The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 544 Beauty phone is harmful to people

"Ha." Jack sneered, something like that.

"How should I reply?" Alexis held the coffee and looked at everyone.

"To show fear, she's still a little kid and that's a normal emotion," Hannah said.

Dana Moge held her chin, her eyes showing contemplation, "But let the other person feel that Tara is still willing to go with him. This is a constant topic in their chat, going abroad to become the bride of 'Jihad'."

"Just say, if I can leave this country with you, I am willing to give everything. I don't want to die a virgin like Caroline." Jack smiled and picked up the tea cup and took a sip, looking like he had pearls of wisdom in his hand. .

Several people at the scene exchanged glances and nodded silently to reach a consensus, so another message was sent under Alexis's editing. This time, a reply was received in less than half a minute.

"If you want to enter the next stage, you need to trust me 100%. Can you do it?"

Everyone was overjoyed after taking the bait. Jack said directly, "As long as you can take me to a new world, I can do anything you want."

The reply was faster this time, "Meet you at Lighthouse Park tomorrow at noon, at the guardrail by the river."

"The other party is in New York." Jubal, who was leaning at his desk and looking at the big screen leisurely, straightened up reflexively.

This is an important clue. They had previously speculated whether the other party delivered the spray bottle containing TTX toxin to Caroline by express delivery or something like that. After all, the other party chose to hide behind the network and remotely control all this. The possibility is very high within the territory.

But if the other party is in New York, follow-up actions must be cautious. Although according to CDC speculation, even if the other party uses the latest artificial synthesis method to prepare TTX, the output will not be too high.

The problem is that although TTX is not as easy to spread as inhaled poison gas, its toxicity is more than 1,000 times that of ordinary cyanide, and it cannot be destroyed by heating. In addition, it has its own delayed effect BUFF, which has a very high fatality rate, and lacks A powerful antidote.

If the subsequent actions cannot be completed overnight, but instead make the mastermind give up the existing methods, choose to continue to hide and increase the inventory, and then poison drinking water sources and other places at once, then it will not only cause panic.

"Wait a minute, Tara said before that she didn't send photos to each other, so how can they connect?" Hannah Blindsheng discovered Hua Dian.

Dana Moger patted Alexis on the shoulder, leaned into her ear and said, "Ask him."

"How should I find you?"

This line of text had just been sent, and the other person responded almost instantly, "I will find you." Immediately afterwards, this sentence was followed by a selfie of Tara.

"Poof!" Rick Cassel, who was watching all this, spat out a mouthful of coffee.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." This guy apologized hurriedly. Everyone ignored him and just looked at each other, feeling speechless.

Tara deceived the FBI. She had already sent photos of herself to "Greenbird", but she did not completely lie, because the photos she sent were "cheating" photos, with beauty and face slimming turned to level ten.


"When can we..." Jack and Hannah pushed open the door of the conference room, and Mr. Shagas, who looked anxious, asked impatiently, but an aggressive Jack raised his hand to stop him.

"You lied before!" Hannah slapped the printed selfie on Tara's desk.

"Is this the photo you sent to Greenbird before?"

"I...I...I didn't know their rules at the time, I was still learning" Tara stuttered trying to explain.

"This has nothing to do with rules." Jack was speechless, and now things were in trouble.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about?" Mr. Shagas was confused.

"We have confirmed that the 'Greenbird' who contacted your daughter was an Ace terrorist. He manipulated Caroline to kill 13 innocent New York citizens, and your daughter was an insider."

Jack directly slapped a big hat on the opponent, which frightened the opponent so much that he didn't dare to say a word.

"We need to catch him, but now you've caused a problem for us, you sent the photos and now you have to go and meet him."

Hannah looked at the photos on the table again, and angrily took out a mirror and pointed it at her, "Please tell me how you plan to turn yourself into the little-faced girl in the photo!"


Beauty phones are harmful. Jack looked with pain in his face as he watched the professional makeup artist hired by the FBI apply paint on Tara's face like a wall. There were ten thousand things in his heart that he couldn't express.

"Sorry, I tried my best. This is the closest I can get." The middle-aged female makeup artist stepped aside, revealing a plump face.

Jack held up the photo and compared it with the face in front of him. If he deliberately ignored the difference between the three-layer fleshy chin in front of him and the palm-sized face in the photo, he could vaguely see the similarities between the eyebrows. But no more.

Damn it, let's make Hannah look closer to the "little beauty" in the photo than Tara herself.

Even if this brainwashed little girl doesn't act like a monster and cooperates obediently, Jack still has a hard time believing that the "Greenbird" can recognize her through the photo.

If the other party makes an appointment in the evening, you can still find a way to fool him, but the agreed time is noon, and the weather tomorrow is good and it will be a sunny day. How can you fool him like this.

It's easy to change a small face into a big one, the worst is to wear a disguise mask. These days' high-tech disguise technology is not much worse than the eye-beautifying technology, but what should I do if a big face becomes a small one? It’s too late to have liposuction right away.

Jack thought rapidly in his mind, how should he remedy the situation? Send a real photo as a remedy? Is it too deliberate, and it is not in line with the behavior of a girl of this age, and it can easily arouse suspicion.

Or reschedule the time to evening or night when the light is darker? Just when he was troubled, the conference room door opened, and Hannah put her hands on Alexis's shoulders and pushed her to appear at the door.

"What do you think of this?"

What kind of magical unfolding is this? Jack subconsciously looked at the photo in his hand, and then at the re-dressed Alexis in front of him. It was absolutely stunning, at least 70% or 80% similar.

A few minutes later, in the large office of the operations center, Rick Cassell looked at his precious daughter worriedly, wanting to say something, but he seemed hesitant to say anything.

"Don't worry, she will be fine. I promise you, I will personally serve as a sniper tomorrow." Jack comforted her.

Cassel seemed even more nervous when he heard the word sniper, but before he could say anything, Alexis hugged his arm like a baby.

"It'll be okay, Dad, they are the FBI. Besides, don't you just need inspiration? How about an underage girl agent? It can't be much worse than your Nicky Hitt, right?"

Seeing that Cassel still had a grimace on his face and looked worried, Jack interrupted with a smile, "I promise, if your father doesn't write this character into the novel, then my next novel will be called "Pretty Girl Agent-Asia" Alexis' Bizarre Adventure."

Cassel gritted his teeth and glared at Jack, "Don't try to steal my muse."

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