Seeing the old man's reaction, Rossi was almost certain that Red's profile was completely correct, and then winked at Jack.

"Hello, I'm Agent Tavole, and these are my colleagues. You leave one person, and the others will follow us. What we are looking for is a big guy with intellectual disabilities who should be able to kill him easily. He separates himself from the crowd.”

Jack took the initiative to meet the local police officers who came for reinforcements, and talked to them softly.

A middle-aged police officer with a mustache nodded, tilted his head slightly to his partner, gesturing for him to stay, then waved his hand, and the other two police officers followed Jie Jie and Emily respectively. .

Seeing the FBI and the police entering the site to search, the old man's expression became frightened and frightened. Eventually, all his emotions turned into depression and he leaned weakly on the pickup truck.

"Okay." There was a hint of relief in his voice, but more of sadness and helplessness.

"It was all my fault, he didn't mean to hurt them."

Rossi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if a huge boulder had been lifted from his heart, and the heavy feeling finally disappeared.

The old man continued: "That day, I was busy repairing a broken bull riding machine, and he just left my sight."

"He meant no harm and just wanted to see the girl again. He liked her very much and wanted to play with her, but he went into the wrong room and went into the room of the father of the family. The father was very angry and took out the axe." .”

"He chased Joey with an ax and attacked him with the ax, that's all."

"That's understandable, right? Joey never hurt anyone, but he got hit with an axe, so he went crazy, but he regretted it as soon as he did it and took them back to bed."

Rossi turned his head, unable to bear to listen any more, and motioned to Red and the remaining police officer to put handcuffs on the other party.

The old man didn't resist at all, but he became excited, angry and sad, and his voice became louder and louder.

"This is all my fault, my fault, I was late, too late, I couldn't save them!"

"But every year when we come back here, I take him over there to remind him of what he did and to bring some toys for those kids."

"He never forgot, never, I have to make sure of that, he was always obedient and he was a good boy!"

At the same time, Jack and the others also discovered the target they were looking for, a burly guy as big as a giant bear, with funny clown makeup on his face.

This guy was too conspicuous. He was cleaning up garbage with a broom in his hand that looked ridiculous compared to his size. He could be recognized at a glance in the open field.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, Jack subconsciously put his right hand on the holster under his arm. This figure was so intimidating, just like O'Neal playing basketball, with a big fat circle.

The middle-aged police officer with a mustache next to him simply took out his pistol and looked very nervous.

"Jiejie, Emily!" Seeing this guy throw down his broom and run away, Jack shouted to the two groups on the other side and followed quickly.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The fat clown shouted as he ran. He was blocked by the other two groups of people who heard the sound. When they saw him, everyone subconsciously took out their own guns.

The clown looked around in panic, trying to find a hiding place. Finally, he panicked and dived into a pile of unfolded tarpaulins.

He desperately pushed his head in, unaware that most of his body was still exposed, as if he thought he could hide himself from others in this way.

"Put your weapon away!" Jack pressed down the Glock pistol that the police officer next to him pointed at the clown.

"give it to me."

With that said, he took off the handcuffs from his waist, stepped forward and easily subdued the still crying clown.

"Joy! Joey!" Rossi came over on the other side with the old man who was already handcuffed.

"Help me, Daddy, help me, Daddy!" The naive clown had no intention of resisting and cried like a child being bullied.

"Don't resist, Joey, don't hurt him, he won't resist, good boy, he is really a good boy, he won't resist."

The old man knelt on the ground and let out a heart-rending wail.

"Damn it." Seeing this scene, Jiejie stood aside and quickly put away her pistol.

"It feels like we've become the bad guys." Emily muttered next to her, helping Jack to pull the clown up from the ground and hand it over to the police officer on the side.

"I hate this kind of thing." Rhett walked up to Jack. "It's like a tragedy that has been deliberately arranged. Every character has a predetermined ending, just to win a tear from the audience."

"So I hate tragedy, whether it's a stage play or a movie. Life is bitter enough without adding such unnecessary spices."

Jack agreed, standing aside with his arms folded, watching the poor father and son being escorted into the police car. Some things were already destined to end, and even he was unable to do anything about it.

"Destiny will always inadvertently remind us that we are only mortals after all." Rossi sighed with emotion and asked everyone to get in the car.

"Come back with me for a drink. Anyway, I hope I can sleep well tonight and won't be woken up by nightmares again."

As a result, before Jack could drive back to the hotel, Rosie fell asleep in the passenger seat and snored slightly.

Jack parked the car in the parking lot and did not turn off the engine immediately. Everyone saw Rosie's previous state, and they had a tacit understanding and did not get out of the car. Instead, they waited quietly, thinking that it would allow him to sleep more, even if it was just a few seconds. minute.

"Do you think he will leave the FBI again after completing this case?" Emily asked everyone in a low voice.

"He is very rich and has enjoyed a good retirement life for so long. If it weren't for this case, he wouldn't have considered returning to the FBI, right?"

"Now that the case is completed, do you think it's possible?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other when she said this. Reason told them that this possibility was very high, but emotionally they were a little reluctant to give up.

Although the action team was established not long ago, everyone now has feelings for each other and is becoming more and more like a family. They all know how rare it is to have a boss who can speak well in the bureau.

Once Rossi leaves, the newly stabilized action team is bound to face storms. Too many people are jealous of their treatment. Although the actual income is not much different, they have access to special planes, independent offices, and can freely choose tasks.

Taken alone, any one of them can make the FBI's specialized special task teams go crazy with jealousy, not to mention other units within the BAU who are bossed around every day but can't even receive a single field mission.

Sorry, the dizziness problem is getting worse and worse. This chapter has just been coded. I will wait until 9 o'clock to go to a nearby Chinese medicine clinic to have a look at the lower cervical spine to try the effect. If it doesn't work, I will go for a physical examination.

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