The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 125: root of evil

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After the fire, Cemetery Street was surprisingly hot.

The roaring wind shaft overhead kept them from dying of suffocation, but it did nothing to slow the heat.

The fire company has already been here, and the contract only covers firefighting, not the aftermath. After they put out the fire, they drove away, regardless of the follow-up situation here.

The children injured in the fire were lying on the street, and other children surrounded them in a daze, at a loss. From time to time, some children looked to the hut next to the apartment, hoping that their teachers and principals would come to save them, but they did not dare to approach the scorched side. of the ruins. Gang members and street rogues stood nearby quietly, armed with weapons, ready to take the children away, and fresh children could be exchanged for a lot of money.

"Follow me." Miying said to the rat sentinel behind him.

"Humans are strong, mice are afraid." It was a little nervous.

"I'll take care of you, what's your name?"


Miying jumped down from the pipe, and the information provided by Xu Yang allowed her to know everything around her like the back of her hand.

Rat Sentinel Perry hesitated for a moment, then jumped down quickly and landed smoothly beside Miying.

"Who may have triggered the fire?" Miying searched in the building after the fire burned, the roof had been burned through, and she climbed down a charred load-bearing wall.

"Black Fire Innovation knows that there is a wizard spell book here." Xu Yang sent a message.

"For such a cruel act, only the Black Fire Innovation has come out." Miying hates all evil, and the Black Fire Innovation is the driving force behind the disintegration of the world.

Having caused such a fire, she built up a new layer of resentment against the crazy giant. The evils of corporations are endless. If they are not punished, they will continue to do evil.

She hated herself for not being strong enough to pull the root of her sins out.

Miying shuttled back and forth among the scorching wreckage of the house, and transmitted the information captured by the field of vision to Xu Yang in real time. He then used the processor to check each frame of the picture and informed Miying where the clues were.

Following Xu Yang's instructions, the efficiency of Miying has greatly increased.

She ignored the plausible suspicious objects and went straight to the lower floor. In a space similar to a living room, Miying saw that the kotatsu and TV had been scorched. There was a scorched black female corpse lying on the ground, and a male corpse. In the middle of the door, in a crawling shape, he seemed to want to lean against the female corpse, but he was burned alive in the middle.

The two bodies were deflagrated and highly carbonized, and their vital organs lost their detection value. The rest of the furniture was turned into fly ash and disappeared.

"Missed." Mi Ying communicated, "I didn't survive, and I couldn't get the spell book."

"From the blind spot to the back of the street lamp post," Xu Yang used the data transmitted by Miying to scan the surrounding situation, "Connect it, there is a camera there, and it should have captured some information."

From Perry's point of view, Yingying is so neat.

She was silent throughout the whole process, her movements were skillful, she acted extremely fast, and she did not hesitate at all! It seems to know where the target is without looking at it, which makes it very respectful. Perry quickly followed behind Miying, not wanting to be left behind.

Miying connected the camera on the street lamppost and used its body as a signal transfer station, allowing Xu Yang to hack into the camera's memory. He scanned and analyzed the images captured by the camera at a very high speed.

Within 1 minute, he captured a mysterious figure who entered the tomb guard's house 4 hours ago. The other party was wearing a large trench coat and was tall. After the man in the trench coat entered the house, more than an hour later, the building started to burn.

Suspiciously, no trace of him could be traced after that. The camera did not capture the image of him leaving the building, as if he had evaporated out of thin air, or died in the fire.

But both of these outcomes are unlikely. He should have some means of being able to leave the gravekeeper's house without being traced.

In any case, this person is likely to be the murderer of the arson, perhaps an agent sent by Blackfire Innovation, who robbed the important wizard heritage from the tomb keeper's home.

"Will it be the one who innovated by Black Fire?" Miying asked.

"This suspicion cannot be ruled out." Xu Yang kept the relevant images of suspicious persons.

At this time, Xu Yang and A40 were at a small gas station on Highway 90.

He leaned next to the gas machine, multitasking, chatting with the owner of the gas station about the new changes in the Route 90 community, while searching the vast underground network of Aizu City, intending to find information about the man in the windbreaker in the vast sea of ​​Internet information. for more information.

After paying the money, the A40 picked up a tube from the gas station and poured it into its mouth. When the gasoline entered its combustion furnace, it was converted into energy, making it more energetic. I can't wait to find a strong enemy to try it.

"Where is the enemy?" A40 drank 1 liter of gasoline and was full of courage.

"The militiamen have clues." Xu Yang asked A40 to contact the local militia.

It was eager to try, took the knife and left.

Since the stamp ban, there have been many grudge dealers in the neighborhood trying to get revenge on the Route 90 community, and the A40's sharp knife could teach them a lesson.

After cracking the surveillance system of the local security company, Xu Yang captured the reappearance of the man in the windbreaker in the camera group in the adjacent block. At this time, the tall man in the windbreaker was walking on the street, looking quite confident, and finally disappeared in a place. in the hotel.

