The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 143: 1st radio

After Farosa dressed and left, Xu Yang paid attention to the time. It was the day of Sally's premiere. As the anchor of Rat Witch Radio's first appearance, Sally was ready for any questions.

The Rat Man communication station was provided by Celita and the others. The avant-garde guerrillas are currently rooted in White Elephant Island, so the signal connection is mostly to the Rat Man settlements in White Elephant Island. There are still large towns and rural areas where the Rat Man can hide. Many more rat people are employed illegally.

Companies in the White Elephant Continent like the Rat Man as a rapidly reproducing labor force. In order to cover up the fact, they, like other companies, do not recognize the Rat Man's existence. The forgotten Rat Man is treated extremely cruelly and is regarded as a slave labor. The basic right to live, life and death.

rice ball exploration book

Sally had to face such a large group of rat people in distress. She sat in the radio room prepared for her in the industrial park, and prepared countless speeches with anxiety.

The only rat witch in the world, unprecedented, she thinks she has a mission.

Xu Yang and Lila helped test the equipment in the background.

"Will Sally's first radio communication be effective?" Xu Yang was curious.

"Urban slums, large rat-man dens, labor markets, and farmland all have rat settlements and corresponding communication equipment," Lila said. "The number of communication points has reached 150. I try to spread the news in advance as much as possible, reminding them to restart the radio station. The fact that it was launched. According to estimates, the audience for the first broadcast will reach 5,000 Rat People.”

"5,000 are connected together, that's amazing, but unfortunately they can't give Sally a reward." Xu Yang said.

"It will start in 1 hour." Lila looked at the radio room, and the voice of Sally the Rat Witch would spread to the ears of countless Rat people.

Under Xu Yang's instruction, Sally will focus on soothing the tired, anxious, and furious mentality of the rat people, and instruct them how to live a better life and seek unity and progress.

In order to keep it secret, Xu Yang has debugged the environment, and the communication address has also been forged to prevent the source address from being found out.

"The first broadcast..." He looked at the time difference. It is now 11 o'clock at night in Baixiangzhou, and the live broadcast will start at 12 o'clock. At that time, the rat people should be off work.

At this time, in countless remote corners and unknown secret areas of Baixiangzhou, many rat people got the news.

The various rat people groups are active. They live in the dark alleys of the abandoned city and the poisonous sewage. The group of rats shares a radio station, looking forward to the first voice of the legendary Rat Witch anchor.

In the Caleb Mountains in the northern part of White Elephant Island, rat and human laborers are mixed to perform the lowest-end manual work, that is, mining.

This mining area has a hot climate, frequent geological activities, and leaks of hydrothermal fluid and natural gas in the cracks of the mine. It is prone to fire, hot and humid, and the mining robots are not easy to maintain. In comparison, the labor cost of humans and rat people is even lower. .

The activities of the Rat People have disappeared in all regions of the world, but in the isolated and isolated villages and mountains of Baixiangzhou, their existence is an open secret, and they are employed by the precision mining company under the Peacock-Tristan Group. Rat people breed fast, tame, stupid, and are the most suitable labor race, and the cost is very low.

At this time, the rat miners of the Precision Mining Company gathered quietly, retrieved the radio station left by their ancestors from the shack, plugged it with batteries, and waited quietly for the night to come.

A human worker went to the town to buy things before, and when he came back, he talked about it with the rat workers. He also heard about it from the rat man den in the town. There was a voice that predicted that the rat witch would pass through tonight. The radio communicates to all Rat People.

Shay the Rat Man, an ordinary rat miner, was among them.

Rat Witch's first public radio communication! The news caused a throbbing in Shay's heart. It has never heard of any radio hosts, but it has heard that there are powerful witches in the world who can change reality.

Are there any witches among the Rat People?

It is looking forward to the image of the mouse witch, how beautiful will it be? How powerful? How amazing?

Shay's mother was exhausted yesterday and was dragged away by the others and thrown into the ointment maker, so it arrived early for dinner. As soon as it was time for dinner, it jumped off the mining machine and stumbled to the place where the nourishing cream was taken. The miner's lamp swayed overhead, reflecting thousands of tired and dusty faces. It was in the middle of the line, anxious. Wait for a long while before it's his turn.

Walking to the feeding port of the nutritional cream, it intermittently sprayed out five or six finger-long nutritional cream like peeing, and it was so powdery that Shay thought it was her mother.

Xie Yi was reluctant to eat her mother, so she ran back to the corner of the mine, secretly dug under the soft soil wall, dug a small hole, buried the nutritional cream in her hand, and then backfilled the soil and patted it carefully. it is good.

Mom, have a good rest...

