The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 297: junkyard baby

If A40 and Miying continue to quarrel like this, they will definitely fight. They have fought each other before. Miying was stronger than the A40 before, but not necessarily now.

Xu Yang pulled up a blue plastic bench and sat next to it to resolve the conflict between them.

"Don't worry," Xu Yang said, "First of all, the A40 didn't do it on purpose, it just came over and turned around, and it didn't specifically say that it would harm this place."

"Yeah." A40 felt aggrieved. From the very beginning until now, it feels like it has done nothing wrong, but the rich guys are dead and the rich are dead.

Miying pursed her lips and said nothing. From behind her artificial eyes, a monotonous, emotionless light shone on the surface of the A40, and she just stared at the A40.

A40's two-eye light tubes flashed for a while, turning blank white.

Xu Yang was still thinking about the five newborn witches, so he left them here first.

"If they do kill them," Xu Yang instructed, "you should attack them head on, don't think too much about anything else, I'll tell you what's the matter."

"Yes, boss!" A40 nodded, pulled a wire to charge itself, increased the operation of the body's exhaust fan, and fully improved the heat dissipation efficiency, so as to prevent the central processing unit from overheating after a while.

After listening to Xu Yang's words, Miying's posture suddenly changed. She checked the operation of the ion sword "Shadow Kill" around her waist and silently waited for the enemy to come.

The Poison Master was supposed to be in charge of receiving the A40, but recently, a large number of new people have signed up to join the Self-Rescue Association. The Poison Master was busy coordinating the new members, and he didn't know that a group of hostile samurai was coming. But there is no need for her to worry, if the situation really develops out of control, Xu Yang will bring Farosa and the others over to clear the scene.

The top priority is to take those witch babies who are waiting to be fed.

The garbage mountain and the shanty town of the Self-Rescue Association are very close. Today is the first time Xu Yang has carefully observed this garbage mountain. , meanders to the seaside, the smell is unpleasant, and the running water has gelled.

This is the largest garbage dump he has ever seen in his life. It looks like a pale plastic desert, interspersed with colorful large pieces of garbage, like the corpses of the last human civilization.

Its scale is still expanding. He saw four large green-painted shuttles without company labels. It seemed that even the company was ashamed of what he had done, for fear of being cast aside. The four large shuttles whizzed and glide over and hovered over the garbage mountain. They moved according to the established trajectory, which happened to overlap with the distribution law of the garbage mountain.

The people below cursed wildly and kept throwing stones at these shuttles, but no matter what, they couldn't stop them. These shuttles opened the huge hatch in their abdomen, and immediately there was a terrible loud noise, and countless garbage fell from the sky, including rubble, construction debris , radioactive waste, electronic products, packaging waste, broken robots and vehicles, etc., add another layer to the garbage mountain.

Xu Yang glared at the residents of the garbage dump with guns, but did not shoot at them. Presumably people have tried to shoot at it before, only to get frantic reprisals from the company's damage control unit, so now they're just watching, not pulling the trigger.

The Beast in the Cloud armor on his body issued an alarm, reminding him that the air quality in the area was extremely poor, and there was a small amount of radiation remaining, and he was advised not to stay in the area for more than three hours.

three hours. Xu Yang thought to himself. People here have lived here for many years.

He walked to the depths of the garbage mountain. The archipelago is narrow, and there was no building space. Now the scale of the garbage dump is expanding, and people's living space is getting narrower and narrower.

Today, they have built eggshell-shaped garbage power stations, recycling plants and waste stations around the garbage mountain, living around the garbage, just like bacteria and microorganisms decomposing food residues, in an attempt to reduce the size of this large garbage mountain. . However, even if there are endless descendants, it is impossible to hollow out this garbage mountain, but to reduce the speed of the garbage mountain expansion as much as possible.

Garbage eats people. Xu Yang drove the Zifeng, and finally checked the 5 baby incubators he had prepared on the shuttle, which were equipped with a health maintenance system and nutrient solution. He got out of the car and saw the leader of the scavenger guild.

The leader of the scavengers drove over in a broken tricycle. His complexion was sallow, as if he had been hollowed out from the inside. Not consciously leaning to one side.

