The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 538 Another case of puffer fish poisoning

The atmosphere in the entire combat center became tense. Dealing with anti-social elements and dealing with terrorist organizations were completely different things. To a certain extent, the latter could be said to be hungry wolves that were cultivated by the United States and turned back on their masters.

Perhaps even many Americans do not know that terrorism gradually spread in the 1940s and 1950s with their acquiescence and even connivance.

The first recognized terrorist attack in modern times was the bombing that shocked the world on July 22, 1946, at the most famous King David Hotel in Salem.

However, Jack did not sleep in the office this time, because there was a large amount of intelligence that needed to be screened and verified. The analysts in the operations center could be rotated. As field agents, they had no one to replace them.

Therefore, he and Hannah were asked by Jubal to give priority to going home to rest and recharge their batteries, because it was foreseeable that tomorrow would be a busy day.

As a result, just after the two had dinner in the apartment, adhering to the good habit of saving water, and just finished taking a hot bath together, they received a call from Mike Taylor.

Hearing that there was another case of poisoning suspected to be caused by tetrodotoxin TTX, Jack hurriedly went out with Hannah after notifying Jubal and Dana Moger.

The crime scene was also located in a penthouse, but it was more luxurious than what Cassel and Rossi had. At least there was no sky swimming pool in their penthouse.

The body had not been removed when the two arrived, and Mike Taylor and Stella Bonasilla were also at the scene looking for more traces.

"Is this some kind of celebrity?" Jack felt that he must be rich or noble to live here. There was an enlarged cover of a fashion magazine posted at the door. The person on it was exactly the same as the deceased in a bikini in front of him.

"Deborah Gale, a rising fashion designer, has been a popular figure in the New York fashion circle in recent years. She makes clothes, wallets, shoes, everything you can think of."

Hannah, the little rich woman, still knows something about the fashion industry. Although her designer bags are far less than the various gun holsters and tactical kits, her wardrobe is always full of fashionable clothes.

In contrast, since Jack's last set of high-end suits was scrapped, most of the clothes hanging in Jack's wardrobe are white shirts and black suits of the same style. With a pair of sunglasses, he can have sex with aliens at any time. .

"There is bloody foam around the mouth, which means there was air in the lungs when he died, which is consistent with drowning. There are no scars on the body, no bruises or finger prints on the neck, and there is no large amount of hair falling out, which means he was not forced into the swimming pool. .”

Jack came to the body's mouth again and smelled it, "There was no smell of alcohol, so you thought it might be poisoning?"

Mike Taylor showed off the test kit in his hand, "Because of what happened during the day, we urgently purchased some TTX test kits, and they came in handy."

"But the time doesn't match up?" Hannah looked at the time. It was already past 10 pm. If the deceased had eaten at the poisoned Korean restaurant at noon, he would have suffered an attack long ago.

"Yes, so we asked her personal assistant, who was also the one who discovered the body. According to the deceased's itinerary, she should have dined at a Japanese restaurant called Fudge tonight." Stella replied.

"It sounds unrelated to our case during the day. Do you want to confirm?" Jack said with a smile, "Of course there will be no takeout this time. I have no love for raw food or sushi."

"But there seems to be a famous barbecue restaurant next door to their house. We can pack some." Hannah's eyes sparkled, and she became energetic when she mentioned the food.

It was still the two CSI supervisors who took the lead. They showed their LAPD detective certificates and explained their intentions. Jack and Hannah did not intend to show their FBI certificates until they were sure that the two cases were related.

"Hey, I think it would be a good idea to try Japanese food occasionally." Jack didn't expect to see this scene in New York.

Led by a waitress in a yukata, they passed by each box and saw a long table in the middle of each box. On the long table lay a naked white girl, with various parts of her body There are various kinds of sushi and sashimi on display.

"This looks very unhygienic." Stella curled her lips disdainfully.

Hannah was a little eager to try it, with unconcealed curiosity in her eyes, "Why have you never done this before?"

Jack rolled his eyes angrily, "Do you want me to make my own dinner plate?"

The sweet girl raised her head and imagined the scene, and the longing on her face flashed away. Her relationship with Jack had not been officially disclosed, so she did not continue the topic.

Mike Taylor seemed to have seen a lot, or maybe it was because the two ladies were present and he needed to keep up appearances, but Jack couldn't see anything strange on his face.

The group of people waited in an empty box for a while, and a thin middle-aged man wearing traditional white shogun (Japanese chef) attire soon appeared.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. What's the matter with the NYPD?" The Japanese chef named Katsui bowed deeply as soon as he entered the door.

Mike Taylor briefly explained his purpose. Unexpectedly, this man's face turned solemn, completely losing the enthusiasm he had when he entered the door. His expression looked like he was insulted.

"This is impossible. It is impossible for my sushi to poison customers to death."

"Ahem, please calm down, Katsui-san." Jack tried hard to recall the Japanese dramas he had not watched many times. It seemed that people in his childhood liked to call him this.

"We currently only suspect that the cause of Deborah Gale's death was tetrodotoxin poisoning, just two hours after dinner, so we need to confirm with you. If you refuse to cooperate, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) will come next. Administration)."

"Hey, I'm sorry that I'm a little too excited, but Miss Gale is our distinguished guest. The 'Fugu' she enjoyed is a rare wild species, and a piece costs 500 US dollars. I am absolutely sure to ensure the safety of our guests."

I don’t know whether it was because Jack’s way of addressing him made him think he was a ghost guy who could communicate, or because he was threatened by the FDA in his mouth. The Japanese chef named Katsui immediately softened his attitude, but his tone remained firm, as if With full confidence.

"What is 'Fugu'?" Stella asked doubtfully.

"The Japanese name for pufferfish." Jack helped explain, then turned to the chef and said, "But Katsui-san, there seems to be some contradiction in your statement.

It stands to reason that the more wild the pufferfish is, the more likely it is to contain TTX, and different varieties have different enriched parts. Why are you so sure of ensuring the safety of your guests? "

"Because according to custom, I always eat the first piece of fish in front of the guests." Chef Katsui's expression was serious, as if he was saying something serious.

Mike Taylor and Stella looked at each other, not knowing what expression to respond to for a moment.

"How about taking me to visit your fish tank? I also have some experience in handling this kind of food."

Jack probably already knew in his mind what gimmicks these Japanese food shops played in his previous life. You can find them online. Maybe some people in this country really dare to sell wild puffer fish, but overseas, especially in the United States, , just listen.

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