As for the next content, Xu Yang couldn't check it because Miying was not close enough.

"He entered a cheap hotel called 'Feng Hai Se'." Xu Yang passed the news to Miying, "But it was already an hour ago."

"The murderer must be found." Miying was very determined.

"The other party may have various means," Xu Yang asked Miying to be cautious, "Never break in rashly. Since the spell book can no longer be recovered, you can temporarily put down this task and do not continue to track it."

Although he knew that Xu Yang was doing it for his own good and that he had no backup, Miying still wanted to go out in person and retrieve the spell book immediately.

This vicious arsonist cannot be allowed to escape.

She looked up at the children who were homeless because of the burning of the school building. They were nervous and crying on the street. Only a few older children could barely maintain order, but they were not useful at all. Many He also wiped away tears along with the young children. The orphans were completely lost, without a family or a job. In the end, they could only die violently in the city.

Maybe you can take this responsibility yourself! Miying couldn't help but start to analyze the possibility, gather these children together, cultivate their martial arts, and let them become a new generation of righteous heroes.

Suddenly, a black motorcycle drove over from the other end of the street, and a brunette with sunglasses stepped down from the car.

She chewed pink bubble gum in her mouth, held a gun in her right hand, and blew a big bubble at the children, calming them down for a while.

"Who is that?" Miying watched.

"I can't scan the information." Xu Yang only found a bunch of sophisticated implants and intercepted unauthorized scans.

"The Blackfire Revolutionary," explained Perry, the Rat Sentinel. "I see her hanging out with the gun dealers a lot."

Damn black fire! Miying only wants to completely eliminate the enemy who contributed to all these tragedies.

If it weren't for the Black Fire Innovation, who would burn down the entire Aizu Castle Cemetery for profit and kill the family of the cemetery guards? Shadow-seeker transformed his right arm into a sharp blade and entered combat mode.

"Don't act rashly," Xu Yang said. "Everything should be modeled and run twice to calculate the conclusion. What if you get hammered."

"She's here, let's hide." Perilla pulled the shadow.

Miying raised the gray rat sentinel's hands above his head, and then carried it to move quickly and hide behind the ruins of building materials on the other side of the street. Perry felt like he was flying, it was amazing.

The brunette made a phone call to the Aizu Castle Children's Social Care Center as she walked towards the burning ruins.

"...Yes, hundreds of screaming children." She explained to the other end of the phone, "On the side of Aizu Castle Cemetery, the cemetery elementary school caught fire. Come and pick them up, or they'll be trafficked. Oh. , register, my name is Liu Zhizi, the head of the Black Fire Innovation Office."

Willow branches?

Xu Yang used this name to search for the status of Heihuo Innovation in the local office. On the official page, it was shown that she was a key employee of the office, a middle-level manager, an ordinary person who did clerical work, and usually worked in Anjiu City. Rarely visit Aizu Castle.

Putting down the phone, Liu Zhizi walked towards the burned building angrily, looked at the burned building uneasily, and scratched his hair.

The progress of Black Fire's innovation was once again frustrated, and it was also a heavy blow to her.

They had long wanted to invade the gravekeeper's house and search for the whereabouts of the wizard's spellbook. It's a pity that Mateo's side is really ineffective, and the use of dirty bombs has deteriorated the relationship between the two giants.

Since In order to prepare for the war, Black Fire Innovation has transferred a large number of fighters out of Anjiu City. There's still some fighting power.

So the situation became like this. The building was burnt down by unknown people, and the wizard's inheritance was obviously gone. Someone must have obtained the information of the inheritance. It may be the mysterious force that captured Mateo before, or it may be the wizards themselves. .

In such a situation, she could only come to investigate by herself. She didn't even have time to call a security guard, she was very hasty, and she didn't get any benefits.

In the end, Black Fire Innovation broke two of the three major recycling works in Aizu City, and only one succeeded. This is not good news. This year's performance is not complete.

Liu Zhizi sighed at the burnt-down building, lowered his head and walked towards his motorcycle. Aizu Castle is a dangerous place. Now that he has no security personnel, it would be bad if he was targeted by gangsters. Member of the dignified Black Fire Innovation, If it was taken by a street ronin, it would be somewhat embarrassing.

"We should kidnap her." Looking at Liu Zhizi's movements, Miying offered her own opinion, "Then let Black Fire Renew spit out the ransom."

"You decide for yourself." Xu Yang planned to exercise Miying's independent decision-making ability, and he couldn't control her all the time.

"Yes." Miying made up his mind that he must capture this outlying Heihuo Innovation clerk and use it as a bargaining chip with Heihuo Innovation.

Miying and A40 are synthetics loaded with third-generation AI, able to learn and grow by themselves.

After the test, they can stand on their own.

Miying still has a long way to go if it wants to become the shadow of cyber demons that act flawlessly.

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