The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 260: 0Yu Shrine

In an instant, the beast in the cloud covered Xu Yang's body, forming a dense armor. He jumped back, claws swept over his right shoulder, and grabbed a large piece of meat, dripping with blood.

Farosa slanted down the magic blade, and her movements were neat and violent like chopping a fish. Before being hurt by the magic blade, the phase demon disappeared from the place again, appeared in the middle of the steps, and wandered back in place, watching the actions of one man and one woman.

At this moment, a cry came from behind the torii. The voice came from the top of the mountain road, near the entrance of the shrine. A man shouted, like some kind of spell, and the phase demon immediately disappeared from the place, not knowing where to go.

Xu Yang used the lights on the shuttle to observe his wounds. The pain fell on his shoulders like a soldering iron and spread quickly along the nerves, as if hundreds of needles were flowing along the blood vessels, stabbing them every time they went. He didn't dare to move his right arm, for fear of affecting the wound. The nano-robot acted autonomously, repaired the damaged part, covered the wound with intact armor, and then scrambled to jump down, blocking the blood flow with its body, while constantly repairing the flesh and blood tissue. .

"Are you okay?" Farosa shook the magic blade, looked straight ahead, and looked at the mysterious man at the entrance of the shrine, "Need magic?"

"Small injury." Xu Yang activated the first aid function, and at the back of the armor ridge, the injection that was close to the skin quickly injected the treatment needle, and a cool and numb feeling followed. He improved the pain inhibition function of the digital mind and weakened the nerves. Conduction Path, "Go ahead."

His eyes captured the entire process of the phase demon's attack, and he could clearly recall it. When it launched its claw attack, the sharp claw part appeared from the void state, and briefly appeared as an entity, which looked like a black lizard with scales. finely arranged. When it attacked, the magic blade that Farosa showed obviously frightened it, so that it did not use all its strength, otherwise Xu Yang's entire arm would be taken off with a single blow.

The phase demon was called away by the mysterious man at the gate of the shrine, and the existence of the other party seemed especially grotesque.

Xu Yang carefully observed, standing in the dark was a middle-aged man in his 40s. His face was full of wrinkles and his strange smile was faintly discernible. He was wearing a bamboo hat, holding a long tin stick in his right hand, and wearing a purple gebu robe. Wearing leggings and straw sandals, he looks like a simple shrine monk.

"This place is too dangerous." Xu Yang said loudly, "Why aren't you attacked by phase demons?"

"They are the signs of Baiyou Shrine," said the mysterious man with a smile, "I am deeply sorry for hurting Your Excellency by mistake! I am Yoshihide Matsuyama, the abbot of the shrine, and the two of you have come from afar. ?"

Farosa and Xu Yang made eye contact, and they almost had the same heart.

"Come on, I can destroy as many as you want." Farosa whispered, "I won't hurt you again."

"Don't scare the snake," Xu Yang returned to the shuttle, "I don't know how many similar phase demons exist inside."

Farosa followed on foot, Xu Yang drove the shuttle all the way off the flat ground, drove to the entrance of the shrine in one breath, and landed in the parking lot outside the fence. There was also an off-road vehicle wearing green military armor plates. There was no one inside, and the doors were open on all sides.

According to Xu Yang's observation, about 8 crew members got off the armored vehicle and then never returned to the vehicle.

Where have they gone? Xu Yang stopped the Anonymous, turned off the fire, locked all the systems, put the supplies in a suitcase, left the shuttle with the left hand, and approached the abbot of the shrine cautiously.

The abbot Matsuyama Yoshiyuan still greeted them with a smile, and when Farosa also walked to the door, Matsuyama Yoshiyuan smiled even more, as if the previous attack had never happened.

"Please come in, please come in." He led Xu Yang and Farosa into the shrine.

Xu Yang wore a grimace mask, a black poncho and a windproof jacket. Farosa wore a black veil and long-sleeved black robe. They walked together, saying that it was no exaggeration to say that there were two ghosts, but Matsuyama Yoshiyuan looked calm, as if he was not frightened by them at all.

