After asking the rest of the gang to leave, leaving only the BAU, Angela, Tim and John, Hotchner began to analyze the case.

"We have to profile this prisoner from many aspects. He is similar to the de Clerambo Syndrome, that is, a patient with love paranoia, that you have met before, but there are also some differences."

John asked if he didn't understand, raised his hand to speak, "Is the love paranoia you're talking about the kind of perverted stalker we often talk about?"

Jack nodded and briefly introduced the twin kidnapping case that Hotchner and Emily handled before they officially joined the team.

"Perverted stalkers are usually in a state of erotic delusion, and they usually have the illusion of falling in love with someone of higher social status.

Over two hundred thousand people are being stalked and harassed in this country at any given time. "

Emily continued, "Our suspect fantasized about being in some kind of relationship with Leila Yaki, like John Hinckley had with Jodie Foster."

John Hinckley was probably the one with the most ridiculous reasons for assassinating a president in federal history. It is said that his motive was to attract the attention of Jodie Foster, a famous actress at the time.

At that time, Jodie Foster played a prostitute in the movie "Taxi Driver". There was a plot in which the protagonist rushed into the hospital and killed Zhu after an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the presidential candidate. Dee Foster.

As a second-generation super rich man, John Hinckley was madly infatuated with Jodie Foster. However, he did not choose to spend money on her, but wanted to conquer the Hollywood actress purely by relying on his own charm.

After he tried his best to get the attention of Jodie Foster, he decided to follow this plot and set his target on President Lee Gen, who had just taken office for 70 days.

Poor President Lee Gen dodged the first five bullets, but failed to dodge the sixth one. With the help of the hard armor of the bulletproof car, that magical bullet bounced into the 69-year-old man. Lungs.

Coincidentally, the caliber of the bullet that almost sent Li Gen away happened to be .22.

"Leila Aqi didn't know that she was being targeted by a perverted stalker before today, so the suspect did not want to attract her attention. He preferred to regard himself as a low-key but violent guardian angel." Hotchner Continue the analysis.

"But be aware that when a stalker feels betrayed by a loved one, it often leads to tragic consequences."

Rossi also gave an example, "Just like in the case of John Robert Bardo, actress Rebecca Schaeffer caused this man's death just because she was going to have a passionate scene in a new drama. Emotions broke out and he eventually came to the door and shot the other person dead."

"However, the clues we have at present are limited. For the time being, we can only presume that the profiling target is a single male between the ages of 25 and 45, socially fearful, but very smart, with enough time and energy to track the victim and conduct research. her living habits.

Although the suspect has not yet targeted Laila Yaki, it can be seen from the newspaper that he has shifted his attention from the people around her to herself. "

Before Rosie finished speaking, she saw Rhett pushing in the door just now, and added, "But this does not mean that those who may have an affair with Laila Aqi will not be targeted."

"What?" Rhett saw everyone looking at him with an innocent look on his face.


"Aha, is this how TV dramas are shot?"

After watching so many American TV series, this was the first time Jack saw a real set. Although the sun was still shining brightly, the temperature on the Los Angeles beaches in October was obviously not suitable for swimming in the sea.

But on this private beach rented by the producer, the handsome men and beauties still gritted their teeth and wore beach shorts and bikinis, laughing and running in the slightly cold sea breeze, as if the scorching sun of July and August was still above their heads.

"This is why I don't want to work in the entertainment industry." Jack looked embarrassed and threw the pile of business cards and small notes he had received along the way into the trash can.

There were directors and managers with a keen eye for people, as well as some young stars who looked familiar. Some of them were particularly proactive. When they handed over their business cards, they took the opportunity to rub some oil on him and let those around him know. Jiejie, who was wearing sunglasses, always had a bad face.

Before Jie Jie put on her sunglasses, she had received no less business cards than Jie Jie. Poor Red, most of the people who fell in love with him were overripe aunts. They were like wolves and tigers, and they wanted to kill him. The eager look at the swallow made the three of them shudder.

Because they were coming to the beach, Jack and Jiejie both changed into casual outfits. One wore a floral shirt and large pants, and the other wore a halter top and heated pants. Both of them showed off their beautiful figures.

Red also changed into a T-shirt and jeans under the force of the two of them. Although he still looked a little out of place on the beach in front of him, compared with the shirt, trousers and plaid knitted vest he was wearing when he came, they looked better. Not even a little bit.

"There." Rhett pointed to a parasol not far away. Under the umbrella was a high stool. Laila was sitting on it wrapped in a thick bathrobe. Behind her, a makeup artist was doing her makeup. .

In front of Laila stood her slightly greasy middle-aged agent, and the two seemed to be arguing about something.

"Please, you're my most promising client."

"don't want."

"I haven't asked yet."

"I won't let my life change because of this kind of person."

"Maybe you can stay at my place? Or a hotel? Just stay until the police think you're safe."

"So, are you here to persuade me too?" Laila stopped talking to her agent and looked at Jack and the others with interest.

Jack shrugged, "If I thought you were really in danger, I would pick you up and take you away instead of slowly grinding your teeth here."

"Uh, Jack is just joking, we are just here to visit and observe your environment." Red explained quickly.

Jack and Jiejie exchanged a look, and it seemed that Red was really interested in this girl.

"OK, it's time for me to go. I feel relieved when you are here, Laila, good girl, don't be so willful all the time." The agent put away his cell phone, said hello to the three of them, and left in a hurry.

"Actually, he's not bad." Rhett said as he looked at the agent's leaving figure.

"Yes, Mike looks a little weird, but he is kind-hearted. He has been my manager when I first debuted. He has always helped me handle everything. He always says that I am like him when he was still in the rebellious stage. daughter."

Laila smiled sweetly at Red, and there seemed to be a sour smell in the air.

"Miss Aqi, can we take a look at your nanny car?" Jack directly stated his intention.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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