The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 337: 1 stream technology

Just a touch.

Xu Yang stared at the battle situation, and within a few breaths after the battle, the A100 and the nemesis armed knife collided 12 times, making 12 loud sounds in succession, exploding beside his ear.

There was a lot of fighting on the field, but in contrast, the reactions of the audience on the sidelines caught his interest more.

Most of the guests are pampered all the year round, and rarely visit the swordsman in person. In the past, they only used virtual reality to experience the simulation, and their understanding of the swordsman stopped at the broadcast of the program. Now they stare at the spinning blade dance and listen to the loud noise of swords facing each other. Human eyes provide the best picture, and human ears provide fine sound effects, far better than all hardware simulations, so they lean forward, their hearts speed up, and their faces change from time to time. , completely intoxicated with fighting.

He saw Lila walking to his side, they didn't dare to hold hands in public, so Lila put her hands behind her quietly, and asked Xu Yang to cover her movements with her body, and hooked Lila's fingers behind him. Repeatedly overlapping and touching, like the mind entangled.


Another knife.

Xu Yang listened to the violent collision of metals, and seeing the hearts of others trembling, some people had to give in to their own fear and distanced themselves from the sword. This is the enjoyment of being in the real world, which can be replaced by non-streaming media technology and virtual neural signals.

Such activities really provide a harmless outlet for bloodthirsty people. Xu Yang thought. He looked at the crowd. Nearly 50 people stood on the periphery of the venue. What a luxurious lineup. These people are members of the upper-middle-class society of the northern archipelago, such as medical experts, security guards, senior managers, engineers, information technology managers, actuaries, Private financial advisors, professional investors, etc.

"These guests are all powerful people," Lila said. "We may meet on other occasions in the future."

"They are the elites of the industry system." Xu Yang observed these people.

Many people are constantly changing their position, not to find a good position to watch the fight, but to chat with their potential partners. Their sons and daughters were also brought to the arena. They were very busy, watching the robot fights while watching the members of the Xisheng Group. At the same time, they also had to build contacts in the children's social circle, establish a reputation, and inherit the resources of their parents.

"The battered elites." Lila could feel their movements, "Really busy all the time."

"They have to hand over their careers to future generations." Xu Yang said.

He knew that these people wanted to guard their respective radish pits to prevent the scumbags from getting in, so they had privileges and circles. They tried their best to maintain social connections, try to increase the boundaries between classes, and let wealth and interests flow in a closed loop. This shapes the real social cycle. The intergenerational inheritance mechanism for vested interests to solidify assets makes the distribution of power and resources based on blood rather than ability. Losing the ability to circulate hematopoiesis, the entire system will eventually become rigid, the upper layer is incompetent, and the lower layer is hopeless.

"They were proud," Lila said. "They believed I was just a soldier, guarding the venue, as cheap as the security they used to secure the company gate."

"These people have reasons to be proud," Xu Yang said. "They make a fortune and pass it on from generation to generation. Only the reshuffle of the whole society can affect them."

"They are the closest group to the core of capital."

"Yes, Ye Ye and the others are the core of capital." Xu Yang said.

Xisheng Investment Group itself has reached a scale of trillions, not including its subsidiaries and the companies they secretly control. From giant companies to ordinary companies, they have their capital injections behind them, which are huge and terrifying from any point of view.

Lila captures information on them, including leather, luxury perfume, silk, carbon fiber, microelectronic chips, all expensive.

But she knew that they wouldn't be much better than ordinary people when they were shot, and Bullets wouldn't decide to turn a corner just because they heard about their fame.

Lila wants to take revenge on the company that cut off her limbs and internal organs. Her deep hatred is hidden in the depths of the code, and she will only wait until she is released.

The field is still full of swords and swords.

Every sword collision is a heavy intersection of force and skill. After all kinds of tests, A100 found the opportunity, charged quickly, stabbed with a knife, and then rolled behind the nemesis weapon.

The nemesis armed neatly used the right knife to hold the A100's slash, and then stabbed the A100 in the back center with the left knife.


That action was as deadly as cutting a fish. The sharp metal penetrated into the armor, the blade pierced through the armor of the A100, and destroyed the electronic link on the back of the spine. For humans, it was as deadly as hurting the spine.

It was very fierce, and it caused people to sigh. The children tried to clap their hands and applauded, but they were held down by the adults. They quickly glanced at the families around them and found that their children were as frizzy as their own children, and then they put it down a little. Come to the heart.

Kojima Yeba was completely unaffected in this respectful Vanity Fair, she just shouted briskly, couldn't help tugging at the sleeves of Liuli's mouth, and reached out to point at the robot's sword-blade confrontation.