As soon as you enter, you will see a wide courtyard with a withered cherry tree in the center, wooden benches around it, red paper lanterns hanging everywhere, a rock walkway connecting the surrounding rooms, and the walls of the rooms are plastered with plaster. The house is in disrepair, with holes on all sides, and when the wind blows in at night, they chirp like the windpipes used by monsters. The tree is covered with wooden prayer cards, but because all the flowers have withered away, these empty brown-gray cards look especially weird. So dilapidated, it is hard to imagine that the other end of Mingge Mountain is the gorgeous Changying Shrine.

"Mr. Abbot, there is a spring in the back mountain." Farosa said straight to the point, "There is a small Buddha statue near that spring, and we want to remove it."

"Only the proper spell can move that Buddha statue." Yoshioka Matsuyama led them through the courtyard, the end of the tin stick hitting the ground.

Xu Yang noticed the sights in the surrounding rooms, he followed his gaze and saw nervous men and women.

They had all fallen asleep before, and when they heard the movement, they got up from their perched wing. These people walked to the window and stared at Xu Yang and Farosa through the paper window. They did not dare to open the window or open the door to come out. There will be something dangerous in the courtyard, just stay in his room silently, without saying a word.

There are phase demons, abbots, company armored vehicles, and living people in the shrine. Xu Yang said secretly. What kind of weird place have you entered this time? He tried to move his right shoulder, the pain subsided, and the nanorobots on the armor had stitched up the wound.

"I know the incantation." Farosa has a general understanding of the relevant secrets by collecting information and deciphering the ancient secret text. "Just take us there."

Xu Yang heard the vibrating music and the voice of the woman talking loudly, which came from the side room of the inner courtyard of the shrine, and Farosa also heard the movement.

"What's that for?" Farosa looked towards the place where the music came out.

"Several live broadcasters are broadcasting live," Yoshiyuan Matsuyama said in a kind tone, "they went up the mountain to visit the shrine, and then decided to stay here and make videos. They can boost the economy of the shrine, and they can also solve the sales of many small souvenirs and tickets. , hee...more and more pilgrims and visitors will come up the mountain."

"Anyone willing to come to such a broken place?" Farosa sneered.

"Heh." Matsuyama Yoshioka smiled, but didn't argue too much.

The noise and rhythmic shouting of Yiyiya kept ringing from the side room, to the point of being unbearable, and even the sound of crows and insects at night was drowned out.

Mosquitoes were flying beside the paper lanterns, and there were low stone lampposts on both sides of the road at night. Xu Yang and Farosa followed the abbot through the entire shrine and came to the back mountain area.

Here, the mountain springs meander down and merge into a void, and the huge cracks are full of brilliance, as if poured into a pond full of colorful paints, dazzling, all the colors and light are isolated behind the cracks, as if in the middle There is an extremely thin barrier that just blocks all these lights and shadows on the other side. The barrier keeps shaking and can be broken by blowing bombs.

About 10 men and women stood beside the crack, yelled at it, pointed at it, both actions and words were quite embarrassing, some cursed, some screamed, and some exaggerated praise , obviously not by heart.

"Let them go away." Farosa frowned.

"These are the loyal tourists of the shrine." Yoshiyuan Matsuyama said kindly, "The shrine has not been so lively for a long time."

"They should have the freedom to leave." Xu Yang said.

"Once they leave, the shrine will become as deserted as before." Matsuyama Yoshioka smiled.

A huge phase demon appeared at the top of the shrine. Its size was twice the size of the one encountered on the mountain road before. It was as burly as the entire room, and its appearance was even more sinister.

It disappeared from the spot like smoke, Farosa gripped the magic blade, and saw it instantly appear at the other end of the crack, pushing a man into the crack, he disappeared, disappeared in an instant, and the others stood The people beside the crack forced their composure, and performed a lively scene.

