The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 90: promotion witch

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 92

"Is she serious?" Bacchus looked at Xu Yang for help.

"In a certain sense." Xu Yang said, "Let me sort out the situation for you from the beginning - the rat infestation lasted for 3 days and has now subsided. In order to break it down, the Shenkong Building was blown up by another Mateo. , Sally and a large number of mice were killed, bringing endless troubles. However, the Bronze Titan quarry is still the key to the competition for giant enterprises, and the main force of Blackfire Innovation has retreated, your mission is a failure. "

"...So it is." Bacchus struggled to digest the information she had learned, and in a word, the past was no more.

She looked at the porthole wistfully, without speaking, it was dark outside, like a closed stage curtain, announcing the end of a play.

"You have reasons to feel uneasy." Xu Yang further enlightened, "After all, not everyone has experienced such a thing as resurrection, but if you really miss your partners, then take their share to live and realize their future. An ideal that can be accomplished.”

"They gave me a name in private," Bacchus's eyes stayed in the darkness. "Aqua, Yoshioka, was named by a good man. His daughter also called this name, but she became seriously ill and died. Everyone I hoped I would live under this name, but they took good care of me. They were all rude and mercenaries. They were affiliated with small companies, signed yin and yang contracts, and worked for a giant like Heihuo, even if they died. No compensation."

"As long as you live, you can still do it," Xu Yang said, "make up for all their wishes, Miss Yoshioka."

"It's better to be called Bacchus," Farosa said.

"It's all right." Bacchus nodded and sighed. "It looks like I have to work, earn money, and send it to their families, hoping they're still here."

"You can follow me first," Xu Yang said. "If there is a suitable job, I will pay you a salary, and you can get board and lodging on this shuttle."

"What else can you do but octopus tricks?" Farosa looked at the ink on Bacchus' hand. .

"I'm the Hacker Witch," Backus slowly recalled the knowledge he was instilled in. "I can crack some electronic programs and solve some technical problems."

"It doesn't sound like Xu Yang's work at all." Farosa has seen what Xu Yang can do, and is not interested in ordinary hackers.

"Of course, the digital mind..." Bacchus was a little frustrated.

"It would be great if you could help with the shuttle inspection." Lila offered to ask, "Miss Yoshioka, please help to debug this shuttle, please?"

"...I, I understand." Bacchus came back to his senses and walked to the center console. Lila gave her the seat. Bacchus slowly edited the operating rules for the shuttle to further improve the energy consumption ratio, and the work made her feel depressed.

"She still didn't answer me." Farosa came back to her senses and said to Xu Yang in a low voice, "Why doesn't she want the power to be close at hand? I'm talking about that."

"It's impossible to conquer everyone with one word," Xu Yang rubbed Farosa, "Grow up quickly."

"By the way," Bacchus turned his head, "you said that the mouse and Sally... are completely over?"

"Yes," Xu Yang said, "They brought a lot of trouble, but they still died in the company's security siege. In the end, they fought to the death and split with Mateo, only to be blown to pieces by Mateo."

"It's the people of Blackfire Innovation who are doing the trick. They have been trying to contact all kinds of rat people," Backs recalled what he knew. "Sally and her clan live in the nearby rat village. Moon finds them, provides Sally with stamps, helps them train giant rats, strengthens Sally's magic, and promises to help them capture Aizu Castle and turn the entire dungeon into a home for the Rat People. But it's all fake ."

"Mateo's real purpose is..."

"Create chaos and cover up for them to hold the ancient witch away." Bacchus pointed to Farosa, "Everything is for her..."

"Aim at me with your finger again, and I'll kill you." Farosa was very dissatisfied.

"You should be approachable." Xu Yang said, "Why are you always so cruel."

"I am the leader of the witches, and I will definitely become the new king of the witches." Farosa raised her eyebrows, "If any young witch offends me so much, how can I still rule."

"Violence can only spawn resistance," Xu Yang said. "I don't need to explain this."

"Hmph..." Farosa pouted.

"We have too many things to accomplish," Xu Yang leaned back and leaned on the seat, "For example, you, you are very strong, but you can't do it alone, you must recruit more We invite witches of this kind of power to join our camp, so that we can fight against other companies and even giant companies, and finally achieve our goal of changing the status quo. Therefore, recruiting witches and expanding the base is the top priority.”

"Why did the witch join you?" Bacchus asked.

