of the imperial forest. This mercenary army has five hundred knights, each knight has at least three horses, at least one slave, and at least five guards.

This is the origin of the name ‘knight’ in the Golden Knights, and it is also the core strength of the legion.

Everyone who can be honored as a knight is a warrior who has been baptized in battle.

The Golden Knights is a mercenary group established by the noble illegitimate son "Cold Iron" Yi Ge Hewen (the illegitimate son of the Targaryen family, who supported the other illegitimate son Damon Blackfire to sit on the Iron Throne). The Golden Knights have always had a notoriety for volatility, but their motto is "talk like gold."

In their base camp behind them, the current head of the team, Harry Strickland, also known as the "homeless" Harry Strickland, is soaking his feet in hot water.

Since landing in the storm, the Golden Knights will win every battle. In just a few days, they have swept through most of the castles of Wind's Breath. The children of countless nobles have become prisoners of the legion. But they failed to conquer the Fortress of the Baratheon family.

Harry Strikeland hardly looked like a warrior. He was fat, with a big round head, light gray eyes, and thin hair that he pulled aside to cover his bald head.

In the recent continuous marches and rushes, Harry's feet had a lot of blisters, which made him feel painful.

Harry Strickland’s great-grandfather lost his family fief due to the rebellion of Damon Blackfire (the noble and legalized illegitimate son of the Targaryen family). Therefore, the three generations since Harry’s grandfather were born in a foreign land. Raised in the Golden Group. He likes to boast that his family is "four generations loyal to the Golden Group." He is not a brave warrior. From the blisters on his feet, he can see his delicacy. You must know that he always rides on a horse or in the seat of an elephant. Before the chief, Harry served as the financial officer in the regiment.

After the death of the'Last Black Heart' Mies Toin, Harry took over as the head of the gold regiment, persuading him to sign a contract with Kevon Lannister in the West and the person who attacked the Westeros mainland was the mad king Yili Jon Clinton, the former prime minister of S. Targaryen, was the hand of a loyal and upright former king who was exiled to the other side of the narrow sea by the mad king, the patriarch of the Clinton family of Griffin Castle and the lord of Griffin Castle.

Jon Clinton has been aliased as "Griffin" on the other side of the narrow sea.

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