Xu Yang checked the environment and saw two people wearing the uniforms of the security company, with riot sticks and pistols on their waists, steel helmets, and large shields on their backs. At this time, they could only pretend to be calm like other ordinary men and women. With the existence of phase demons, no matter how mischievous this shrine is, it is difficult to solve it.

"Where is the other end of the crack?" Farosa asked.

"Namiyajima, didn't the two of you come for this?" Matsuyama Yoshioka put his hands together, "However, Nanmiyajima has completely sunk into another world, a domain belonging to Yan Mo."

"Enma?" Farosa has not heard of it before, "Is it a local monster in Islands Continent?"

"The most powerful one, Enma has always been sealed on Nangu Island," Yoshihide Matsuyama explained, "Baiyou Shrine and Changying Shrine originally worked together to control Yanmo, but the Sakura Maiden of Changying Shrine left her. The responsibility...leaves us here to struggle."

"...Tongye Lianshi didn't tell us about Yan Mo." Xu Yang said.

"Of course, Yan Mo is a terrifying beast and a taboo monster in Nanmiyajima." Yoshihide Matsuyama chuckled, "The witch of Sakura was taken away by the fox monster and got everything she wanted, leaving Baiyou Shrine behind. gradually fade away.”

Fox monster? Xu Yang said secretly. Another new concept.

Another phase demon climbed out of the crack. It moved in the air by teleporting, completely unhindered. The phase demons streamed out, and more and more phase demons appeared near the back mountain. The men and women beside the fissure also stopped speaking, trembling with fear.

"You hand over people to phase demons and let them be your killers?" Xu Yang observed.

"I need you all." Songshan Yiyuan hit the ground with a tin stick, "Be obedient!"

"Do you think of us as fish belly?" Xu Yang looked around, the phase demon was looming, and there was no fixed shape at all.

"There is also a peaceful way," Matsuyama explained with a smile. "If the two of you are willing to stay in the shrine and act as tourists as well as the others, of course the two of you can live longer. You know, Baiyou Shrine. It's been a long, long time since it's been this lively."

"No one can negotiate terms with injects more magic into the magic blade.

Just a touch.

"Roar!" The largest phase demon instantly appeared on top of Xu Yang and Farosa's heads and pressed down on them. The other phase demons also moved quickly, ready to tear them to pieces.

"Run!" Seeing the war, the people on the edge of the crack fled.

Farosa clenched the blade of magic power and slashed it in a circular motion. The magic power was released in a concentrated manner, like a pillar of flame, which burst out in an instant, illuminating half the night sky, and the long blade danced in the air. Even if the phase demon was in a state of nothingness, it still remained. It will be killed by the scattered magic power. The biggest phase demon is hit the hardest, and its size rapidly shrinks, as if it evaporated its own mass during the confrontation, leaking like a balloon.

"This, this..." Matsuyama Yoshioka saw that the giant phase demon of Roger was vaporized in an instant, and it shrank rapidly under the slash of the magic blade. His expression changed greatly, and he could no longer maintain his smile, and turned to change. was particularly annoyed, "—how dare you—"

Farosa swung the knife with her right hand, and the approaching phase demon disappeared like an ice cube meeting a high-temperature steel blade.

"Roar!" Countless phase demons launched a joint attack.

Her body was hit, but it recovered in an instant. The trauma seen by the human eye seemed to be an illusion, and it seemed that all the attacks fell on her phantom, which could not cause substantial damage to her at all.

Xu Yang stepped back a little, watching how Felosa violently swung her weapon. Naturally, she has no sword skills or powerful moves, but just like wielding a god-killing weapon, her attack power is large enough, and her defense power is considerable enough, that is to say, with the law of recovery, she can make countless mistakes times, with just one hit, the opponent will be torn apart.

"It's your turn." Farosa slashed the blind phase magic and pointed the magic blade at the abbot Yoshitoka Matsuyama.

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