The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 318 Confirming the suspect and finding the antidote

First, exclude the rows of conspicuous bottles and cans on the shelves. Those with yellow and black biohazard markings cannot tell their true ingredients even if they are opened and inspected.

Unobtrusive, unexpected, and easily accessible in emergencies, Jack's eyes swept over the fragments on the table one by one, including pens, and everything that could be used as a container was dismantled by him.

Finally, his eyes fell on the corpse on the ground. He was a little dizzy. He should give priority to checking the deceased's belongings.

"Garcia, please help check. Does Nichols' medical record show that he has asthma or a similar respiratory disease?"

"No, he's in good health, he doesn't even have high blood pressure." Garcia's reply came quickly over the intercom.

"Done, I think we have found the 'antidote'." Jack showed Dr. Kimura the atomized respirator in his hand.

At the same time, Dr. Kimura also made new discoveries.

"The 'notes' you showed me look like a draft of a paper, which contains references and a table of contents, and there are some notes written in red pen on the side, as if the teacher is revising the paper."

"So Nichols is indeed mentoring a student, and our previous thinking was correct." But Jack immediately became a little depressed.

"But Garcia has checked before. The list of people related to the bookstore does not involve biochemistry or microbiology. The bookstore also mainly sells literature and first edition used books."

If you don’t sign your name when writing a paper, how can anyone check it?

"No, no, let me finish. I don't think this paper was written by students majoring in natural sciences or biology. It is a paper in the social sciences. It uses a large number of chapters to discuss the establishment of a triage system and a mobile emergency room. "

Dr. Kimura showed several pages of relevant content in front of Jack, and some familiar sentences came into his eyes.

"It's unfortunate that the country is so unprepared that every household needs to be equipped with at least a two-month supply of ciprofloxacin and hospitals need to have biosafety level four decontamination units."

An idea flashed in Jack's mind. Their thinking was limited to science and engineering students, but what if the guy causing trouble was a damn liberal arts student.

"Garcia, conduct a cross-search on the list of social science, urban planning and management, public policy-related students and bookstore-related personnel from all local universities."

Not long after, Garcia's excited answer came over the intercom.

"Bingo, I got you, there's a guy named Chad Brown, who went to the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, and is the same guy as Chad Brown, the former clerk at the bookstore."

"That's him!" Jack handed the respirator to Dr. Kimura.

"Reed leaves it to you, doctor. Analyze the drug ingredients inside as soon as possible. Those four patients may be saved."

He quickly walked out of the laboratory and entered the cleaning tent.

When Jack rushed back to the command center with Hotchner who was waiting outside, Garcia also sent Chad Brown's detailed information.

When Jiejie sent the compiled information into the conference room, General Whitworth also walked in with a piece of information.

"Chad Brown has been studying for a doctorate at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy on and off for five years. He currently has no stable job and his ex-girlfriend has applied for a personal restraining order against him."

"I was arrested twice for participating in a protest rally in Washington. I applied for a general assistant position at Fort Detrick four times and was rejected all times."

As soon as Jiejie finished speaking, General Whitworth opened the information he brought.

"This is Chad Brown's job application. The reason for rejection was that he failed the mental evaluation. The psychologist believed that his thoughts were too radical and his mental state was very unstable."

General Whitworth's face showed a hint of joy.

"He had a strong obsession with entering Fort Detrick and was eager to pursue a sense of identity, so he found Nichols." Jiejie continued.

"I contacted his thesis advisor. In his proposal report, he talked about how to easily create anthrax. I believe it was because of this similar point of view that he and Dr. Nichols hit it off."

"And Chad Brown's sister, I just talked to her, they haven't been in touch for many years, but his sister mentioned something about Jingshan Park, where he once proposed to a girl and was rejected. "

"Then he worked in a bookstore to earn tuition to support his studies, but he was eventually fired by his boss because he often had disputes with customers."

"So bookstores and parks mean rejection to him, and that's the motivation." Hotchner said and dialed Emily's phone. "Rosie and Emily should be at his house now."

"I was about to call you, but I haven't caught anyone, but I think I figured out how Chad Brown planned to release anthrax. He put the powder into a light bulb, and if it shattered on the ground, it would be the equivalent of an anthrax bomb. .”

Emily spoke very quickly on the phone, "I found the light bulb fragments used for testing in the trash can, and Rosie also found a marked subway line map."

"So what should we do next?" Jiejie asked anxiously.

General Whitworth raised a finger to signal everyone to be quiet, then dialed a phone number, asked a few questions in a low voice, and then hung up with a solemn expression.

"Dr. Nichols was once commissioned by the Senate to write a classified study that simulated an anthrax attack on the Washington, D.C., subway system."

"He specifically noted that the main line, also known as the red line, is the most vulnerable to attack. The tunnel has strong winds, the largest flow of people, and the most significant lethality."

"I recommend immediately arranging personnel at all stations on the main line to monitor closely."

Hotchner pondered for a moment, shook his head and objected, "We can immediately arrange for control at the subway station, but I don't think his target is the main subway line."

General Whitworth, who had already shown some kindness to the BAU team, couldn't help but blow his beard.

"You said that he and Nichols agreed with each other and plagiarized his ideas. Didn't he want to use this to prove this theory?"

"We also said that the location he chose had a potential meaning for him, and now we have found it, it is a meaning that represents rejection and negation."

Hotchner looked at the general seriously and said with certainty, "There is another place that rejected him time and time again. Where is that?"

"It's Fort Detrick!" Rossi shouted from the other side of the phone.

"There is no way he can get in," General Whitworth retorted loudly. "Not even a fly can fly in without my permission."

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