The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 218 The case of serial couple killer is over

Jiejie thought thoughtfully, "None of the first four victims of this Barnes were abused, right?"

"No." Rhett shook his head, "He is a typical power-satisfied rapist. In the confessions of the first four victims, he only asked a few questions during the violence, such as whether they were comfortable or not. The problem."

"So you speculate that the murderer is someone else?" Jack probably understood that this was the normal detection process of most cases.

Multiple clues go hand in hand, the investigation is simultaneous, and they will even corroborate each other during the investigation process. Just like the movie "The Wandering Earth" I watched in my previous life, when manpower and resources are sufficient, saturated rescue is the way to go.

The same goes for the investigation of the case. The BAU team has very sufficient resources. He even dared to guess that even if there was no progress on his side and Red's side, there should be gains in the crime laboratory. All that was needed there was time.

But in this case, it is likely that there will be an additional pair of victims.

Rhett, not knowing what Jack was thinking, continued to describe their previous findings.

"Garcia compared the name Floyd Henson, the owner of the mountaintop cabin, in Barnes' rape case information, and he was also one of the suspects at the time."

"Then we found out that his biological mother died of alcoholism when he was two years old. After that, his father married a woman who worked in a special industry and died six months ago. Floyd Henson inherited the motel."

Chief Bruner on the side felt that these BAU guys were amazing. The psychological profile of the murderer was exactly the same as the actual situation. His inner excitement and admiration were beyond words.

Jiejie nodded, went through all the clues in her mind, and then said.

"The timeline is completely consistent. He was released from prison a year ago. He behaved well in the first few months, but then the animal nature in his heart gradually became uncontrollable. Nugan killed a woman and cunningly found a scapegoat to escape punishment. "

"After his father's death, he was given a secluded place to commit his crimes, complete control and the opportunity to choose his victims at his leisure."

"Okay, let's go see what the police officers found. I hope the evidence here is sufficient."

Rossi saw Hotchner and Emily getting out of the car who had just arrived, and said while approaching them.

He didn't look good. He had obviously stayed up all night. The old guy was over 60 years old and had quite a fortune. He obviously had a special reason for following the young man to risk his life.

Jack often looked at him holding a string of bracelets in deep thought, guessing that it might be related to some unsolved case. He guessed that this was one of the reasons why he pushed hard to form an action team.

The police officers found a large amount of evidence in the room where Floyd Henson lived and in the secret room behind him, including the female victim's underwear, videos of the violence, some belongings, etc.

In order to prevent others from noticing the abnormality, Floyd Henson did not install a miniature camera in the specially modified wooden house because he had a better choice.

After subduing the victim, he would tie the husband of the victim in a chair fixed on the floor, facing the big bed, which is also where he raped the female victim.

A tripod and camera were placed on the other side, and the chair and bed were included in the shooting range. Apparently, admiring the pained expression of her husband afterwards was also one of Floyd Henson's perverted hobbies.

"I will definitely put the roadside motel on my list." After briefly watching a few videos, Emily looked disgusted.

Seeing Rhett looking at her in confusion, Emily raised her eyebrows and added, "A list of things that you will never do in your life?"

"Is there such a list?" Redd asked curiously, as if he had heard of it for the first time.

"You didn't?" Jack nudged him with his elbow, and Rosie laughed.

"Remember to give me the hidden recorder you are wearing. I will also compile the recording into evidence." Red said to Jack and Jiejie seriously without any sense of being joked about.

"Ah, there is something, Dr. Reid. I want to discuss it with you. Garcia contributed the most this time. I want to make some little puddings in the shape of baby pandas for her. Since you also contributed a lot, milk chocolate mousse I don’t know if it suits you or not.”

Seeing Jack put an arm on the shoulder of Rhett who didn't know why, and took him to the side. He seemed to be discussing something important in a serious manner. Emily walked up to Jiejie and secretly winked at the two girls. Chatting quietly about something.

Rossi looked at these energetic young people with a smile, and the fatigue on his face seemed to have disappeared a lot.

"The scenery here is actually beautiful, isn't it?" Hotchner walked to him and the two stood side by side.

Rossi nodded, "I hope I can stay this beautiful in the future."

"Did you ask Red to assign the most likely situation to Jack because you thought he could easily deal with the murderer? You know I have also been in SWAT."

Hotchner's tone was very calm, as if he was stating something that had nothing to do with him.

"Didn't you have no objection at the time?" Rossi smiled happily, as if he had expected that Hotchner would figure it out on his own.

Sure enough, the last trace of unwillingness on Hotchner's face receded and was replaced by a self-deprecating expression.

"He asked me to believe him at the time and said that as long as I gave him one second, I regretted it the moment after I shot and thought I was dead."

"But then... I don't know how he did it. He stood up easily, as casually as if he was shooting targets, and he almost didn't even aim."

"Just like this, he used a pistol to shoot the bullet into the observation window of less than 10 inches at a distance of 40 yards. Then he picked up the cup of coffee and took another sip as if he did a normal thing. .”

"I admit, I'm jealous. Even when I was young, I couldn't do what he did."

Hotchner smiled bitterly and revealed his heart to Rossi.

"Welcome back to being a mortal, Hotch." The smile on Rossi's face became even wider.

"They are all outstanding young people, not just Jack and Red, but also Emily and Jiejie. There may be even more outstanding young people joining in the future."

"I chose you to lead this group because I hope you can work with me to create a space for them, a space large enough for them to develop their talents without being affected by political manipulation and red tape."

The conversation between Rossi and Hotchner was limited to the two of them. The young people they talked about had no idea and were having their own thoughts.

After completing the case and having a good night's rest in Nevada, everyone drove back to Los Angeles. There was still a lot of work ahead. In addition to a lot of paperwork, the long court trial might even last for several years.

It is foreseeable that as the team solves more and more cases, their daily work will become more and more busy.

Regarding JJ's name, some book friends said that it would be awkward to change it to Jiejie, but JJ must not be used anymore, otherwise you will have to apply for lifting the ban in the future. Jennifer or Jiejie, you can choose which one is more suitable. You are welcome to leave a message here .

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