The Witch of the Cyber ​​Age Chapter 355 Molting

After the catastrophe of life and death, Farosa still has more seasons in her heart. A neon cloak shrouded her newborn body like a swaddling, covered in orange gel.

The warm wind blew across the island, and Farosa grabbed her cloak and stood up. The portal left by Mond stood in the island like a disc, and it was surrounded by arc-shaped rays of light. The center of the aperture was a semi-transparent conductor like a glass mirror, and the scene on the other side could be vaguely seen.

The more she got to this time, the more she missed Xu Yang, the seven-day battle with the phantom personality made her feel hesitant, and the huge changes in her body and mind made her even more uncomfortable.

"Don't go soon." She urged.

After Xu Yang was found by the witches and passed through the portal, Farosa drove the other witches back to the Shijin Building.

So, on Nangong Island with white sand and blue sky, only her and Xu Yang were left to face each other. She took a deep breath, her chest heaved violently, she had just become a new god, and she still felt a shudder in her heart.

"It's a sticky lake." Xu Yang saw the orange stickiness on her body.

"Like an afterbirth." Farosa peeled off the orange film that covered her skin. They were so glued together that they peeled off so strongly that it seemed like she was uncovering a new layer of skin.

Moulting, Farosa secretly said, this is a symbol of longevity.

"It's become more..." Xu Yang carefully observed that Farosa's appearance was completely similar to the previous one, and there was absolutely no difference, but the sense of touch was more mysterious, a natural gift. And her whole personality has also changed a bit, just like a **** in the world, which is intoxicating and unwilling to look away.

"The first is the transformation of the body." Farosa put down the neon-clothed cloak, she sat on the ground, and Xu Yang helped her to peel off the last gel, while she closed her eyes and breathed evenly, "This body is stronger, and it is all-round. Yes, probably ordinary swords can't hurt me anymore. But you have to develop it, I promise to keep 99% of the appearance, but the inside is not very clear. "

"Why, the door only lasted for half an hour." Xu Yang doubted, "If we miss the time to go back, we will be staying for a week."

"Then you hurry up," Farosha stood up and bent down with her back to him. "Oh, it's up to you to open up a new suburb yourself, isn't this a 'two people's perfect match' in the true sense."

Through piling, the foundation is more stable, and in repeated tempering, all shapes are shaped.

For the first time in her life, Farosa was dazzled by such a high-speed driving. Xu Yang didn't feel anything different, but he felt that there was more taste than before, which was indescribable. After all, Farosa was reborn, and she was no ordinary body.

Xu Yang wrapped her in the neon-clothed cloak that Falosa had newly acquired.

"Let's go back?" Xu Yang embraced Farosa and looked at the God-killing Weapon, which was still on the island.

"It stays here." Farosa still didn't want to take the God-killing weapon back to the world.

Xu Yang took Farosha back to the portal and returned to the teleportation room on the 13th floor of the Shijin Building. Pan Ruiyin was sitting on the sofa next to her. She was very concerned about Farosha's condition.

"Are you okay?" she asked hastily.

"Not very good." Xu Yang took the fiery Farosa to the secret room, "I'll make arrangements first."

In the process of training just now, he found that Farosa was extremely weak. In Xu Yang's experience, Farosa had never been so passive.

He put Farosha on the wide bed, under her neon cloak, and she rolled over lazily.

"It's too difficult." Farosa curled up, thinking of the previous confrontation with the phantom personality, still feeling intimidated, "I have to deal with them for seven days."

Fighting with others, you can always see the winner, because one side is always hammered to death. But fighting with her is of a completely different nature. Even if the ceremony is over, Farosa doesn't know whose victory it is.

Farosa calmed herself down and explained her mental journey.

This is like an island experiment, because the ceremony only lasts seven days. If the uniqueness cannot be determined within seven days, then the Ascension Plan will fall apart, and there will be no winners.

So they immediately divided their camps, some were united around the divinity, ready to embrace the divinity to occupy the entire Farosa; the other part supported the scholars, so that Farosa held the light of reason; and finally they were crazy, eager to kill all other selves .

"One of them is missing." Xu Yang listened to Farosa's remarks, there were so many phantom personalities that appeared, but one was missing.

