The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 202: Become a god

Hearing Ye Ye's words, Xu Yang shook his head, but he couldn't convince her now, after all, people wouldn't betray their origin. When the power ratio changes in the future, Ye Ye will naturally have a new experience.

"This economic crisis has spread all over the world," Xu Yang said. "It will be difficult to live in the future. This is a structural crisis, and the black fire reform is unlikely to bring any improvement."

"Maybe," Ye Zi said, "but we care about other things. This crisis has also completely exposed the true colors of some companies, and the bubbles have burst one by one. Ambitious companies, with great planning, are now facing the risk of bankruptcy. Now they have generally added too much leverage and encountered such a big storm... Only the most powerful companies can survive. How about you? How about Nisto Company?"

"Nisto has its own plans. If you can provide funding, many things will be easier to handle." Xu Yang said.

He was interested in the seabed around him, the Nisto Industrial Park built on top of a large iron ore mine on the seabed, and its earnings underpinned everything. There is no doubt that marine resources still have great potential for development. In addition to traditional mineral deposits, there are also important resources such as oil and gas. Different from traditional mining companies, Farosa can use the divine power of the ocean, and Lila can use the magic power of the ruler level to search for mineral veins. The combination of the two naturally has greater exploration advantages, which may bring unprecedented advantages. value return.

"I can help you with financing of 1 billion yuan, but you must also ensure your loan repayment ability," Ye said, "More than half of the bad things now are due to debt repayment problems, too many non-performing loans, and every bank Bankruptcy. After this incident, it should be impossible for all small businesses and individuals to borrow money, all investment plans will become extremely conservative, and production plans will be cut in half.”

"Even you all have to tighten your belts to live, you can imagine the lives of other people." Xu Yang said.

"Our family's decision-making AI has just optimized 70,000 company people," Ye said, "Also, in order to save lives, Kyoto Unlimited is selling many assets under its name at very favorable prices, and avoiding the fate of being acquired by withdrawing funds. There are a lot of resources for sale in my channel, it’s hard to choose, I don’t know which ones to buy, some of its companies seem to have some potential for development.”

"Company? Let's forget it," Xu Yang said. "You should **** the research witch, buy the research institute, incorporate their security department, win over those professional ninjas who have just lost their jobs, and then recruit the war witch to your side."

"Isn't money more important?" Ye Ye was puzzled. "The kind of shopping malls, banks, and real estate in large core areas, rare earth mines..."

"Anti-God Evil God"

"What you need are advanced productive forces and violent institutions," Xu Yang said, "money and resources are their accessories. You have to take this opportunity to acquire the infinite witches and warships in Kyoto, and then your right to speak in Xisheng will be lost. rise."

"Yeah." Ye Ye was thoughtful.

"The most important thing is to grab the technological and military resources that Kyoto has sold indefinitely," Xu Yang said. "You can also borrow money from all the channels you know. You are not always worried about other people in your family. Do you do it? When you have your own private army and technical logistics team, what are you afraid of?"

"I really have to do these things before my mother leaves," Ye Zi agreed, "...I'm going to see my mother soon."

"Before that, contact us again." Farosa said suddenly.

"Eh? Is Farosa also here?" Ye Zi was very surprised when he heard Farosa's voice.

"This is not the time for small talk," Farosa said. "When you have finished your business and are about to see your mother, you will contact us again. I have something important to convey through your hands."

"You... and my mother?" Ye Zi was puzzled. "Do you have anything to say? Now..."

"Not the time." Farosa remained mysterious. "Okay, bye."

Xu Yang looked back at Farosa, she smiled slightly and said nothing.

"That's it for now." Xu Yang and Ye Zi cut off contact.

"Guess what I have to say to her mother?" Farosa sat on the seat with a calm attitude.

"It's not about exchanging longevity experiences anyway." Xu Yang read this, and suddenly understood what Farosa wanted to do, "—really, you want to prolong Noriko Honma's lifespan."

"Xisheng Investment Group, this is the largest and richest company we have access to at present," Farosa thought deeply, "I have a lot of things to inquire through the channels of Xisheng, you also understand that the mysterious person's information."

"Then how are you going to prolong her life?"

The smile on Farosa's face grew even wider.

"I'm going to turn her mother into a witch," she said. "With the star spar we found, I can ritually transform anyone into a witch."

"This is a bit curious." Xu Yang pondered, "Kiko Honma has ruled Xisheng for so many years, and after prolonging his life, he can continue to live for more than 70 years... What a historical record."

