Soon Jill Moss's car was found in a parking lot north of the city center. Jack and Rosie rushed to the scene and found her cell phone smashed next to the car.

Forensic investigators found traces of human body being dragged at the scene. Apparently, the FBI agent turned himself into a sacrifice for a serial killer as he wished.

The murder of an FBI agent is not big news, but Gil Moss' previous actions to make the murderer famous have attracted great attention from the outside world.

Think about the news that the serial killer Ted Bundy proposed to the victim who testified in court and succeeded, causing a sensation at the time.

Once the media found out that an FBI agent had thrown himself into a trap to find a serial killer to engage in sadomasochism, it would be really great fun.

Therefore, the FBI did not even ask the local Denver police for help when searching Agent Moss' car, and the forensic investigators used their own.

Jack called the parking lot surveillance and found a suspicious white van. The license plate was blocked, but the model could be clearly identified.

The IP address tracked by Garcia also yielded results. It came from an Internet cafe in a small town 30 miles away from Norwood, where the suspect's warehouse was originally located, and it happened to fall within the circle that Reid had drawn on the map.

She cross-referenced the list she had screened several times with the motor vehicle registration database and successfully found a name, "Jeremy Andrews, 41 years old, an electrician in the small town of Nucla."

The six-person BAU team brought their equipment. Hotchner took the lead in driving a local office Suburban, and Jack still drove his own Raptor F150. Then they rushed towards the small town called Nucla.

Colorado is half plain and half mountainous. The huge Rocky Mountains basically occupy half of the western half of the state. The town of Nucla, where the murderer was located, is located on a small plateau plain in the mountainous part on the west side.

It was already evening when we arrived in the town. Out of some concerns, Hotchner notified the local Sheriff's Office less than half an hour before approaching his destination to avoid misunderstanding.

This raid involved neither the local police nor the FBI's own SWAT team. Jack and Hotchner acted as assaulters, carrying assault rifles in front, while the others surrounded them and broke open the door of a dilapidated wooden house. .

Although the white van was not found at the door of Jeremy Andrews' house, and it was estimated that this guy had probably run away, Jack still searched the attic carefully, and then returned to the living room downstairs and faced Hotch Na shook his head.

"not found."

"There's a basement here." Rossi's voice came from behind the house.

The two hurriedly walked through the back door and came to an extremely dirty courtyard. Red was holding a pistol and standing in front of an ugly, earthen kiln-like thing, frowning as if he was studying something.

"This is..." Jack was stunned for a moment, and quickly connected the thing in front of him with a certain drawing that he and Red had studied together.

"Corpse cremator!" He was slightly startled, and quickly reached out and carefully touched the outer wall of the "earth kiln".

"Come here and help me with the handle. That thing is cold. We just checked it. It shouldn't have been used recently."

On the other side, Rosie was struggling with an iron gate that was half buried in the ground, shouting for help.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to help open the iron door. An indescribable strange smell hit his face, similar to the sour smell after fermented sweat mixed with the smell of excrement, which was disgusting.

"Hotch and I will go down first." Jack turned on the tactical flashlight on the gun and signaled the others to be on guard outside with guns. He and Hotchner stepped on the creaking wooden steps into the basement.

Various torture instruments that seemed familiar to Jack and appeared in the drawings drawn by Jeremy Andrews were placed in a circle along the wall of the basement. Blood stains could be seen on almost every torture instrument.

There was a wire bed without a mattress in the middle of the basement, and a wire was connected to one of the corners with a clip.

There is a naked woman tied to the bed, it is the missing female reporter-Katrina Townsley.

Jack ignored the dirt on the ground, stepped forward and kicked off the electric clamp, then reached out and touched the woman's carotid artery. Fortunately, he felt the faint pulse.

"It's safe, there are survivors, call 911!"

Hotchner pulled a dirty blanket from nowhere and covered the female reporter. Together, they carefully untied the wires binding her limbs.

"Leave it to me." Jack picked up the female reporter with force, climbed the wooden steps out of the basement in a few steps, and gently placed her on the ground, while silently singing "The Most Dazzling National Style" in his heart.

This is really not a joke. The beat of this song is 118 beats per minute. The CPR compression rhythm is about 100-120 times per minute. The first four lyrics are sung at exactly 31 beats. After singing, I will receive two manual labors. Just breathe and start singing from the beginning.

While performing CPR, the treatment skills were released. In less than two cycles, the female reporter's breathing stabilized. Jiejie and Emily also found clean towels and sheets from the house.

Jack took the female reporter who was gradually regaining consciousness into the house and left it to their care temporarily. The place was very remote and it would take at least 40 minutes for an ambulance to arrive.

At the same time, others were already searching for clues everywhere. Red searched around the basement, but found nothing except a pile of biological evidence and trace physical evidence such as soil.

Gil Moss was obviously taken away by the murderer Jeremy. What they need now is information, information to guide the murderer's escape direction. These things can only be left to the crime laboratory for slow analysis, which is of no help for the time being.

"Perhaps, this can guide us in the direction of tracking." Rossi walked out of the bedroom holding a photo frame.

"Remember the green glass crystal with nuclear radiation that gave you and Emily a false alarm in Jeremy's warehouse?"

Jack took the photo frame. On it was a photo of two men, one big and one small. The younger one should be the suspect Jeremy Andrews. The age in the photo was no more than twelve or thirteen years old.

The older one looks very similar to him and seems to be his father. He is about forty years old in the photo.

The background of the photo is a small shop located in the deserted Gobi Desert. It is the most common rest stop built next to the highway and also functions as a gas station.

"What's the connection between the two, you mean he might go here?"

Jack didn't understand what Rosie was trying to express. There was no clue in the photo except for the ocher-red sandstone unique to Colorado in the Gobi.

Rossi pointed to a blurry black figure at the foot of the mountain in the background of the photo and said, "Look carefully, this is not a high-voltage power tower, it is an abandoned oil and gas drilling rig."

"Clark Proving Ground?" Hotchner blurted out, but Jack was still confused.

This story is still very long, so read it slowly.

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