The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 183 The Second Complete Seal

The communication with Mr. Olivan continued late into the night.

Later, Nono called and said that he had already negotiated with several big figures in the London Wizarding Association.

They were very curious about the way Ricardo and the others purified the evil environment, but with Nuonuo's insistence and the background of Noonuo's teacher Dong Boying, they could only ask normally.

Moreover, Granger's awakened prophetic talent is particularly valuable in the mysterious world.

This is also the reason why Granger was spotted by the Wizards Association not long after he entered the mysterious world.

In the wizarding civilization of the modern world, there are indeed many professional diviners who can do divination, but there may not be one who can truly predict the future in twenty or thirty years.

There are also two people, Nono and Granger. In the past, the faces they showed to everyone were that they wanted to redeem more evil situations. Both of them had a sense of justice and seemed to have some savior sentiments.

Together with James Byrne, who was recently admitted early to Yale's Hogwart University, they are known as the three stars of hope who may save the modern world from crisis in the future.

There is a well-known Druid organization in Austria and South America - the 'Oak Order'.

Their prophet even claimed that in the future, the devil king of the dark wizards will return from hell, and there will be three young saviors who will work together to punish the devil. ’

After tonight, the head of the Auror Department of the Wizards Association had some speculations in his mind.

He felt that if we consider Ricardo who has actually entered the evil realm today, then the prophecy of the Druid prophet may be applied to the above-mentioned people.

The Wizards Association quickly delivered the reward of three thousand magic stones.

This amount of money is a huge sum in the wizarding world, but it is not much in the modern wizarding world. It is the value of eighty rare magical plants in a magical plant store.

Compared to a purified evil realm, the two values ​​cannot be compared.

After Nuonuo got the magic stone, she sent it directly to Ricardo. She knew that Ricardo was short of magic stones.


Ricardo was in the newly built botanical garden at his home, listening to Nono talk about the process of communicating with the officials of the Wizards Association.

The success of this purification operation has greatly improved the status of the Witch Club in the London Wizarding Association. In the future, the Witch Club can better develop in the mysterious world of London.

"In the next three months, the admission letter from Honeysel Wizarding University and the matching admission letter from Harvard University will be released."

"Mr. Dai Tian, ​​the current president of Gadian Auction House in London, is an alumnus of Honeysell and Harvard. In a few months, he will hold a party for freshmen admitted to Honeysell in the name of Harvard Freshman Reunion. , mainly requires freshmen in Britain, and some Chinese freshmen in North America to participate, and also supports a small witchcraft trade fair. He will take out some witchcraft weapons and trade them, which can be regarded as making good friends with future wizards."

Nono said.

"Witch weapon? Can it be used to trade among freshmen?"

Ricardo was greatly surprised.

When he got the complete witchcraft weapon of the wolf bone necklace from the Nanyang head-dropping master, he felt that the witchcraft weapon seemed to be too popular in the modern world.

In the Wizarding Continent, it is absolutely impossible for a junior wizard apprentice like the old Nanyang man to openly wear a wolf bone necklace around his neck.

But in the modern world, it seems that because of the abundance of magic stones and other resources, witchcraft does not seem so precious.

Of course, Ricardo thought, that was also because the wolf bone necklace could only summon skeleton wolves without magic.

If the skeleton wolf could still use spells, the value of the witchcraft would be greatly increased.

In the wizarding world, the level of wizards corresponds to the level of wizards, and they are distinguished according to the level of zero level, first level, and second level.

In the modern world, levels are distinguished in terms of first-order and second-order.

"I will participate."

Ricardo looked forward to the trade fair three months later.

"Well, then, let's see if there is a chance to gather some friends from this exchange program at the banquet venue. Judging from your appearance, you haven't been to school. This may be the last time we meet before graduation."

Nono felt that Ricardo still had to go to school to study normally and maintain ordinary interpersonal relationships.

But Ricardo has so many problems right now. Even if he says he will go if he has the chance, it may be difficult to do so.

After the two chatted, Nono said goodbye and left, and Ricardo also returned to the wizarding world.

Wizarding World.

A hidden tomb in the forest on a snowy night.

Kerry Binghu crawled out of the tomb, with a large number of black lines on his face distorted, and even his entire body shape seemed to be distorted.

It looked like the whole person was like a phantom, flickering in the air and seeming to disappear at any moment.

As Kerry emerges from the tomb.

In the woods in this corner of Xueye Forest, several black shadows also appeared on the trees nearby.

" she dead? Confirmed?"

Kerry asked a certain dark shadow on the tree with some difficulty.

"Yes, according to the response from our informant in the Ocean Church, he was killed by your brother himself."

The black shadow on the tree said in a deep voice.


Kerry knelt on the ground and punched the leaves on the ground hard.

"He can even kill Corinna, so do I still have a chance to take revenge? After Corinna lost control, she became much stronger than me!"

Kerry looked up and asked reluctantly.

"Don't belittle yourself, you are very important now. Your brother Ricardo is getting closer and closer to our core target Vera. It just so happens that you have now completely bathed in the glory of the deception and nightmare, next and finally You also participated in Operation Bad Situation. We and the informants from the Ocean Church will create conditions for you, which happens to be a branch technology that uses you to experiment with our final results..."

