The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 283: new dawn

Little has changed from Tanaka Smart's earlier visit.

Eyeball robots of various sizes shuttled around and performed guard tasks. Among the group of eyeball robots, the biggest one was Taro Tanaka. He spewed blue flames from the propeller, making it briskly cross the street, approaching Xu Yang, he also stopped the shuttle.

"It's nice to see that the factory hasn't changed much," Xu Yang said. "We were surprised when we sent the A40 over. A company is full of eye-eye robots."

"The changes are still great, and I need your help." Tanaka Taro said anxiously, "Please come with me."

"Oh?" Xu Yang hurriedly followed Tanaka Taro.

It opens the door of the company. The whole company is also a fully automatic factory. The structure inside is extremely precise, and countless eyeball robots move in the pipeline.

When working, the eye robots will unfold each mechanical arm from the surface of the body, and when they need to travel through the pipeline, they will all close these mechanical arms, turning themselves into a precision iron ball that can roll quickly.

Arriving at Tanaka Taro's office, Xu Yang found the problem.

During the day, the Black Fire Innovation bombed the oil storage tanks in the port, causing extremely violent explosions and earthquakes, which affected Aizu Castle and shook all the files and terminals in Tanaka Taro's office. Many precious disks were destroyed. It was smashed to the ground, and some terminals were righted, but they were also seriously damaged.

"I have many hard disks and floppy disks that are damaged to varying degrees." Tanaka Taro sounded rather disturbed.

"It's okay, I can help you recover the software data," Xu Yang said. "Give me the hard drives that cannot be repaired. I know that there is a very powerful person who can repair them as if they hadn't been dropped."

"Thank you so much!" Tanaka Taro was very pleasantly surprised. "You also know that these data are invaluable. It is no exaggeration to say that once they are delayed by stupid wars, the exploration of technology by all mankind will be delayed."

"Research report of Synthetist?" Xu Yang helped Taro Tanaka recover some of the information and data. Many files were stored on the system firmware and locked by the emergency disaster recovery system.

"Yes, synthetic human," Tanaka Taro explained. "Countless days and nights of research."

"It's life-creating work."

"Strange too." Tanaka Taro floated in his office.

A small eyeball robot got in, looking like a 1/3 replica of Tanaka Taro, pouring solid fuel into Tanaka Taro's energy burner.

"What's so strange."

"I was studying at Lundnim University," Tanaka Taro said. "At the freshman orientation, the principal told us that there are only three things in the world that are worth giving our all to—science, religion, and art. So I set foot on the The path of science. If I had seen a black monster the size of a hill earlier, an airship that could suddenly teleport into a city, maybe I would have turned to worshipping the occult."

"Are occultism and religion popular in Taixi?"

"Taixizhou used to be the hometown of all the witches and the church," Tanaka Taro said. "The influence was great, and some people even started to rebuild the church that was demolished by the company alliance. I couldn't understand it at first, and I tried to laugh at it, but the more I realized that they were like this. What it means: The witch and the gods have returned one by one. Go back! Let us gently walk into the reverse current of history and return to the era when there were gods and monsters."

Apparently, Taro Tanaka was frightened by the Enma and Martinez affair. Xu Yang said secretly.

"Have confidence in science." Xu Yang comforted him, "We have made many inventions and created a lot of wealth in the past 100 years, which is comparable to the entire history of the past. Some monsters have only found a few for themselves in the past 10,000 years. Thousands of wives."

Tanaka Taro fell to the ground and supported his body with a robotic arm. He always said that he lived in this huge eye robot. Xu Yang looked at the photo hanging on the wall. It was the photo of Tanaka Taro's doctoral graduation at Lundnim University. He was also an eye robot, holding his degree with a clamp arm cap.

"I'm working on the most important invention: the synthetic man," Tanaka said. "It's a breakthrough that means we can stop squeezing humans. Instead, let the machines do the work, but this research has also reached a dead end."


"Think about it," Tanaka said, "if you make a human employee work 12 hours longer, you're ruthlessly extracting his labor. But if you make a synth work 23 hours, grant it One hour charging time, no one can criticize that, it's like machines in a factory running 24 hours a day, or using terminals around the clock, they are meant to do these jobs."

"Of course," Xu Yang nodded, "it's long overdue for the synthetic humans to work and the humans to enjoy themselves."

"Look, this is the problem." Tanaka Taro looked at the data that Xu Yang was recovering, "These data are the crystallization of 3 generations of synthetic human intelligence. After enough deep learning, it will upgrade itself to the 4th generation. This is the past. The highest achievement in this field in half a century. But at that point, what is the difference between us having synths work around the clock, day and night?”