"And we can also take this opportunity to directly ascend to the sky one step at a time." Farosa said, "Skip the intermediate accumulation stage and get investment directly from Noriko Honma. At that time, it will not be 1 billion, but 100 billion, trillions."

"You don't really want to prolong the life of this capital beast." Xu Yang suspected that Farosa had other thoughts hidden in her heart.

"Hmm," Farosa said frivolously, "yes, who knows? Who knows if I will do something small in the ceremony and make Noriko Honma die. The grandmother passed away, and the Xisheng Group was torn apart. , the children turned against each other, the war spread, the collapse of the archipelago was deeper than it is now, everyone went crazy and shot at each other, and the whole archipelago was bloody."

"I think this is your real purpose." Xu Yang said.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell." Farosa shook her head, "I decided to leave the mystery to the end. In the end, I will turn Honma Noriko into a young and beautiful witch through rituals, gain her support, and make Xisheng Group a Our ally; or I'll kill her, smash Xisheng to pieces, find **** in the blood... No one will know until the ceremony is complete."

"Both are profitable." Xu Yang judged, "Both...both can help us achieve our goals."

The Innovation entered the dock in the Nisto Industrial Park and slowly floated up. Xu Yang dressed up to make sure that he looked meticulous, then opened the hatch, came to the shore, and returned in the best condition.

The industrial park is bright and clean, as always, with large mining equipment rumbling, drilling raw ore from the deposit, and industrial synthesizers running back and forth. At the heights, the witches were walking on the maze-like metal walkways and stairs. When they saw the return of the Innovation, they rushed over in surprise, surrounded Xu Yang, and told about the troubles during this period of time, such as food and heating. question.

At this time, in the Innovation cabin, Lila left the center console and planned to go out to take over the processing. When she turned her head, she saw Farosa looking at herself with a strange smile.

"What?" Lila looked cold.

"Then," Farosa opened her arms, "hug."

"..." Lila said nothing.

"Come on, just like when you were at sea."

Lila approached Farosa, placed one hand on the top of Farosa's head, rotated her 180°, and pushed her out.

Farosa staggered out of the shuttle, and the witches looked at her excitedly. Farosa immediately made an inscrutable expression.

"Yes," Farosa announced, "I know what you want to ask, yes, as you expected, the sky darkened, Yanduo recovered, everything is our achievement!"


"is that so?"

"Sure enough!" The witches were quite shocked, Xu Yang and the others turned the world upside down.

Before solving other problems, 101 reminded Xu Yang of a very important thing, that is the fainting of the mouse witch Sally.

Xu Yang and Farosa were troubled and immediately went to Sally's live broadcast room in the industrial park.

After opening the door, I saw that the communication station had been closed for 4 days, about 2 days after the sun fell into darkness, and Sally suddenly fell down.

She was not transferred to the because she was undergoing strange changes at this time, and her whole body was covered with an orange jelly-like substance, like an immortal cocoon or chrysalis, while the Rat Witch herself was Sealed in it, it seems to fall into some kind of deep sleep.

"Sally, this is..." Xu Yang called out the video playback of the day.

I saw Sally sitting in front of the radio station, happily responding to the messages from the Rat People. Suddenly, she found that something bright and colorful appeared in front of her, which seemed to have a strong attraction to her. After swallowing the food, he fainted soon, and his body fell into a drastic change.

"It's Dewdrop," Farosa recognized immediately. "The vision of a large number of Rat People was projected onto Sally, forming the crystallization of belief."

"Similar to Suzukawa Jiyi's condition..." Xu Yang leaned over to check Sally's condition, the Rat Witch was not injured, "It's been so many days, hasn't she woken up yet?"

"I can't wake up because the rat people's imaginations about her are too complicated." Farosa walked around the room twice with her hands behind her back, "So her transformation will take a certain amount of time. Fortunately, it doesn't matter, there will be no life-threatening. . The rats behind the radio had their fantasies come true, they gave their wishes, and they were rewarded."

"It's not harmful to her safety." Xu Yang worried about Sally's safety, "What are these jelly-like gels?"

"She created it by herself, wrapping her up to prevent her from getting hurt. It's like a self-defense emergency measure, and the power overflows. In general... After the Rat Witch wakes up, maybe the appearance will change, but she also A whole new power will be gained." Farosa observed Sally with interest.

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