The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 599 Some trivial matters before departure

The departure time was set at 6 a.m. the next day. Everyone still had one day to settle their family affairs and say goodbye to their loved ones. That afternoon, Jack visited Jason Hayes’ home. His wife, Alanna, was recovering well. , looking pretty good.

Perhaps because of the almost loss, someone learns to cherish things more. Although he still behaves like a hands-off shopkeeper at home, as long as his wife looks at her, he will obediently accompany her to help.

Seeing Jason clumsily not helping, Jack and Sonny Quinn, who were sitting on the sofa, clinked the beer bottles in their hands and smiled at each other.

Like most stable military families, Jason has a house of his own, a pair of well-behaved and sensible children, and a beautiful and virtuous blonde wife who can support him while he is on missions. everything.

If anything, thanks to the FBI who appeared out of nowhere, the Jetsons paid off their mortgage early and saved enough money for their two children's education.

Alana's cooking skills are not great, but she still managed to feed three pot-bellied men. After drinking and eating, she saw Jason taking out a black hooded jumper from the closet. The blonde wife There was a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"We're just going to the bar to get together for a while. We'll be back soon. The guys are all waiting there." Jason hugged his wife and kissed her, acting as if nothing had happened.

Alana stared into his eyes for a long time, still a little worried and told him to go home early, and then let go of his neck.

After leaving Jason's house, deputy team leader Ray Perry had already been waiting outside in an old Ford pickup truck. Several burly men opened the door and got in, cramming the back seat into the car.

Jack took out a black hoodie from the travel bag under the passenger seat and put it on. He turned to deputy team member Ray Perry and said, "I think Alana noticed something."

Before Ray Perry could speak in the driver's seat, Sonny Quinn, who was squeezed into the back seat with Jason, curled his lips disdainfully, "Jason has never been able to hide anything from Alana, nothing, except us. He had no secrets from Alanna about the missions he had performed.”

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Jason became angry and slapped him on the back of the head, and the two big men, who weighed more than 500 pounds in total, started to fight in the back seat.

Ray Perry, who was driving, was a little worried that his car would be torn apart by these two guys, so he quickly interrupted, "Stop it, Clay has been staring at that kid all night, let's go over there and settle this matter."

Of course Jack followed them to do "bad things". The black guy who almost killed Alana was the boss of a small local gang. He had a bad record. Thanks to the radical criminal justice reform of a certain party, this guy The front foot has just been jailed, and the back foot has been released on bail.

When the SEALs found out about this, their lungs almost exploded. Before, Jason's wife was recuperating at home, and it was inconvenient for him to travel between his home and the base. Now that his wife has fully recovered, Team B will go to Mexico tomorrow, so of course It's about settling this matter tonight.

Half an hour later, the Ford pickup truck stopped outside a bar. Clay Spencer, also wearing a dark hoodie and covering his head with a hat, sneakily emerged from the roadside and squeezed into the back seat with difficulty. .

"I asked a friend to inquire about it. That bastard named Marcus hangs out here every Wednesday, selling small pills with his two men inside. I watched them go in and squat outside for two hours. It should be Coming out soon.”

After he finished speaking, everyone in the car looked at Jack in the passenger seat, making him startled, "Huh? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Jason and deputy team leader Ray Perry said in unison, "Of course I'm waiting for you to plan what to do."

"Only you guys know how to do this kind of thing without leaving any trace."

Jack was stunned, was that why these guys had to drag him along?

"But I'm the FBI!"

"Stop talking nonsense, the federal police are also spies. We don't want the military police to come to our door afterwards." Jason was quite impatient.

"Fakeyu, you guys are a bunch of shit." After following these stinky soldiers for a long time, Jack also had a tendency to use swear words as a catchphrase.

Even after scolding him, he took out a telescope that he had prepared a long time ago. While observing the surrounding terrain, he thought about how to do it later.

"The alley next to it is nice. You guys will ambush in it later. I'll pretend to buy contraband and trick them into coming here. Then..." Jack made a downward gesture.

