The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 105: rat village

After getting the drug detox, Xu Yang led Guan Wancang to visit Sally.

The most important part of this trip is to try to free Sally from her stamp addiction, and the second is to understand the current living conditions of the rat people.

Instead of ordinary roads and air passages, they walked through the secret passages dug by the rat people in various parts of Aizu Castle, collectively referred to as "big labyrinths" or "mouse passages", connecting various vents, shafts, ground structures, and sewers. , Abandoned subways and parking lots have already infiltrated Jincheng into a sieve.

The rat people racked their brains to survive, but they were not popular, and even the local black market and gangs were reluctant to contact the rat people, which made their situation particularly isolated. For them, human society was a remote island.

The labyrinth rat road is quite hidden, which can prevent prying to the greatest extent, but it is also inconvenient for human action.

Xu Yang walked through, followed by others, the environment here is still too narrow for them, the rat people shuttled nimbly, very fast, like dark shadows, passing by them.

If you don't know that the rat people are not hostile, it would be quite scary to walk here.

Guan Wancang has a high prestige among the group of rats. It leads the way. The rest of the rat people dare not disturb him. There are only a few fat female rat people, carrying many rat fetuses. The image is huge, like a hill, lying lazily. In the Rat Way, other Rat People kept carrying food to feed them, and Guan Wancang did not dare to disturb their spare tires, preferring to detour.

"Newborn children are our most important treasure." Guan Wancang said, "A second saint may be born among them."

"The probability must be very small." Xu Yang had never heard of other mouse witches, and Sally might be the first in the world.

"But that's an important hope." Guan Wancang sniffed the stench in the air, and he could distinguish tiny pheromones from it, "Humans are constantly snooping, and the young and strong generation of rat people have been killed and wounded, only saints capable of protecting us."

"What are the odds of winning?" As far as Xu Yang was concerned, the Rat people were absolutely incapable of surviving in front of the well-equipped company security team.

The rat tide 50 years ago was a hundred times larger than it is now, but it was easily beaten back underground by humans, and no matter how silent it was, it can be seen that the difference in combat power between rats and humans is huge.

"We are better in news, but weaker in technology." Guan Wancang has a lot of mouse characteristics, his beard is shaking constantly, and his voice is hoarse and sharp, "If we have advanced technology, everything will change."

Guan Mankang took them away from Aizu Castle, and after walking through the rat trail for half an hour, they arrived at a cave in the earth where the sound of roaring water could be heard.

"Are we going to the bottom of the sea?" Farosa closed her eyes and breathed in the water vapor in the air.

The colorful beast in her mind roared, and Farosa had absorbed a lot of the power of the gods. The sea was like returning to her palace to her. The sea has always been the throne of the gods, until the gods were killed, people dared to Set sail.

"Yes, under the ocean." Guan Wancang raised his head and pointed to the rock top surrounded by shady curtains, "This is where we hide, we call it the Black Ocean Abyss."

The island island is composed of a large number of scattered islands. Anku City and Aizu City are naturally located on a large island, known as "White Island". There is a narrow land bridge between this and the company's headquarters, Shangjing, and the transportation is convenient.

Xu Yang raised his head, the beach in Anjiu City should be directly above it. When people were observing the marine debris and the gray sunlight on the beach, there were also a large group of rat people wandering below, living under the seabed.

Continuing to travel in the darkness, the homeland where the Rat People breed is getting closer.

Rat Village has arrived.

Seeing the dim light, Xu Yang took a closer look, but it was a huge square-cut mushroom field with countless mushrooms entwined with mycelium growing in it. The rat people were busy farming in it.

"Is it because of eating mushrooms?" Xu Yang couldn't help but wonder.

These mushrooms emit light blue fluorescence when they grow, so they are particularly eye-catching in the dark, like a large swathe of blue paint splashed in the boundless darkness, immediately lighting up this underground world. Also slightly hot.

"It uses geothermal energy." Lila detected the situation ahead, "The rat people rely on geothermal power generation facilities to provide energy."

"Indeed." Guan Wancang led them through the road in the middle of the mushroom fields.

Some gray-haired male rats work hard inside, taking care of the mushrooms and picking the mature ones, but there are not many of them, and not a single black-haired squirrel can be seen. It takes a lot of female rats and mice to work together to maintain the mushroom field. Prosperity.

The previous storm on Aizu Castle has drained the future of this group, and it will take a very long time to recover. Xu Yang looked at the simple houses in the distance. The Rat Man even built the houses by intertwining mycelium, and then put together a lot of steel plates, wooden boards and nails to barely form domes, which looked extremely rudimentary.