His eyes were cloudy, as fierce as an eagle, and glared at Xu Yang.

"Are you the one who came to buy the witch baby?" he asked.

"I am." Xu Yang said.

"500,000, 5." The leader of the scavengers stretched out his hand to ask for money, "It's not just selling."

"Here you are." Xu Yang gave him money.

"Come up." The leader of the scavengers asked Xu Yang to sit on his green iron sheet for three rounds.

"Please lead the way." Xu Yang unloaded the five incubators from the shuttle, put them on the tricycle, and sat behind the tricycle, bumping into the depths of the scavenger association. He hid one hand in his arms, holding his pistol Itora.

The **** dropped by the shuttle machine was still rolling on the mountain of rubbish. There was a green optical dust in the air, and the leader of the scavenger made an unclean cough from his nose.

Xu Yang looked to both sides. The living conditions of the people here can no longer be described as poor. They are downright poverty-stricken. Clothes and shoes are pulled from the mountains of rubbish. Furniture and electronic equipment are also very bad old goods. He looked into the distance and saw that the garbage shanty area was expanding. The size of the garbage mountain was as far away as the shanty town.

Lifeless, the powerful among them are now trekking up the mountain of garbage, hunting for treasures in the latest batch of trash thrown down. People with nothing to do, the sick and the elderly sit under walls waiting to die, and women and children are not much better off than garbage.

"Can I do something?" Xu Yang asked, "Help is needed here."

"Environmental protection is a bottomless pit. It's like cancer. Once you start doing it, it will drag you down." The leader of the scavengers said, "We supply 18% of the electricity in Anjiu City and provide 70% of the waste recycling for Anjiu City. Materials, I used this money to set up a small bank to provide loans to my own people, and continue to boil in the garbage mountain, I don’t want to drag others into the water. We have done our best, and the next thing is not money. It's resolved."

"If it's not about money, what is it?"

"We are here to stop the mountain of garbage from continuing to expand," the leader of the scavengers circled in the air with his hands. "It can last 10 years, in fact, I can live for 10 years. To manage the environment, there must be a day in these 10 years. It’s the only way out to bring down the savior, unify the world, and formulate environmental regulations for all companies. Otherwise, we will dig mountains here, and they will discharge sewage there, and it will not be saved.”

"I take the liberty to ask, what did you do before?"

"I have a doctorate in environmental engineering." The leader of the scavengers climbed down from the three-wheeler and took Xu Yang into the first family.

There was a woman in the room who put a swaddling cloth on the threshold, wrapped a three-month-old baby witch, like a human embryo cultivated in a laboratory environment, wrinkled and could not even feel any moisture on her body.

"Photo." The woman said timidly.

Xu Yang squatted on the ground and took a picture, taking a picture of the woman in the room and the witch baby on the threshold. The woman smiled slightly, then went back to the back room and lay on the bed, watching the broken window shining into the ground. a ray of sunshine.

The leader of the scavengers led Xu Yang back to the tricycle. Xu Yang put the baby witch in the incubator. She had no life and was very shriveled.

"The witches must be handed over to the company as soon as they are born," said the leader of the scavengers. "In most companies, they are does your company want witches to do?"

"Change the world." Xu Yang said.

The leader of the scavengers led Xu Yang to go three more households, and took three baby witches into the incubator. risk of starvation.

They showed some peculiarities to some extent, and their magic power was detected after entering the incubator. There should be some other baby witches who grew up together with ordinary human cubs, and it is impossible to tell them apart.

Finally arrived at the last one.

The leader of the scavengers stood at the door.

"It's mainly this child." He said to Xu Yang, "It's because of this child that I specially contacted the witches to pick up the witches. Of course, your bid is also the highest."

"Is this very special?"

"It's very special," said the leader of the scavengers.

The leader of the scavengers pushed open the door, Xu Yang walked in, and saw that two women were already there. They tried to feed some very thin milk to a newborn witch waiting to be fed. But she was still dying, and her thin skin was covered with eerie red lines.

She didn't move.

"This is the most dangerous," said the leader of the scavengers.

"What's so special about her?"

The leader of the scavengers opened the baby witch's left eyelid and shot a red laser from her eyes, piercing the ceiling of the tin shack.

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