Chapter 276 James Bond of BAU

The originally deserted campus seemed to be exploding. The sirens of police cars and ambulances were intertwined, making the unsuspecting nearby residents think that another school shooting had occurred.

Hotchner took the lead, and a group of BAU team members, together with Hannah, held guns in both hands and pointed the muzzle down. They divided into two teams and quickly passed through the corridor on the first floor of the teaching building. Behind them were seven or eight members of the LAPD Southeast District Bureau. Detectives and constables.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, they heard three very short gunshots from inside, and they couldn't help but become nervous.

Although everyone had confidence in Jack's skills, there was something wrong with the gunshots. After the two crisp gunshots, which were obviously Glocks, there was a dull shotgun blast, which inevitably made people think wildly.


When everyone approached the end of the corridor, the door of the men's room was kicked open in front of them, and Keith walked out quickly with his daughter Lindsay in his arms.

Seeing that the muzzles of more than ten pistols in front of them were pointed at themselves, the two people quickly raised their hands.

"What happened in there? Jack!"

Jiejie and Hannah rushed forward at the same time, bypassing them and rushing into the men's room.

"Hey girls, this is not a place for good girls."

Seeing Jack squatting beside a corpse safely, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and put away the guns in their hands.

Hotchner and Rossi followed closely. When they saw the body on the ground with half of its head missing, their expressions turned pale.

"I tried my best." Jack made an innocent gesture towards the two of them.

Rossi shook his head and didn't care. After all, the hostages were safe and the murderer was brought to justice. The case was successfully solved.

Hotchner, on the other hand, frowned and glanced back and forth between the two girls and Jack twice. He was hesitant to speak, but his lips moved and he said nothing in the end.

Leaving the "future affairs" to the LAPD, when the group walked out of the teaching building, Jack discovered that Kisson and his daughter did not leave immediately.

Instead, he was accompanied by Pat Mannan, who had already changed into a bailiff uniform, and waited beside a police car.

Seeing Jack come out, Kisson let go of his daughter, took two steps forward, and stretched out his right hand.

"Thank you, and of course your colleagues, for everything you do for my daughter."

Jack smiled and stretched out his hand to shake his hand, "You're welcome, this is our responsibility. You have a brave daughter. I wish you all the best in the future."

Kisson understood what he meant and nodded with the same smile, "Yes, you are a very interesting young man. If we can meet again in the future, I hope we can have time to sit down and have a drink."

Unexpectedly, Pat Mannan stood in front of Hotchner. Although his expression was disgusting, he expressed his gratitude very sincerely.

"Although I personally don't like your approach, I have to admit that without your efforts, things would have become very bad."

"I hope there will be more trust between us in the future." Hotchner's answer was impeccable, making Pat Mannan twitch the corners of his mouth in embarrassment and force out an expression that showed whether he was crying or laughing.

This case can be regarded as the simplest one since the reorganization of the BAU action team, but it took the person involved, Jack, to write a report for two days.

Who allowed the final outcome to happen in an unmonitored toilet? Jack's report and the confessions of Kisson and Lindsay became important evidence to deal with the prosecutor.

So sometimes, the necessary procedures still need to be followed, even if there is no body camera.

After reading this perfect report, Hotchner sighed lightly, put it aside, and looked at Jack with a slightly complicated expression.

It wasn't until Jack felt his heart tremble at the sight that he sighed again, "Go find Rosie, he has something to talk to you about."


Jack was baffled by his expression. He stood up to say goodbye in a daze. He turned right when he left the door, went to Rosie's office next door, and knocked on the door.

"Hotchner said you wanted to see me for something?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, that's right, please come in." Rosie's expression became even more strange when she saw Jack.

Seeing that he had been holding in his breath for a long time, but still didn't speak, Jack was a little flustered and began to recall what he had done recently. Did Keith or his daughter Lindsay say something during the confession? What should be said?

"So, what exactly is going on?"

Rosie hesitated for a long time, and finally seemed to find the right words, and said cautiously, "Jack, you know, we usually don't interfere in our own people's private lives."

Jack's heart suddenly thumped, and a voice in his heart shouted, It's over, his scumbag behavior was noticed so quickly, and his character is about to collapse.

"We do not advocate the establishment of too close relationships between colleagues, but Huo Qi and I both know that as time goes by and we get along day and night, some things are inevitable. After all, you are both the most outstanding young people I have ever seen. people."


Jack felt that what Rosie said was a bit strange. Could it be that things were not what he thought?

Seemingly seeing that he didn't get angry when his privacy was revealed, or show any overly resistant attitude, Rossi's expression gradually relaxed.

"Our special operations team is a very special existence in BAU, and we need to maintain a good cooperative relationship with various local offices."

"And Ms. Stephens (Hannah), as a 'rising star' in the FBI's Los Angeles office."

Half an hour later, Jack left Rosie's office in a daze.

"Hey Jack, it's time to get off work, I have my physical training today."

Rhett has now gradually lost his original bean sprout figure. With Jack's unremitting feeding and supervision, his figure has gradually begun to become normal.

His skills have also improved slightly. From being unable to defeat anyone before, to now dealing with one or two street gangsters should not be a big problem.

Having tasted the benefits, he has now developed the habit of going to the gym every day after get off work.

"Well, my mind is a little confused. You can practice by yourself today. I have to find someone to consult with me."

What Rossi said just now had a profound impact on his outlook. Jack left in a hurry under Red's stunned eyes.


Late at night, at Maureen's house.

"Hahaha" Maureen laughed and huddled on the bed.

"Really? That old guy David wants to talk to you about this kind of thing?"


"Pah!" Jack slapped her increasingly rounded buttocks angrily.

"Can you help me analyze what Rossi's words mean?"

Maureen finally stopped laughing and asked out of breath, "Do you know what David's nickname was in the FBI?"

Jack shook his head, looking confused.

"The BAU's James Bond."

"Do you know how many girls in the FBI fought over this Italian guy?"

From now on, the love line will basically be like this. There will no longer be a permanent female protagonist. I really can’t write this kind of thing. My brain is going to break thinking about it.

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