"OK, it's up to you." Ray Perry said and was about to start the pickup truck again, but was held down by Jack.

"There is a camera at the door of the bar. Although I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, it's best not to pass by it. Get out of the car, change the license plate first, go around the street behind to the other end of the alley, reverse the car in, and we're done. You can retreat directly.”

After speaking, Jack got out of the car first, put a hood on his head, shook his legs like a gangster, and walked towards the bar.

"Professional, worthy of being a professional." Ray Perry gave him a thumbs up.




In the quiet night, in the dark alley, a cordial greeting came from the fists and the flesh, followed by a muffled scream that was blocked in the throat.

"Crack!" Several tooth-grinding sounds of fractures were heard, followed by several feeble grunts, and gradually there was no movement.

The one-sided beating that lasted less than ten minutes ended. With a sharp squeaking sound of tires rapidly scraping against the ground, a pickup truck quickly drove out of the alley, its red taillights flashing in the dark night.

Beating up a few gangsters and breaking their hands and feet is not even a warm-up for a few seals, but compared to being unscrupulous overseas, doing this kind of thing at home seems to be more exciting for them.

When Ray Perry drove some distance away, several guys couldn't help but started howling like ghosts.

"Jack, what was your last move? Is that bastard going to die?" Jason asked worriedly.

He originally planned to break the hands and feet of these guys and teach them a lesson, but before leaving, he saw Jack pressing the back of the neck of the black guy named Marcus, who was still like a fish out of water. The same guy who was struggling there lost his voice at that time.

"Cervical vertebra dislocation, I destroyed some of his nerves, so this guy can only lie in bed for the rest of his life, and can no longer go out to harm others."

Jack said something creepy in an understatement.

"Uh, isn't this too harsh?" Clay Spencer was silent for a while and said in a cowardly tone.

The seals suddenly fell silent. Even though they were killing people like crazy, they were on a mission. When they returned home to rest, each one looked more like a good boy than the last one.

Even when I run into some trouble, as long as it doesn't involve family members, I usually choose to swallow my anger or let the authorities intervene, for fear that if I just fight back, it will be insignificant and someone will die.

Often, as part of the state's violent machinery, these people know better than anyone how fragile individual power is against this violent machinery.

Of course, that's just the usual situation. A rabbit that's cornered bites someone, a special soldier that's cornered, eh.

"You don't think that just by breaking these guys' hands and feet, this matter will be over, right?" Jack asked the soldiers in one sentence.

"Otherwise? They don't know who did it." Jason really didn't know this. There were almost two worlds in the military camp and outside the military camp.

Although their homes are outside the military camp, family members usually form a relatively fixed social circle, and this circle is basically limited to military family members and military family members.

SEAL Team 6 still has a discipline of secrecy. Their neighbors may know that they are soldiers at most, but they will never know which unit they serve.

This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for many Union veterans to readjust to society. Of course, there are many other factors. A careful study was enough for Professor Maureen Cahill, who gave Jack Water more than a dozen social psychology papers to him.

“Although Marcus is just the leader of a small gang, without abolishing him, it’s difficult to guarantee that he won’t come to trouble your family after he recovers.

If he finds out that the person dealing with him is not someone from a rival gang, who do you think he will go to first? This kind of thing does not require evidence for gang members, just suspicion is enough. "

Jack silenced everyone with just one sentence. When no one answered, he felt the need to further remind these stupid soldiers.

If it was the kind of bastards who wantonly attacked civilians in foreign lands in his previous life, he wouldn't bother to do anything about it, but after all, the members of Team B are the shining examples of this world, and Jack felt there was no need to let them live a cruel life.

"No matter what kind of trouble you encounter outside the military camp, remember to think of my friend in the FBI first. Don't think you can handle everything. The rules outside the military camp are completely different from those you are familiar with. When you feel like things are going to mess up, Before that, you might as well give me a call.”

"Same for you, man." Jason patted Jack's shoulder gratefully, "If you need any help from us in the future, just ask."

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