The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 644: ?Bloodline Purification II

He went straight down from the top of Olympus,

Full of anger, angrily, rushing all the way,

The arrow clattered on the back--

He is here, like night falls,

He squatted down at the warship and released a flying arrow,

The sound of the silver bow made people frighten.

He shoots mules and fast-running dogs first,

Then, he released a heart-piercing arrow, aimed at the crowd, and shot them down;

The corpse-burning fire is blazing and will not go out for a long time.

For nine days in a row, the rain of arrows swept across the coalition forces.

——From the ancient epic "The Fury of God"

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Every witch thief in the black domain is a hiding expert. Otherwise, the notorious witch thief group has long been strangled by the suffering wizard family or wizard organization.

Of course, there are also many witch thieves groups that are white gloves of some powerful wizard families or wizard organizations.

However, this has nothing to do with William.

In the eyes of William, a third-level wizard, these **** thieves groups are the easiest and most useful "raw materials" for him to find—the raw materials for cultivating the high-energy blood of the blood-backed gray-patterned leeches. .

The location of the witch thieves team is usually covered by a witchcraft enchantment, and the magic mirror is generally not detectable, but it does not matter, the witch thieves group always come out to work, and once they leave the place covered by the witchcraft enchantment, they will be full of firepower. The opened magic mirror detected it, matched with William's wishful cloak.

In the recent period, the navigation environment in the black area centered on the floating island where the Sharp family is located has suddenly improved. Because of the robbery groups wandering around, hundreds of apprentices and a large number of formal wizards, all He was taken away by the "big monster" William, and brought to the floating island of the Sharp family.

Unfortunately, no "big brother" came to rescue them.

Without these "car bandit road fighters" in the wizarding world, business exchanges in this area have become more frequent, so that it seems to have become a lot more prosperous.

Of course, these conditions have nothing to do with William or the Sharp family, because the Sharp family has been wounded and has not recovered. Just defending the interests of their family before, they have exhausted their efforts and naturally there is no more energy here. Seek new development in the improvement of the secondary business environment.

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The Sharp family is like a wounded old wolf licking the wound in a dark corner silently, while William, in the forbidden area of ​​the Sharp family's patriarch, is doing experiments to cultivate and purify the blood of golden horses.

William placed a trace of the essence of the golden horse blood in the gray lines of the blood-backed leeches.

The blood-backed gray-patterned storm blood leeches are densely attached to the bodies of witch thieves and wizards who have fallen into a coma, absorbing their blood essence energy to supply the blood of the gods on their blood backs.

When he was in the Rambet Temple, because William had not thought of taking the path of bloodline wizards before, he did not use blood-backed gray-patterned blood leeches frequently. The most used before was to use blood-backed gray-patterned leeches. The blood leeches were used to purify the blood of the werewolves in the fairy tale world, and then created a large wave of werewolves to infect them as a reliance when they were weak, against an official wizard of the Rambet Temple.

How can the blood of the werewolf compare with the blood of the sea **** Poseidon at the origin of the Golden Horse?

The consumption is the gap between the mountain and the sea.

William originally thought that cultivating and purifying the blood of werewolves would consume enough resources, but cultivating and purifying the blood of Poseidon, the sea god, would consume even more resources.

In particular, William used a group of witches, thieves, and wizards to nourish the blood-backed violent blood leeches.

Originally, most wizards were not as good as the magic creature groups of the same level in terms of physical fitness.

Not to mention, what is being purified now is the blood of Poseidon, the sea god.

Hundreds of wizards and wizard apprentices were quickly exhausted.

This seriously exceeded William's expectation, and at this time, William was already in trouble.

Because of the peculiarities of the blood-backed leeches, William cannot leave as easily as before. Otherwise, these bloodthirsty, like Internet addiction teenagers or patients with heavy mobile phone dependence, like the blood-backed leeches, points Blew himself up to William in minutes.

But they couldn't cut off the rations of these **** leeches.

Otherwise, those high-energy blood veins placed in the gray lines on the back of the blood will in turn absorb the vitality of these violent blood leeches.

In desperation, William had to call all the wizard apprentices of the Sharp family, give them magic stones, and let them help William purchase magic creatures in large quantities, even if the level is low.

Now William is the tower holder of the Sky Tower of Wisdom and Knowledge, a second-level wizard (people in the Sharp family don’t know that William is already a third-level wizard), and is the support of the entire Sharp family, the apprentices of the Sharp family’s wizards Nature is omnipotent, desperately purchasing large quantities of magic creatures for William.

The dead bones of hundreds of wizards were burnt to ashes, and a head of vigorous mana creatures were sent in. Finally, after an incalculable number of mana creatures were consumed, the essence of the golden horse's blood was cultivated and purified to an extreme. High point.

In order to achieve this step, I don't know how many blood-backed gray-patterned leeches died.

Because the blood essence of Golden Horse is too advanced, many blood-backed gray-patterned blood leeches can't bear it. UU Reading www. burst into death one after another, that is, some talented blood-backed and gray-patterned violent leeches survived. Under the condition of continuous racial optimization, after untold hardships, they finally succeeded.

All the purified golden horse blood essence is placed in the root canal made by Mo Yaojing, which is half of the canal.

When William brought it from the fairy tale world, the golden horse blood essence was glowing with broken golden light, and now, the golden horse blood essence after the extreme purification can be said to be completely golden, like endless golden sands.

What is even more amazing is that even with the root canal made by Mo Yaojing, William can still feel the power of the earth's authority from it.

It is countless times stronger than the original Golden Horse Bloodline Essence.

William fully believes that after transplanting blood of this concentration, even if there is blood fetters, it is a very remote matter.

Probably before he reaches the mythical class, there will be no worries about blood shackling.

And to achieve this level, it took William more than three months of Wizarding World time.

However, looking at the golden horse blood essence, William couldn't see a smile on his face.

Because, from the blood essence of the Golden Horse, William felt the power of the earth's authority.

And Poseidon is the **** of the sea!

The master of the sea, the master of the storm, but not the master of the earth.

The most famous **** of the earth is the earth mother Gaia. His son Antai giant may have divided a little authority, but the most powerful and famous is undoubtedly the earth mother Gaia, the mother of the gods.

William couldn't tell whether it was the authority of the earth mother Gaia.

But whether it is or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

Because it means that William's experiment has gone wrong.

And what is the reason?

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