Chapter 439 Murder +1

"Can you use photos to identify the wounds of an injured person after they have been treated and sutured?"

Jack's question was a bit strange, but Russell understood his thoughts instantly.

"You mean the only survivor?"

Jack nodded. He still had some doubts about George Foye. Although Hotchner's statement could indeed explain this man's slightly contradictory behavior, he felt vaguely uneasy in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with thinking more about this kind of thing. Even if it turns out that he is wrong later, it can be regarded as eliminating one suspicion. What's more, now that there are researchers like CSI, it will be in vain if it is not used, right?

Russell's style was very resolute. He asked for a tablet and pulled up the original injured photo of George Foye on it, but he quickly frowned.

"It was a little late when I took these photos. Although the stitches on the wound have not yet been removed, the edema and inflammatory reaction have almost disappeared, so it is difficult to judge."

This is a wound on a living person, not a corpse. If it is a corpse, an experienced forensic doctor can make a basic judgment, even if it is only based on photos, whether the person who performed the knife was left-handed or right-handed, or whether it was self-inflicted. .

But Russell expressed some agreement with Jack's suspicion, "Judging from the location of the midsection, your suspicion is possible. Most of the wounds on the chest and abdomen just avoided important internal organs. There was only one stab wound in the lung." But if the wound is not deep enough, it will not be fatal.

The stab wounds on the limbs looked messy, but none of them were on major blood vessels or tendons. "

Jack suddenly became energetic, "Can you prove that it was self-inflicted?"

Russell smiled and shook his head, "I'm just saying that it is possible. Although these stab wounds alone are not fatal, so many stab wounds added together can kill people in a short time just by the speed of blood loss." A person's life is gone.

I have also read the report at the time. Even if the ambulance arrived five minutes late, George Foye would definitely be dead. "

Jack was immediately disappointed, but Russell waved over a young beauty and introduced her.

"Morgan Brody."

"This is Agent Tavole of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Division."

She is another blonde beauty, not tall, with big watery eyes and a baby face. She looks petite and cute. She is a rare kawaii type among white girls.

This is the sister I have seen before. Jack almost blurted out and stole Brother Baoyu's lines.

Although he was not familiar with CSI researcher Morgan Brody, his face looked exactly like the sisters from the previous twin kidnapping case.

The one in front of me seems to have a slightly more mature temperament. If the twins named Cheryl and Trish are brought in, the three of them can immediately form a pair of triplets, and maybe they will be eliminated in place.

Well, judging from this trend, he will encounter more similar situations in the future. After all, there have been too many guest appearances by the same actor in previous American dramas.

Although he could occasionally see so many beauties with similar looks and temperaments at the same time in his previous life, such as a song and dance group formed by a real estate developer, or a girl group from Bangbang Country, in the eyes of Jack, a time traveler, it still felt a little inconsistent. .

Fortunately, he had experienced some strong winds and waves. He was just in a daze for a moment before he came back to his senses and quickly shook the little girl's outstretched hand.

Russell continued, "Morgan, you are responsible for confirming this case and reporting directly to Detective Tavole. If necessary, you can contact LV's forensic department for support."

Morgan Brody nodded to express his understanding, turned to Jack and smiled sweetly, with two shallow dimples appearing on his cheeks.

The two exchanged business cards, and Jack exchanged greetings with Russell before saying goodbye and leaving.

Another day passed, and there was still no progress in the case, but the murderer obviously would not stop there. At two o'clock in the morning on the third day, Jack was suddenly called by Finlay to a remote park.

This is a forest road without street lights, but it is already surrounded by a bunch of vehicles including police cars.

Jack could only park the car outside the cordon that had just been set up, and then got out of the car and walked into the crime scene with Hotchner and Rossi.

Seeing the three of them, Finley took the initiative to greet them, his face full of pain and anger.

"It was an elderly couple, Arthur and Diana Lenesa, from Weymouth, who had been married for 32 years. They went to the Elks Club twice a week to play bingo. They were walking from there at the time of the incident. There on the way home.”

Weymouth is a satellite city located close to Boston.

Bingo is an old-fashioned gambling game that was once very popular in Europe and the United States. It is said that the word "Bingo" originated from here.

This kind of gambling game is legal in most of the federal states where gambling is prohibited, so it was once an unprecedented event.

"I have to inform their families now," Finlay continued.

"Want to help?" Seeing his appearance, Jack was a little worried, "I can accompany you."

"No need, I'll take care of it." Finlay shook his head and left the scene with heavy steps.

The three people's attention returned to the victim. Jack put on his gloves and wanted to briefly survey the scene before the CSI arrived.

The victim was driving a silver Honda sedan, which was parked on the side of the road. The driver's window was lowered on his own initiative, but the passenger window was shattered, and most of the glass fell into the car. It was obvious that someone had removed it from the car. Crushed outside.

On the hood of the car, a large "Eye of God" was also painted with the victim's blood.

The two deceased were both over 70 years old. The husband died in the driver's seat with his throat cut with a knife. The wife fell between the passenger seat and the back seat and was shot in the head by a large-caliber bullet.

The situation at the scene was not complicated, and Jack quickly recreated the crime process.

"They had no reason to stop on this small road. There were scattered driver's licenses and driving licenses on the right side of the male deceased. It looked like the murderer was disguised as a police inspection vehicle."

He stood outside the cab and made a stabbing motion at the deceased's position. Then he walked around the front of the car and came to the passenger side. He held his right hand in an empty hand, pretending to be holding a gun, and then used the handle of the gun to smash the passenger's side. car windows.

Then he took another step forward and made a shooting motion towards the back seat.

"After he killed her husband, the wife in the passenger seat was terrified. After the window glass was smashed, she subconsciously wanted to escape to the back seat, and then she was shot in the forehead."

After demonstrating all this, Jack looked at Hotchner and Rosie in confusion, "Compared to the last crime scene, the murderer obviously didn't waste much time during the murder this time. Why?"

Rossi was also confused, "Because of the victim's age?"

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