Inside Villa No. 1, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows made of bulletproof glass, a man was sitting, holding his chin and thinking.

"The temperature outside is so low, is it difficult to set the trap?"

Li Mo has been thinking for half an hour, and most of his ideas have been restricted by the ultra-low temperature.

Ye Yourong brought a cup of tea and looked at Li Mo frowning and thinking, and couldn't help but show concern.

But she didn't understand these things, so she could only stand aside with her lips pursed.

"Come, come here."

"Ah, did I disturb you?"

Ye Yourong exclaimed and was pulled into Li Mo's arms.

"I simplified the problem before. Traps are not easy to deal with!"

Li Mo continued to think while playing with the soft meat in his hand.

Ye Yourong's breathing gradually became heavier, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He could only bite his lips tightly to prevent himself from moaning.

Li Mo's hands seemed to be full of magic, able to make her fall into a state of lust at will.

"Well, I think it's the best trap when it's cold outside!"

Ye Yourong was in a daze and subconsciously spoke out his thoughts.

Li Mo paused his movements, and after thinking for a moment, he looked at Ye Yourong full of surprise.


"What a great idea!"

Ye Yourong trembled. The sound just now was caused by her butt being slapped.

"What, what's wrong?"

Ye Yourong came out of the trance state and felt the slight pain in her buttocks, as well as Li Mo's bright eyes.

"The idea you just had was so good, so many ideas for setting up traps suddenly came to my mind!"

"Oh, yes, that's great!"

Ye Yourong hesitated and agreed, his body twisting involuntarily.

The fire of lust in his body has been aroused, and now he is eager to find an outlet.

Li Mo stood up, put Ye Yourong on the sofa, and got dressed ready to go out and lay the trap.


Ye Yourong looked shy and complicated. He wanted to call out to Li Mo, but he was too thin-skinned after all.

Finally, he sighed slightly and staggered towards the bathroom to wash off his hot and humid body.

As he walked around, he could see that his tight jeans were getting wet.

It’s just that no one will appreciate this scenery!

Li Mo came outside the villa and immediately started taking action.

After Ye Yourong's reminder just now, my thoughts suddenly opened up.

"The temperature of liquid nitrogen is minus 190 degrees, which is much lower than the minus 90 degrees outdoors!"

Li Mo was going to dig a big hole in the ground and put a tank of liquid nitrogen in it.

At that time, the spray of liquid nitrogen can be controlled through the mechanism. If the enemy gets a little bit of it, it will cause the most severe frostbite!

If unfortunately one foot steps into a pit, that foot will be officially declared useless!

The snow on the ground is thick and frozen.

Li Mo immediately took out the mini excavator from the dimensional space and started digging holes with the machine!

Now, Li Mo is already very proficient in using this kind of tool machine.

It will be indispensable to use it when going out to explore in the future, so Li Mo has been studying on his own in his free time.

Soon, under the powerful power of the excavator, a shallow pit appeared in front of us.

Li Mo moved the liquid nitrogen out of the dimensional space and arranged it in the pit.

"The snow is now several meters deep. Maybe we can start from this aspect and set up traps!"

Ideas popped up in Li Mo's mind one after another.

"If you dig a deep pit and make the surroundings smooth, and then add a lid on top after the locals fall into the trap, no one will be able to escape!"

This is actually a trap used by ancient people to catch wild animals in the mountains.

It's just that Li Mo made some changes in the snow and became a magic weapon to defeat the enemy!

Digging a hole is easy, just use the excavator from the side and hollow out an area.

As for making the surrounding walls smooth, what could be more suitable than ice?

Just do it!

Li Mo drove the excavator to the side of the villa, and then dug a hole under the side.

A tunnel slopes downward until it reaches the actual ground.

Li Mo changed direction and started digging towards the front of the villa.

Half an hour later, a large pit covering an area of ​​thirty square meters appeared.

And from above, there is no trace of a trap at all!

"This can only trap the enemy, but cannot effectively kill the enemy. You have to arrange some gadgets to do it!"

Li Mo thought for a moment, put the excavator into the dimensional space, and took action again.

First, take room temperature water from the space and splash it around.

In just a few seconds, the water turned to ice.

The surrounding area is getting stronger and smoother!

In order to prevent accidents, Li Mo built an ice wall up to one meter thick!

Later I thought about it, if the enemy's firepower is fierce, it is not impossible to break it, and then you can climb out along the broken ice wall!

"Let's get something more lethal and just pin the enemy inside to death. That'll be it!"

Li Mo never wanted to trap the enemy, he only wanted to kill all the invading enemies!

So he continued to lay traps under the snow!

Use all the debris accumulated in the dimensional space that can be used.

When everything was completed, Li Mo felt his scalp numb when he looked at the densely packed objects!

Just standing in the middle of the trap is scary enough, not to mention what a tragic scene it will be after the trap is activated!

Li Mo clapped his hands with satisfaction, satisfied with his masterpiece.

"It's only two traps, it's not enough!"

Li Mo walked out along the tunnel and blocked the only escape route.

In the next few hours, Li Mo ran back and forth, constantly taking out tools from the dimensional space and creating traps!

Because the temperature is too low, some things simply lose their effect.

However, there are some things that, when combined with the environment, can work wonders!

During this period, Li Mo perfected the main trap in front of the villa, making it even more perfect.


Li Mo finally erased the messy traces on the ground and returned it to its previous state. It looked no different from other villas around it!

Back inside the villa, I could finally sit down and rest for a while.

At this time, the garrison from Dongpu Base had arrived at Sunjiacun.

The noise they caused was quite large, and Li Mo soon discovered it!

"His grandma, didn't I just call you a fool, and you actually sent out the army to beat me?"

Li Mo came to the second floor and used a telescope to see clearly what was happening across the river.

The guards at Dongpu Base are regular troops, wearing uniform uniforms and equipped with uniform equipment!

That energy and energy are completely incomparable to the enemies I encountered before!

Li Mo also saw that everyone in Sunjiacun showed an extremely welcoming attitude, even the most powerful third uncle, Gongsun Deqian, came out!

"Tsk, tsk, this attitude is like a pug welcoming its owner home!"

Li Mo was dissatisfied. He was also a stranger. Why was he so arrogant towards him before?

Even the female village chief who protects you wholeheartedly seems to be unable to gain your trust and is even playing tricks on her!

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