At 9 o'clock in the evening, five civilian cars were lined up in front of the police station. A decoy couple composed of Jack and JJ, Hotchner and Emily, and three other male and female police officers were making final preparations.

"Remember, even in what you think is the most private state, you cannot relax your vigilance. One-way glass, cameras, or even inconspicuous holes may be ways for the murderer to observe you."

Rosie said to the five policewomen and detectives who played wives.

Rhett handed each small black disc to everyone, "Keep it close to your body, truly personal. It is different from the recording device on your body. After this signal is activated, once the temperature of the object in contact with it is lower than 20 degree, a low-frequency signal will be sent every 30 seconds.”

"The five hotels I have selected first are all located in signal-free areas with less than five employees. If the murderer is determined or there is an accident, put the signal device into your pocket or throw it directly on the ground. Reinforcements will arrive within 15 minutes. "

The girls laughed and stuffed the small discs into the mountains from their collars. The fake husbands stood on the ground and looked at each other. It was not until they saw the two FBIs pulling up their clothes and sticking the small discs under their armpits that they suddenly realized.

A fool who had already put his hands on the belt of his pants smiled awkwardly.

Jack took off the armpit holster along with the FK7.5 and handed it to Red. The heavy feel caught him off guard and he almost let go.

"Don't drop my baby, or you'll never get dessert after dinner."

Jack's unscrupulous threats made JJ slap him on the shoulder angrily. This young lady seemed to have entered the role in advance.

After strapping the holster on his ankle, Jack jumped on the spot. He felt that this position was still suitable for a small revolver. Although the Glock was very light, it was a bit too big. Fortunately, in winter, when wearing thick pants, it was not obvious.

The female police officers obviously had a much better advantage when it came to hiding guns. No matter how carefully he observed, he could not see where these specially selected beautiful female police officers hid their weapons.

"Don't be impulsive and protect JJ. Nevada is not New Mexico. Our goal is to send him to prison."

Rosie came to Jack and whispered a few instructions.

Of course Jack understands what he means. The newly formed action team BAU urgently needs a perfect case to prove itself.

What would be the perfect case for this group?

Without relying on evidence collection, on-site investigation, or the power of other FBI departments, we used psychological profiling as the main method to find out this serial killer, successfully bring him to justice, and make a solid case.

Rossi knew very well that if he really caught the murderer, Jack would have 10,000 ways to take advantage of the suspect's opportunity to kill him legally and reasonably, but this was not in their current interests.

Quickly arrest the murderer, pin all the car accident cases of the four murdered couples on the murderer, have all the physical evidence and confessions available, and then successfully prosecute and ultimately convict. This is the perfect case that best fits the positioning of this team.

Only in this way can the value of the action team be reflected to the greatest extent. After all, a 6,500W Gulfstream business jet is not that easy to use.

The large expenditure of funds by the BAU's Los Angeles-based action team not only demonstrates Rossi's deep connections within the FBI, but also reflects the tremendous pressure he is under.

Jack and JJ drove an off-white old Ford SUV. In order to appear realistic, the police officer who helped prepare filled the back seat with fishing gear and put two bicycles on the roof.

Their target was a small motel called the Hilltop Chalet. Garcia couldn't even find much information about the motel online, except for the name of the registrant and a landline phone number.

"Why did Rosie suddenly mention New Mexico? Have you experienced anything there?"

JJ was bored and flipped through the FBI's forged documents. Now they were Jack Reacher and Jennifer Reacher. In order to make the two of them appear more age-appropriate, Jack's upper and lower lips had fake beards.

This made JJ a little unhappy, but he had nowhere to vent. He sulked secretly in the passenger seat for a while, and finally couldn't help but take the initiative to stir up the topic.

But Jack's answer made her even more depressed, "This question can only be answered by Rosie. Although I participated, it must be kept secret."

"Then let's talk about your girlfriend on the 12th floor?" JJ simply refused to open the door to the other.

"That's his ex-girlfriend. We're already married, aren't we?" Jack deliberately made a joke.

JJ didn't know if he was really getting into the role or if he was pretending to be angry. He said fiercely, "Very good, then tell me about your ex-girlfriend and why you were with her in the first place."

"I don't know, she was the one who pursued me." Jack looked innocent. This was also a topic that couldn't be discussed. He couldn't say that he went to Georgia to kill and avenge Hannah. Hannah was moved. Let’s commit ourselves to each other.

"Then why did you marry me?"

JJ's words made Jack look at her sideways in surprise. Was he really getting into the role?

After thinking about his words for a long time, Jack hesitantly asked, "Because you have a gentle and considerate personality?"

Compared to the carefree southern girl character of Texas girl Hannah, JJ, a northern girl, does have a relatively delicate mind, otherwise she would not be able to be the "diplomat" of the group.

You must know that those macho sergeants and even police chiefs in police stations in various places cannot cope with it just by having a pretty face.

"What else?" JJ was like a newlywed wife who was making a fuss and wanted her husband to make her happy quickly.

Jack's brain started to spin crazily, what the hell is this?

With money, can JJ compare with the little rich woman who owns a big ranch?

In terms of figure, Hannah is slightly inferior to Zoe in terms of height, but she is not inferior to JJ at all. Both girls have a pair of perfectly proportioned long legs.

They were about the same age, but Hannah's skin was moisturized by her, which no amount of powder on her penis could compare to now.

As for appearance and temperament, the two are pretty much on par. If Hannah has a sweetheart style, then JJ is the gentle sister next door. In the fantasies of adolescent boys, these two types of girls are the most popular.

One kind can arouse a man's desire for protection, and the other kind. EMMM, I understand.

What else could there be? Jack felt that his CPU was about to burn out. He was just acting, but why did he suddenly become a Shura field?

Seeing that Jack was still silent and the car was about to turn onto the path up the mountain, JJ suddenly raised her voice and said, "Stop!"

Jack was a little confused, but he still parked the car on the side of the road. At this moment, he finally understood. This girl was probably teasing him through role-playing.

However, before he could speak, JJ had already leaned half of his body into the driver's seat, face to face with him, and the distance between the two suddenly became audible.

Please give me a monthly ticket! ! !

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