"Aren't you afraid that the sea will collapse the cave and destroy you all?" Farosa was very excited. She felt that she could mobilize the power of the sea above and make the tens of thousands of surviving ratmen die cleanly. That scene What fun!

"If we had other places to go, why would we choose to live here." Guan Wancang shook his beard angrily.

It brought Xu Yang and the others close to a huge unit embedded in the rock wall. This machine was like a giant black cone piercing the depths of the earth. , It roars continuously during operation, as if there is a thunder inside, and the sea water rolls into it for cooling, and at the same time releases a large amount of high-temperature steam.

The shell of the giant cone had the words "Yongsen Technology" written on it. Xu Yang remembered that this was an energy company in the Islands, but it had been closed for many years. The machine in front of them should be a large submarine geothermal generator they designed, with a huge shaft in the center connecting the soda-water mixture underground to generate electricity.

Relying on the energy and heat brought by this geothermal generator, the rat people built a huge mushroom field to support their lives, and also went to Aizu Castle to collect garbage raw materials and obtain living resources.

Around the bottom of the generator are assorted valuables like silverware, circuit boards, human implants, and cans, and in front of it is a small statue shaped like a giant rat that controls lightning and fire. Over time, some Skaven have worshipped the generator as a god.

Sally's residence is located in the center of the Rat Man settlement, high off the ground, supported by a huge metal tube below, and only a ladder connects Sally's exclusive high-rise building to the ground.

"She's right there, our leader, our saint." Guan Wancang lingered on the spot for a while, then climbed on all fours near the ladder, two black-haired squirrels came over with pistols and kitchen knives, and pointed at it, He also annoyed Xu Yang with his fingers.

It wasn't until Sally's voice came from a height, indicating that Xu Yang and the others could climb up, the two black-haired squirrels ended their entanglement and walked to the side, but they stared at them very alertly, lest they would do anything against Sally. Safe thing.

The social class of the Rat people is clearly defined, and it can be seen at a glance. Xu Yang pondered in his heart as he climbed up.

The bottom layer is the gray-haired male rat, who is responsible for completing all the hard work. There is no possibility of turning over, and it will always undertake the most dangerous and tiring activities.

On the next level is the female rat person, who enjoys the care of the gray-haired rat, and is given a considerable degree of preferential treatment because it is able to give birth.

On top of that, there is the black-haired squirrel. With a certain appearance and physical advantages, he has become the backbone of the rat society and may have the right to choose a mate to a certain extent.

Then there is the White-haired Rat Man, who has become a scholar, a think-tank and a key role in society because of his far superior intelligence, and has the ability to promote the progress of the Rat Man society.

And the highest level is a rat man with extraordinary power like Sally, who has become the leader of the entire rat man society because of his outstanding contribution and unique magic power.

Xu Yang climbed up the ladder, pushed open the door and saw Sally, she was lying leisurely on a tattered sofa, her tail was raised from the middle of her buttocks, and she was wagging in boredom. She was wearing simple pajamas, and her body hair was still relatively lush, especially It is the part below the abdomen.

"What do you want to do?" Sally had just finished sucking the stamps when two open green plastic bags were tossed on the There was a sweet smell in the air, which made people dizzy. Farosa waved her hand, trying to fan the disgusting smell away.

"I brought some gifts." Xu Yang put the detox drug on the table, "Adding to stamps will damage your health, your clan needs you to stay awake. These decoction drugs..."

"Oh, leave it alone, I'll look at it when I have time." Sally closed her eyes, took a deep breath of the smell remaining in the air, and then exhaled contentedly. She was intoxicated with bliss, something she never wanted to leave.

"Get up, human beings will take revenge," Xu Yang said. "You have killed too many people before, and the company will not allow similar incidents to happen again."

"They once invited me to work at their place." Sally looked extremely lazy on the sofa, "I'll ask them to make another invitation, and then I'll agree to it, won't it be resolved?"

"What are these words?" Xu Yang shook his head, "They will only squeeze you and deceive you."

"I'll give me more stamps." Sally was limp, "...Me and my clan can go to work and go to the ground...the ground is better than Rat Village, there is nothing in Rat Village…I think On the's so beautiful..."

"Do your clansmen go to work, or are they going to rob or steal these stamps?" Xu Yang saw that there were still a lot of stamps in the cabinet beside him.

"What does it have to do with you? Haha..." Sally put her hands behind her head, the stamps made her fluttering, "You can visit the Rat Village at will, stay as long as you want, we can't supply food. , solve it yourself. Stamps can be drawn for one piece, as long as you pay enough... and the preaching part, leave it to your own people."

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