"Stella will graduate from high school in one year, and Auggie (nicknamed August) will enter high school next year. Both children are doing well in studies. Emily has been obsessed with charity recently and drives to the border every week. You don’t even have time to talk to me.”

Walker looked like a traditional family-oriented man. Although he sounded a little complaining, he could not hide the smile in his eyes.

"Children grow up so fast. In the blink of an eye, they are almost the same age as when I left. Come on, I can't wait to see Emily, and Aunt Molly's braised beef brisket. She must be there now. Start getting ready, right?”

Saying that, Hannah was so excited that she dragged the two of them out of the restaurant.

Jack followed the police car in the Firebird. Walker returned to the police station and changed into a Raptor F150, leading the way and driving west.

The Walker family ranch or Hannah's small farm is actually quite far away from Austin, about 200 kilometers away. If Jack were in his previous life, he would never consider going to Jinling, the capital of Anhui Province, before returning to his hometown in Sioux City. Just for a meal of authentic salted duck.

But to the old American, this operation seemed quite normal. Seeing that his speed was already close to 100 miles per hour, and he could barely keep up with Walker's F150 in front of him, Jack was a little confused.

"Uh, is this really okay? I think I just saw the speed limit 80 sign."

"This is Texas, everyone drives like this." Hannah said matter-of-factly.

Well, it seems I don’t know enough about the Lone Star State.

"Should we inform Brother Wolfe?"

Jack estimated the time in his mind. Although Hannah might plan to stay in Texas for a few days, it would only take less than two days to get to that small town in Georgia from here. Even if they spent a few more days on the road to see the scenery, it would take them about a week at most. It's time.

Since Margrave Town is a small town with a population of less than 2,000 people, foreign faces will be very conspicuous, so their original plan was to go in batches. The Wolf brothers arrived first to make some preparations, and Jack and Hannah drove after them. Arrive and bring the required gear.

Now it seems that the person who prepared these equipment is Walker.

"That accountant and his mercenary brother did something big last night, did you know?"

Hannah's expression was a little hard to explain.

"Uh, did you kill a certain big D owl?"

Jack was not surprised at all, because he had provided the information just yesterday.

He had previously promised Chris to help him pay attention to the D-trafficking group called Malos Dorados (see Chapter 56), so naturally he had already made corresponding arrangements, especially as Angela's wedding was approaching, this dangerous star The bomb must be eliminated as soon as possible.

When he restored communication the day before yesterday and called everyone to report that he was safe, Zoe informed him that Sister Flame would appear in LA. Jack contacted John again and learned the latest development from the unsuspecting old rookie. La Fela is coming to LA to see her son.

So he contacted Chris urgently, and just before he set off from New Mexico this morning, he received an encrypted message from Justin, with only an OK expression in the message.

"Last night, a yacht at Cabrillo Marina was blown to pieces. LAPD, ATF, and FBI were all dispatched. They even alerted DHS, thinking it was a terrorist attack. Only later did they discover that the owner of the yacht was Marlos. The leader of the Dorados Group, La Fela.”

"I remember you said that Chris has been eyeing this woman for a long time, so I guessed that this matter has something to do with you. Do you guys always plan to be superheroes who fight for justice in the future?"

There wasn't much worry in Hannah's eyes, but more of a sadness that she didn't want to take me with her when she had fun things to do.

This girl has flashed her FBI badge twice today. Why is she still so enthusiastic about this kind of thing? Has she been led astray by herself?

Jack reached out and ruffled her hair, "Don't think too much. I just made a few phone calls. I didn't expect them to do it so easily."

He briefly told the criminal past of this [Sister Flame], and then sighed, "Chris did listen to my suggestion and did not use Barrett, but ended up using explosives."

Hannah curled her lips: "I think this was probably Braxton's idea, but they did it very cleanly. I didn't ask too much, but I heard that the ATF put suspicion on a few retired Guatemalan police officers. "

In the original plot, these retired police officers who came to retaliate were arrested and arrested. Unexpectedly, they were the ones who took the blame this time. I guess the ATF would not be able to find any key evidence, and they would be imprisoned for only a few days. , just think of it as a small price to pay for avenging them in disguise.

"Okay, Brother Wolfe will leave tomorrow. Let us contact them in a week."

Jack put down his phone and started to focus on driving.

As the night grew darker, after nearly two hours of speeding, Jack followed Walker's F150 onto a dirt road. Not long after, they arrived at the Walker family's ranch.

Although a bit old, a large villa that was well maintained appeared in front of them. It seemed to welcome the two of them. The Walker family also specially lit up a circle of colored lights around the villa. The whole family was waiting at the door early. , like holding a small welcome ceremony.

"Aunt Molly, Uncle Bonham."

Hannah quickly jumped out of the car and gave a kiss to the two old people who looked very kind.

"Welcome home, my little Hannah."

Walker's mother looked rosy-cheeked. Although her long blond curly hair was half white, she still had a childish look with fair hair.

In contrast, Walker's father, Bonham, looked a little worse. Jack vaguely remembered that he seemed to be suffering from some illness. The two old men had some quarrels over this. Since he was here, they might as well help solve the problem together.

"Hey, Stella, Auggie, you've grown so big. When I left, you couldn't even reach the back of a horse."

In the end, Hannah excitedly hugged a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament and refused to let go, "Emily, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, honey."

Emily stroked Hannah's back gently, and seeing her voice choked with sobs, she chuckled and changed the subject, "Why don't you introduce that handsome man?"

Hannah sheepishly wiped her tears with the back of her hand and introduced Jack to everyone one by one.

Jack took the opportunity of shaking hands to give the two old men a month-long BUFF respectively. In the next month, the long-term treatment will slowly eliminate some physical risks. This is his reward for the Walker family's care of Hannah. .

"Come in, it's getting late."

Walker greeted, and everyone walked into the villa surrounded by Jack and Hannah.

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