She is the biological daughter of Noriko Honma, who dares to criticize her behavior, the leaves are like the only bright color in the black and white painting, attracting the attention of many people.

But it was an extremely jealous look, wishing to step on the leaves under his feet.

"I heard," Lila listened, "two people said she won the womb lottery."

"But Ye Ye tore the lottery ticket to shreds and ran to the underground city." Xu Yang said.

"Then she picked up the lake again, and it was a lottery ticket that couldn't be transferred," Lila said.

Xu Yang looked at Ye Ye, he didn't know what Ye Ye was thinking, especially, he didn't know what Ye Ye valued, whether it was her friends and nature, or her family and wealth. Which of the two is more important in Ye Ye's heart? Xu Yang actually had an answer in his heart, but he could only confirm it when Ye Ye made his own choice.

People off the field have their own thoughts, and the synths on the field are still fighting.

Xu Yang could hear the ominous sound of electromagnetic buzzing from the A100, as if it could no longer fight. The nemesis weapon is still precise and sturdy. Its metal casing was hit 19 times without leaving the slightest scar, but the A100's knife began to roll.

too hard.

How can there be such a hard nemesis armed.

Like hitting a mountain, manpower can't break it no matter what.

The A100 moved its footsteps in vain, avoiding the dual-knife pursuit of the Nemesis Armament. It has an advantage in skills, and it has repeatedly hit the nemesis weapon, but it has failed to leave effective kills.

It once again avoided the slashing attack of the Nemesis Armament with all its might, and then swung the knife backhand. But in an instant, the entire knife was shaken away by the reaction force, and when I looked again, it still failed to cause effective damage to the Nemesis Armament.

Rigidity and toughness are top-notch, and the nemesis weapon keeps advancing, compressing the range of motion of the A100. This is not a metal monster that A100 can defeat. It is a fusion of magic and technology, a veritable "nemesis" that can crush all enemies.

"The colleagues in the industry said that it is like my child." Shikou Liuli smiled at Kojima Leaf next to him, "I used magic to pinch it out like a clay figurine."

"Then you are not the creator." Ye Zi smiled.

"Which side do you support to win?" Shikou Liuli looked at the battle.

"Hopefully the A-type robot wins." Ye Zi thought about the A40. A40 was really reckless and ignorant, and was kicked to pieces by Pan Ruiyin.

How many people in the world can withstand a kick from Pan Ruiyin? Her thighs were as hard as cement pillars.

In front of them, the A100 was losing ground, and the decline became more and more obvious.

At first, it can also block or deflect the attack of the nemesis weapon, and then it is difficult to parry, and it is forced to use its non-lethal parts to take damage.

After the speed dropped, all its movements had more flaws, and all the trajectories were analyzed by the nemesis weapon. It pursued like a poisonous snake, causing the A100 to continuously produce forced errors.

The pre-loaded programs of the A-type robots are programmed with the orthodox swordsmanship of famous martial artists over the past century, but this is far from enough, and they need to be perfected by themselves during their combat careers. For the A100, it has learned too little.

It would be great if the A40 could be copied in batches. The A40 is currently the most experienced A-series synth. Xu Yang said secretly. But it's troublesome.

Because the mental version is different.

The three generations of AI are constantly evolving, and the information architecture and awareness platforms are also constantly being replaced. The mental version of A40, after maintenance, wasp, lovelorn, and dome battle, is now as high as 3.45, and even its memory files have been updated and compiled, which cannot be directly applied to other initial 3-generation AI robots.

The mental version of the A100 still maintains the factory settings of 3.0, and has not been evolved.

Synthesizers like Nemesis Armament carry extremely mature 2nd-generation AI The mature battle logic can be copied and reused in batches, but it will not evolve on its own.

When the battle was at its most intense, the A100 still did not retreat at all, and it would not stop unless it was completely defeated.

"This is like a martial arts competition, a performance?" Risa Ohara asked the **** Lin Kuro who was beside him.

"It's like a battle of ideas." Kamibayashi shook his head, "Do synthetic humans need such good intelligence... The third-generation AI that Tanaka Taro admired will not be practical in the end."

"Taro Tanaka..." Risa Ohara pondered.

"Have you heard of this Tanaka Taro?" Kamibayashi was curious, "He's a freak, he could have soared. I really don't know what kind of person can't get along with money. We invited him to see Mrs. Honma Noriko, But he wouldn't come out of his big eyeball robot."

"Sounds a little rebellious," said Risa Ohara.

Kamibayashi looked at the prosthetic limb of his right hand, and there were still metal seams left in the part that was cut off by Yoshiyuki Hosoda. He did not fill in the gap, just to remind himself of the value of security services.

"Rebellion? Rebellion makes people's lives harder and more complicated," he murmured. "Why do people just refuse to obey?"

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