Nature is power. Farosa thought to herself. But you guys don't simply like power, hey, let's change the way of speaking, it's really annoying.

Farosa walked towards Bacchus with a soft gaze.

"I can help you grow," Farosa gently stroked Bacchus' face, she was a little surprised, "In the era I lived in, the path for witches to strengthen was very obvious, first of all to ask God for help, God will do Respond and reward."

"I...I heard that God doesn't exist anymore." Bacchus was puzzled. The company destroys all churches, disbands all occult orders, and prevents the resurgence of ancient powers.

"But in me the glory of God has

^0^ One second to remember【】

After all, I am a faithful servant of God, and it is only natural that God now entrusts some of his responsibilities to me as an agent. "Farosa whispered in Bacchus' ear, "Now, I can act on a part of God's will, that is, to promote and reward faithful servants, so that you can protect yourself, realize your ideals, and prove your worth. "

"How?" Buck's voice trembled.

"Welcome the gift with an open heart," Farosa said, "and be grateful for what comes next."

She sat Bacchus upright.

Xu Yang vaguely saw some changes in Farosa's hand. The skin seemed to become softer, covered with blue-purple scars, and no longer pale. She moved her hand up and approached Bacchus.

"What do you feel?" Farosa asked quietly.

"Wet..." Bacchus gasped, "...the sea...reaches out to me..."

"Say: 'I obey Farosa, **** of witches'."

"I obey... Farosa, the goddess of witches..." Bacchus was a little afraid of Farosa, but now it is even more difficult to control himself, trying his best to make his voice clear.

"That's right." Farosa kissed Bacchus lightly on the forehead, then retracted her hand, "I give you strength."

"Is there any change?" Xu Yang was curious.

"Magic... it's overflowing." Bacchus stood up, trembling in the cabin.

"The coating has limited the leakage of magic fluctuations," Lila said, "but it is still recommended to install a more powerful magic shielding device for this shuttle."

After being blessed by Farosa, Bacchus fell to the ground uncontrollably, spewing a large amount of ink from his hands, like an ink factory. These black liquid objects have surpassed the definition of ordinary ink and have some abnormal vitality.

They first disintegrated, and then began to self-merge from the liquid state, forming smaller ink creatures, creeping on the ground, like countless tiny black beings, uttering repressed whispers, crying to find their mother, like a new race from Creation out of nothingness.

"Magic needs to be developed," Farosa said, "I just gave you a little liberation. Hehe, inkjet seems to be only used as ink for scribes, but you know, this is already a very powerful type of active creation. Magical."

"They look very powerful." Xu Yang poked at a small ink creature on the ground, it was very angry and bit Xu Yang's finger, but because of the nano armor, it didn't bite.

"The strength of a witch lies not only in the size of her magic power, but also in the understanding and development of her own abilities." Farosa said, "Xu Yang, you once said that some witches who can spawn plants can only be used as flowers under the witch council. Craftsman, you are wrong, if they are smart enough, they can transform a large area of ​​land into a dense forest ecosystem surrounded by towering ancient trees, and become immortal green queens in it, even more than working under the company."

"This is the second innovation," Xu Yang realized Farosa's new power. "With the help of 'God', the ladder of witches' ability growth will be re-opened. come back."

"Bacchus, you are honored to be my loyal servant," Farosa stroked Bacchus' hair, "Your potential is endless, surpassing some mechanical bodies."

"Mechanical experience will become your nemesis." Lila said, "Giant companies also know how to develop the potential of witches. In the future, as the arms race escalates, major companies will gradually loosen restrictions and support their own witches to fight against you. The little No, I'm sure the power she gives is something that no company can give..." Bacchus leaned back against the wall, and after a while, the little creatures made of ink all over the floor came one after another. When she died, she stretched out her hand to recall, and the ink peeled off the ground and returned to her body, leaving no traces of ink on the ground, "It's like being reborn... You must know that the prosthetic clinic blocked my magic circuit, and she Easily destroy all those shackles."

"Gratitude and obedience are the virtues I want to see in you." Farosa looked at Bacchus tenderly. "Would you do this?"

Before Bacchus came to a conclusion, there was a rustling of digging from outside.

"What is that?" Farosa frowned, "What company's lackey is that?"

"No, it's a familiar face." Xu Yang said. In the built-in channel, Lila sent a detailed listening report, letting him know that there is nothing to worry about.

It's the Rat Man, with Sally's remains.

Like the witch of the cyber era

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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