Chapter 418 Meeting Jane Banner Again

When Jack, Rosie and Emily returned to the task force office at the Sacramento Police Department, they met Detective Lyman, whose face turned black.

This man was now completely convinced. As the clues came back one after another, almost every one of them was rubbing his face against the ground.

"Why do we miss so many cases?" He looked suspicious of life.

"Because as long as it is not a serial case that occurs locally, small towns generally do not choose to upload the collected evidence to state-level or national-level DNA databases."

"This happens a lot when you cross jurisdictions, uh, even within the same state," Reed explained.

Garcia had sent over the information on the three newly discovered cases. Hotchner sorted the cases on the evidence board and then called a meeting with everyone on the task force.

“These are small farming towns off Highway 99, Tehachapi, Vicaville and Little Orange Bay.

Among them, the case in the mountain town of Tehachapi is the earliest confirmed to have occurred. It is probably the suspect's first crime. Jack and Rosie will go there tomorrow to investigate. "

Hotchner first arranged Jack and Rosie's tasks for tomorrow, and then started profiling based on all the clues currently available.

"The suspect was traveling alone along the railway line to commit crimes. He was strong and might have been injured because he had to pick up the train or fight with someone for a certain carriage.

His clothes will be cleaner than ordinary homeless people, because when committing crimes, he will take away the clean clothes of his master and leave his dirty clothes.

The suspect made his home in freight train cars and freight stations. Once he got tired of this life, he would pick a house to attack. "

Reed continued, "The suspect will have a visible red rash near his lips and nose."

At this time, a police detective sitting below raised his hand and asked, "What is the basis for this inference?"

"This kind of rash is called olfactory rash, and it is usually caused by inhaling 'VOS'." Reid briefly explained what "VOS" is, and then continued.

"The focus of your investigation is on the pawn shops near the crime scene and the gang members who have channels for selling stolen goods. When the suspect leaves, he will take away the jewelry and valuable small electrical appliances from the victim's home.

His appearance is very obvious. In addition to the olfactory rash on his face, he has a distinct smell of organic solvents. "

Rossi then added, "Garcia is still confirming the suspect's movement pattern. We temporarily suspect that it is related to the harvest season of local crops, but we have not yet found the reason why he did this.

Because judging from the frequency of his attacks, the suspect does not need to rely on working on the farm to make money. "

Hotchner thought for a moment and said, "I will find someone to contact ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). They are responsible for managing the migrant farm workers from Mexico. Our people, the DEA and the CIA are all cooperating with them in this regard. "

As illegal entry and drug trafficking problems at the U.S.-Mexico border become increasingly serious, various federal departments have worked together in this regard, but due to some well-known reasons, little has been achieved.

For example, the so-called "seasonal" farm workers from Mexico enter the federal territory to work. Their low labor costs are simply unacceptable to California farms.

When some people brag that the federal government only uses 3 million agricultural workers, but cultivates 2.8 billion acres of farmland, and the per capita cultivated area reaches an astonishing 933 acres, they will not tell you that the number of illegal laborers in this country is huge. It's impossible to count at all.

You must know that Germany's agricultural mechanization is not inferior to that of the Federation, but a total of 4.5 million people are engaged in agricultural production on their 177 million acres of agricultural land.

Based on this ratio, the actual agricultural population of the federation needs to be at least 70 million.

Agriculture is not about building cars. Corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. can indeed be mechanized sowing and harvesting in one package, which is extremely efficient, but what about vegetables and fruits?

At least before Jack traveled through time, most of the agricultural intelligent robots that could automatically harvest vegetables and fruits were still only laboratory products.

The large influx of illegal labor from the border with Laos and Mexico has brought a huge amount of cheap labor to federal agriculture, making this country's agricultural products and its low prices a big hit in the international market. At the same time, it has also brought countless question.

The deterioration of public security and the proliferation of drugs are just superficial problems. The influx of cheap labor has made the employment problem of the country's bottom class increasingly serious. These dissatisfied bottom class eventually put a golden retriever who proposed building a border wall on the throne of the president (one of the reasons ).

In fact, President Golden Retriever’s much-ridiculed wall-building plan is just a piece of wisdom. As early as the 1950s, the federal government began building a border wall on the border with Mexico.

A certain second-generation president even built a 160-kilometer-long border fence in one go. Even in Jack's previous life, when the golden retriever president stepped down and the diaper enthusiast came to power, he still secretly continued to build the border wall.

Of course, Jack didn't care about this kind of problem. The BAU team only dealt with serial killers, but it also caused Hotchner to have to go around in circles to deal with the department responsible for related matters, and then Jack's trouble came.

"Hi, Jack, long time no see." When Omei-crossed-out Jane Banner appeared in front of Jack under the guidance of Jiejie early the next morning, he was completely confused.

"Have you been transferred from the Las Vegas office?" Jack responded quickly. He quickly suppressed the inexplicable guilt in his heart and wondered why this girl appeared here.

Jane nodded with a smile, "I have just been transferred to the Austin (capital of Texas) office. I am learning to handle some border affairs. Because I have more contact with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), I was sent to assist you."

Feeling that Jiejie was in a good mood, Jack secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Rossi's urging came. Yesterday, Hotchner arranged for the two of them to rush to the small town of Tehachapi today, where the suspect was considered to have committed the first crime. Place.

After hurriedly greeting Jane, Jack took the initiative to pay for their breakfast under Rosie's playful eyes.

In order to rush for time, Jack drove his Saber instead of his new car and rushed to the scene of the crime with police lights on. A young white police detective had been waiting early next to an old wooden house.

The two sides greeted each other, and the young police detective handed over a folder containing some pictures of the scene and the victim's information.

Rossi took the initiative to explain his purpose, "We suspect that this is the murderer's first case, and we want to see if we can find some clues here, and maybe we can find out his original motive for committing the crime."

It seems that that chapter cannot be released. I will open a new chapter. If that chapter is released and everyone skips subscribing, I will delete it as soon as I find out.

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