In the dark forest, the black shadow on the tree slowly spoke, and his voice later turned into a sinister laughter.

"You and he are half-brothers and meet the conditions for branch technology. Let's see if you can successfully replace your brother's fate. As long as you kill him with your own hands with our support. You can Take his place and become him completely!”

"From now on, you will be the new Ricardo, and everything he has now will be yours!"

The shadow's voice echoed in this corner.

Kerry stood up. At this moment, the twisted black lines on his face surfaced and he was trying to reorganize.

To strive towards the face that constitutes Ricardo…

After Ricardo returned.

Both the wizarding world and the modern world have rarely entered a relatively peaceful period.

In the sky above the forest on the snowy night, the shadows of the three mirror temples belonging to Capricorn, Gemini, and Leo were getting closer and closer to the peaks on both sides of the forest on the snowy night.

It seems that it will soon merge with the two peaks.

It seems that Leo will descend on the mountain on the right, while Capricorn and Gemini will descend on the mountain on the left.

Between the two peaks, the shadow of a crystal corridor in the sky began to appear.

Ricardo learned from Paris that the mirror temples that were once located in the Snowy Province were connected through this kind of aerial crystal corridor if they were between different peaks.

Walking on it, you can go from the top of one peak to the top of another peak.

It can be regarded as a magnificent wonder in the Wizarding Continent.

This is just the Mirror Temple!

Even Ricardo could not imagine what the real constellation temple sanctuary looked like.

With the impending arrival of the evil realm belonging to the three mirror temples, the snowy night forest seems to have also changed.

In a grand canyon somewhere in the forest on a snowy night, a huge black mausoleum is emerging.

The exorcism coalition judged that the black mausoleum is likely to be the official entrance and exit of Linxue Secret Realm.

But as luck would have it, the Grand Canyon in the Snowy Night Forest was the place where the evil spirits had the strongest aura and where the weirdest evil spirits gathered the most.

There shouldn't be too many evil spirits like the "Returning Stranger" that Ricardo encountered before in that Grand Canyon!

The exorcist coalition has begun to prepare plans and plans. Once it is confirmed that the Black Tomb is the official entrance and exit of the Snow Secret Realm, they will organize military forces to completely purify the Grand Canyon.

The "Xuegu Family", the lord family in the territory where Snowy Night Forest is located, suddenly fell into ecstasy after learning that such a valuable passage might appear in their territory.

The family's previous combat power in the Demon Hunter Knights, which was the death haze of Trixuegu and others, was temporarily buried.

Terry and others had previously merged into a team from the Constellation Church, and behind the team was Vera, the boss of the Constellation Church. The leader of the team was the Holy Knight of Lyra, who was now revealed to have a high status.

The teammates who acted together at that time were all tight-lipped, and they knew what was going on and didn’t ask any more questions.

In Ricardo's territory.

Ricardo officially sealed several hundred square kilometers of land outside the Panxue Mountains.

The area of ​​territory under his command suddenly increased greatly.

Vera also agreed that after the incident with the Evil Thieves Order was over, Ricardo would be officially promoted to Viscount.

However, Ricardo is now relatively indifferent to the increase in territory area.

After all, increasing territory cannot directly increase strength.

In the newly added territory, the three chambers of commerce of Tianqin's Harp family, Paris' family, and their own family were coordinated to carry out various constructions in the newly added territory.

After coordination, the three chambers of commerce were jointly formed into the Ice Lake Territory United Chamber of Commerce.

Vera became the honorary president of this chamber of commerce.

As a Viscount who will be promoted soon, Ricardo also holds the title of president.

In the newly enfeoffed territory, a large number of residential buildings have now been built.

Tian Qin told Ricardo that Vera was built for the peripheral members of the Palan clan who might still be alive in the secret realm.

If the area where people live in the secret realm is no longer suitable for habitation, Vera may take them out and place them in a residential area.

Ricardo dealt with these trivial arrangements for a while, and then handed them over to Theresa Landoni and Andrew Angel.

He is still trying his best to improve his strength.

During this time.

He slightly adjusted the scientific research direction of the subspace evil brain for a day or two, and adjusted the Youhu breathing method to the Youbing breathing method.

This breathing method, combined with his ice mirror trick and the recently learned ice crystal flying blade magic prop making method, allows him to create ice mirrors faster and more covertly.

The crafted ice mirror is stronger and can be scattered across the field as a less powerful flying blade.

Then the subspace evil brain realigned back to the second seal of scientific research Ricardo.

Another half month has passed.

Ricardo also used the four experimental benches left by old Richard to begin research on spell inscriptions, speeding up his understanding of the second seal and allowing his mental space to complete the seal faster.

This day.

Ricardo's mental space was shaken.

In his spiritual space, the second complete seal finally took shape.

With the help of scientific research on the subspace evil brain and Ricardo's accelerated research, Ricardo obtained the second seal.

A seal that combines the charm ability of the Demon Hunter Yaksi's Seal, the extraordinary talent of scarlet vision, and the inscription of dark vision.

Ricardo named it ‘The Scarlet Charm of Axis’.

While obtaining the complete seal, Ricardo's panel spiritual attributes also increased by 10 points.

Spirit: 54.8→64.8

Ricardo is now in the fusion awakening state, and his mental power value is nearly 100 points.

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