Although everyone tacitly agrees on certain things, when they go out to handle cases, especially during the investigation of a case, Jack and Jiejie are more careful and rarely get close in private.

This time is a special situation. Someone has been a "pornography expert" for two days in a row and thinks it is necessary to correct his "surname" habit in time.

The place we were going to go to today was too far away from Denver. Although Jack’s Raptor F150 did not have a siren, he brought an extra portable police light because it was a private car for public use this time.

The raptor, with its lights flashing, raced at speeds of 100 miles (160 kilometers) an hour and finally made it to Pagosa Springs just before noon.

Pagosa Springs is a well-known tourist attraction in Colorado. There is a geothermal hot spring claimed to be the deepest in the world on the outskirts, and there is also a large hot spring resort.

Their destination today was a house in a middle-class community in a suburban county. Jack stepped forward and knocked on the door, showing his FBI ID.

"Mr. Overholt? I'm Agent Tavole and this is Agent Rossi."

The middle-aged white man who opened the door was slightly startled. He subconsciously glanced at the little boy playing behind him, took two steps forward, walked to the porch, and closed the door behind him.

"FBI? How can I help?"

Rossi put away his ID and asked, "You have lived here for four years, right?"

The white man named Overholt nodded with a confused expression.

"Then I think you should know what happened here when you bought the house, right?" Rossi asked tentatively.

Overholt breathed a sigh of relief, having roughly guessed the purpose of the two men's visit, and warned them softly.

"My son doesn't know about this and I don't want him to be scared."

"Of course." Jack took two steps back, leaving as much room for conversation as possible.

"We understand, we just want to see the basement."

"No problem, wait a minute." Overholt turned around and went into the house to get the key, then walked out again, tilted his head towards the two people, and motioned for them to follow him.

After walking around the porch and coming to the side of the house, Overholt relaxed his voice and said.

"If the agent hadn't proactively lowered the price to one-fifth of the surrounding housing prices, I wouldn't have bought this place. Since I moved in, I've locked the basement. You know, after all, this is here."

He paused and showed an awkward smile, "It's not useful anyway. When it rains, there will be water inside, making it extremely humid, and the circuit is also a mess."

After arriving at the house, he took out his keys, unlocked a padlock, and opened two cellar doors that were at a 60-degree angle to the ground.

"Well, I hope you don't mind going down by yourselves."

Jack took out his flashlight and walked in front of Rosie, "We won't stay long."

The basement is quite large, about 50 to 60 square meters, but the strong musty smell confirms the current owner's statement that it is very damp down there, and few people come inside.

This is good news for Jack and Rosie, which shows that many traces of the scene are likely to be preserved.

BAU is not CSI. They do not need clear evidence. A lot of evidence that cannot be used in court is a disaster for CSI, but for BAU, it is an important reference for psychological profiling of suspects.

"Are you interested in recreating the scene?" Rosie also turned on the flashlight and followed Jack.

"Uh" Jack flipped through the file sent by Garcia in his hand, and began to reconstruct the suspect's crime process based on the injuries found on the deceased's body described by the forensic doctor above.

"The suspect must have planned it for a long time. He made an appointment with Diana Foster, a real estate agent, under the guise of viewing a house. After looking at the main room of the house just now, before leaving, he pretended to be casual. Ask if you can see the basement.

Unlike California, Colorado is the hardest hit area by tornadoes. Most houses here have basements. Diana Foster led him down here without thinking much about it. "

"Then, bang!" Rosie pointed at the back of Jack's head, waved the flashlight in her hand, and continued.

"And just like that, the guy gave her a blow that knocked her unconscious and then closed the door.

Located underground and quite far away from the surrounding neighbors, he could do whatever he wanted without even gagging the victim. Maybe this was just what he liked. "

Jack shined his flashlight around, and finally stopped at the wooden support beam, which had obvious signs of friction from the rope.

"The autopsy report specifically noted the bruises on the deceased's arms and that the victim had been hung up like the guy had drawn them."

"Damn it." Jack now hated his overly excellent imagination. Things like "single-column binding" and "double-column binding" began to attack his originally normal "surname" habit.

“The victim was tortured for a long time, and finally an electric current was passed through. The victim struggled to dodge, and the electric shock made him convulse all over, which made him even more excited.

However, the autopsy report stated that the electric shock burns on the body were inconsistent with those caused by electric cattle prods or Taser guns. Do you think the murder weapon would be the one he drew in the picture? "

Rossi looked confused.

Jack shook his head, "The kind of battery he drew requires a large battery, which is not convenient to carry. Maybe he made improvements later, but I suspect that this guy used local materials."

As he spoke, he looked around at the direction of the wires, kicked away a pile of debris, and revealed a socket installed against the wall. With a flick of his hand, the socket cover fell off. It had obviously been tampered with.

"The socket box was simply modified and the clamps remained on the wires."

Rossi curled his lips and said, "This guy is very skillful with his hands."

Jack thought of the pile of textbooks found in the warehouse, "Although this guy has not received higher education, he was a 'good' student who was serious in class when he was in a vocational school."

Rossi sighed, "The technique is too sophisticated. This can't be his first victim. He planned everything, made full use of various conditions, and left enough time for him to enjoy it slowly for a long time." , there were no mistakes in the process.”

There was no more harvest in the basement. After bidding farewell to the current owner, Jack and Rosie set out on their way home.

The Raptor F150 was still speeding on the highway with its lights on all the way until Rossi's cell phone rang and saw that the video request was from Garcia. He quickly raised his finger to signal Jack to slow down.

"Three more female victims matching the description, ranging in age from 31 to 38, were found dead on the side of highways in New Mexico, Kansas and Utah.

When the body was found, it was completely bare and consistent with the characteristics of electrical burns. Oh my God, it was so scary. I will definitely have nightmares tonight. "

Garcia's mood was rarely so low, and he looked frightened.

Rossi didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only discuss the matter first, "Garcia, when is the time?"

Garcia replied, "From 2012 to the fall of 2014, I am comparing the relevant information with the federal missing persons database. Because the bodies were abandoned across state lines, these cases were originally classified as anonymous and no further investigation was conducted. .

I guess I'll be able to sort out all the information by the time you get back to Denver. "

It's really a federal specialty that I have to taste. Just because he is not a resident of this state, he was listed as anonymous when there were no more clues. He didn't even bother to spend time applying for permission to search the federal missing persons database.

Someone who was listening while driving silently rolled his eyes and made no comment.

"Thank you Garcia." Rossi hung up the video and turned to Jack.

"It seems that this is just the beginning. Unfortunately, Agent Moss guessed it. It is another serial killer similar to Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer. I can almost predict how the media will react. "

Jack snorted coldly, "I don't know how the media will react, but Agent Moss's ecstatic look has already appeared in my mind. When I think of her excitement when she discovered the body, I shudder."

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