"Who?" Farosa said in a low voice.

"Liar." Xu Yang turned to look at Rosa, "Where is the little liar Farosa?"

"So this is a strange fact." Farosa sighed, "It proves that my 'ego' is a badass who likes to deceive and manipulate people, and everything is fake. If no other phantom personalities are designed, it should be There are only three of me left, madman, liar, god."

"This is an opportunity to recognize myself."

"I pretended to be one of the phantoms, deceived them, and broke their little alliance, weakened, divided, and finally broke down by me. Maybe there is some clarity in the mentality now, but the power has become more complex and needs to be digested." "It's like having two operating systems in one terminal, it's always a bit of a hassle, you have to switch back and forth," Farosa said. "I have to train carefully to make sure that the two forces are blended."

"What kind of power does the witch **** have?"

Farosa raised her hand, and from her fingertips flowed out a bead-like object like mercury, carrying a scorching star like a galaxy. The strong light stabbed people to open their eyes.

She turned this divine power into a pure divine power blade, extended it in her hand, and a star divine weapon was formed.

"Divine power is the most powerful kind of energy." Farosa whispered, "Their destructive power and influence are unparalleled. I have been stealing the sea power before, but now, I have my own power, even if they Still very weak."

Ocean power comes from eating Orsian's flesh; sun power comes from Yanduo's gift. They are all irritable and unruly, only Farosa's own strength is like an arm, and she is obedient.

With it in her body, she can almost feel the closer relationship with the sky and the sea of ​​​​stars, and now she has truly become the controller of some kind of advanced power, which makes Farosa feel even more delighted, and also means more opportunities and risks.

"I left the god-killing weapon in Nanmiyajima, because now I have my own divine sword." Farosa turned the star divine weapon in her hand, which was transformed by her pure divine power. It has no shape and can be transformed from a sword For another appearance, "I will call it the 'Star Rider', because I am the new **** who rides the stars, not a puppet of an extraterritorial force."

"A lot of evidence points out that the appearance of the witch is a conspiracy of the stars." Xu Yang pondered.

"I don't know anything about it," Farosa admitted. "Maybe it's because I'm a witch, so I can't see clearly."

Farosa turned the star rider into a divine breath and regained her soul. She has a re-forged body of a god, and a soul soaked in faith and strength. There are all kinds of strange things in her body, and it will take time to digest.

"Mond told me a lot about past civilizations." Xu Yang said.

"These ancient mysteries never told me." Farosa frowned, "They drove me like a tool, made me endorse, made me kill gods, and then annihilated me into the invisible, never with me Heart."

"Neither do I." Xu Yang closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head, "No one knows whether what Mond said is true or not~ No one knows. I will only wait until I enter Xisheng Shrine in person and investigate it. The so-called 'giant tower'."

"I still need time to practice my new power." Farosa pulled out the neon-clothed cloak that she was pressing and let Xu Yang open her eyes, "This is a by-product of the ceremony, a piece of clothing that tells everyone's imagination of me. They all believe that this is a magical clothing worthy of my power."

Farosa put on and tied the cloak in front of Xu Yang, and an even more dazzling halo-like aura appeared, dazzling the world.

"It's so beautiful..." Xu Yang reached out and touched it, flawless.

"This brilliance will make the witches fear," Farosa sat beside the bed wrapped in a neon cloak, "they will be aphasia, silent, and shameful. This is also right, after all, I am the most powerful witch in this era, strong It's about suppressing the weak."

Xu Yang thought that Farosa still had some eager words to say, but no, she just suddenly fell silent, and then showed a tired and relieved smile.

"Too tired." She closed her eyes and leaned against Xu Yang, "I'm really tired, I won't do anything for the next time."

"I'll take care of other things, you can rest assured." Xu Yang comforted.

These seven days were the longest seven days for her. Farosa closed her eyes and breathed evenly.

"Mond invited us to sign a covenant." Xu Yang said, "Go to the Moonlight Garden, it sounds like a secluded and suitable place to rest."

"Yes, I've heard of this place in the descriptions of its believers. It's really quiet. You can go and have a look." Farosa snuggled up on Xu Yang, "...Go there and rest for a while." +Bookmark+

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