Because there was no food, Shay went to the mine hungry at night. At midnight, he dragged his sore and tired body back to the shack. It was tightly blocked, and countless emerald green eyes lit up in the darkness, staring at the radio, waiting for it to make a sound from the Rat Witch.

There were also a similar number of human miners in the shack. At this time, they were also curious to join in the fun. They stood a little outside the rat pen, stood on tiptoe and listened.

"That—that, hello everyone," a stammering female voice said. "My name is Sally! I'm the witch of the Rat Men! Welcome to my radio!"

The rat people in the shack kept shaking and scratching their hair. Shay was also trembling all over. Immediately in his mind, he began to imagine the image of the cute mouse lady. It must not be like a pure mouse. She would have a beautiful appearance. Maybe she could walk upright. No.

They wanted to listen to it, but the lights of the patrol drone came on outside, and Shay jumped up immediately and turned off the radio. The rat people couldn't hear what the Rat Witch was saying, but they still listened ignorantly. , carry out their own fantasies.

The image and lines of Sally in each Rat Man fantasy are different. They listen to the live broadcast for a full 30 minutes in silence, and enjoy the care from the Rat Witch in silence.

The Rat People couldn't help but start sobbing, even though they didn't actually hear anything, they had been dreamed of the Rat Witch's redemption, as if she had come to them through the electrical signal.

Sally, take us away, Sally—

The witch among the Rat People must have a vivid and bright image, in line with the magical technology that the Rat People can't imagine, and live in incomparable happiness.

When the patrol drone was far away, Shay climbed to the side of the radio station and turned up the volume slightly by 1 bar. The other rat people did not stop it, but held their breath, stretched out their ears, and listened to the words and deeds of the Rat Witch.

Finally, the voice of the Rat Witch was heard again, but it was already 30 minutes later, and Xie began to regret that he did not hear the content of the program in the first half hour.

"...Ah... It's alright, it's okay to say weird things, I'll still read it! After all, I just like everyone so much, I want to talk to you all the time. Everyone is a very cute mouse, yes My kind!" Sally's voice sounded again.

Rat people have never heard such sincere words.

The rat miners in the shack looked at each other, making small squeaks, and some weeping lowly. The human miners next to them didn't know why they were so excited. They were sleepy, waiting for tomorrow's labor.

Shay stood in the midst of his comrades, staring at the radio in a daze, and it made a sound of nature from it, as if his mother had returned to it, and it was only now that he realized that there were still people who were still thinking about these insignificant residents, Sally. The voice is like a ray of light shining into the dark life.

What an honor it is to be pitied by the Rat Witch who bathes in holy radiance, even if the humble mouse is hunched and ugly. The rat workers in the mine decided to listen to Sally every night.

After another half hour, the show was over, and Shay curled up contentedly in the corner of the shack as the radio was turned off.

I will gather here tomorrow, tomorrow too. Shay thought dazedly. Miss Rat Witch, I love you so much.

It stopped sleeping, got up, groped to the side of the radio, turned on the power quietly, stared at the miniature visual interface in the dark, and tapped stubbornly.

"Shay, what the **** are you doing." A grizzled rat man got up, much smarter than the others.

"I'm going to message Miss Mouse." Shea lowered her voice. "But I can't read."

"You said, I'll fight, keep it short." It knew that Shay had just lost his mother before, and felt that this rat man deserved a little attention Shay whispered, and put all his thoughts into it. Code and text to send to Sally's channel.

On the other side, thousands of kilometers away, in the Nisto Industrial Park in Aizu Castle, Sally had to end the first communication early after a long one-hour radio hosting.

She felt sick and disgusted.

In the first half an hour, just after she introduced herself, Sally received countless abuses, questions, insults and slanders from the rat people. The program exploded and it was almost impossible to go on. All the Rat People on the radio were doing their best to keep her down.

She was about to end her live broadcast career after 30 minutes, but under Xu Yang's strong request, she managed to keep it up and said something against her heart - saying that she would respond to those strange words, saying that she liked everyone very much, saying that all the mice so cute.

After that, she no longer received those black mud-like rat messages, and just casually talked about life and daily life, but Sally also completely coped with it, completely hating those strange rats and mice in distant places.

"No rat people will like it, no rat people want to hear it." Sally complained to Xu Yang.

"There is a new message." Xu Yang suddenly noticed the change in the radio mailbox.

"It must be swearing, too," Sally said fiercely.

"Maybe it's complimenting you." Xu Yang said, "Why don't you open it and take a look?"

"I'll never communicate with them again in my life if it's swearing." Sally shook her ears uneasily, and she sat back down in front of the radio screen in a dejected manner, opening the message.

Xu Yang watched her expression change obviously, Sally opened her eyes and remained silent for a long time. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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