"The synth just needs to be recharged."

"Just charging? Look at what the A40 does - it pursues love! It has something it loves, and it's still being loved. If we force the A40 to fight around the clock, it will accept that with ease. .But one day it suddenly tells you that it is going to leave the post to pursue love, can we limit its freedom? At that time, synthetic people walked on the earth, just like our own brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters."

"So this study came to an end."

"Yes," Tanaka Taro said in a bitter tone, "As soon as I opened the A40's mental upgrade report, I realized that I, my mentor, and countless classmates were all on a dead end - we shouldn't have given synthesizers high-level from the beginning. Intelligence, it's a technology that has to be sealed."

Xu Yang looked at the data scrolling on the screen in front of him, Tanaka Taro went to train the neural model of the synthetic human, and made extraordinary achievements one after another, making the synthetic human more and more like a human.

Tanaka Taro's optometry also locked on the codes that were being restored, and he stopped collecting the damaged disks and discarded them.

"Could it be that synthetic humans are more dangerous than witches?" Xu Yang said, "but we just acquiesced in the power of witches, as if they were safer than synthetic humans."

"..." Tanaka Taro was silent.

"We should increase the production capacity of synthetic humans, let them join this society and create wealth for civilization." Xu Yang said.

"I don't have a factory."

"There is." Xu Yang pointed to Anjiu City, "Now, Kyoto Infinity's control over Anjiu City is very weak, and we should promote the independence of the entire city."

"But war..."

"Is Kyoto Infinity able to protect our safety?" Xu Yang shook his head, "It neither killed Yan Mo nor defeated the Martinez. If we have been following the Kyoto Infinity's will, naive and obedient under its protection, Waiting for the management of the company to decide our fate, then we really failed miserably, and became the most hopeless and most hopeless group of people."

"...Come here." Tanaka Taro took Xu Yang out of the office and arrived at the company's assembly line. Countless eye-eye robots were working, assembling one after another of A-type robots, which is the same model as the mass-selling A40, A200, A300, etc. Synths are wandering around, using different types of weapons like swords, guns, etc., depending on their factory preset fighting style.

"Isn't this a big barracks?" Xu Yang sighed.

"I have to prove the advanced nature of technology." Tanaka Taro emphasized, "Technology will make everyone free. This is the concept I brought from Taixizhou."

"Why on earth did you leave Taixizhou?" Xu Yang suddenly thought of this question, "Isn't Taixizhou well treated?"

"I used to think it was a good place to live," Tanaka Taro said. "In Lundnim, I was paid $245,000 a month, and I met a man at the door of the apartment who was doing nothing. He was in charge of guarding the entrance and exit of the apartment. Tell me that he takes 120,000 a month, which is the result of collective bargaining by the labor association of his city. I am never jealous of him, but it still makes me... I regret the education and efforts I have received in the past, so I I still decided to go back to the Islands and open my own research company.”

However, he couldn't get 10,000 yuan a month in Gaoge Kyushu, and he had to repay the debt. Xu Yang sighed. Or the company's best fool.

"I'll stay here for the night." Xu Yang rubbed his eyes, "After the dawn of the next day, we will take Anjiu City in our hands."

On the other side, in the medical room of the Real Gold Building.

Du Qianqian was lying on the hospital bed. She had to be treated because she was shot outside. Halfway through the operation, the medicine in the automatic doctor ran out. She was stuck inside for 20 minutes, until 102 heard her cry for help and lifted her up. Come out To go back to sleep, Du Qianqian alone lamented that his fate was impermanent.

Why are you always getting shot!

It’s okay to be hit by 101, but it’s another matter to be shot by the Black Fire Commando. Is his fate so tragic? She was indignant and deeply felt that her fate was unfair.

Immediately afterwards, she saw even more terrifying things. She wanted to escape from the hospital bed, but she couldn't move. The fear was like a big hand pinching Du Qianqian to death.


She entered the ward and walked towards Du Qianqian step by step. Every step she took made Du Qianqian tremble, and she even felt like she was about to urinate. There is nothing in the world more terrifying and deterrent than Farosa.

Unable to return to his hometown alive, Du Qianqian burst into tears. No matter how much Farosa was going to torture her, she was ready.

Contrary to the terrifying acts that may occur at any time, Farosa hugged Du Qianqian and kissed her on the cheek.

"Let me heal you," Farosa said softly. "Don't be afraid."


Du Qianqian was so frightened that his heart stopped for a while, and he fainted.

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