Before Jack arrived, the two seemed to have chatted to death. Mandy Ellis seemed devastated by Rita Alfaro's betrayal, while the latter seemed completely indifferent.

After a while, Mandy spoke to break the silence.

"You know, you could have told us everything and we could have sent people to protect your loved ones, like Martinez did, and get them out of the country."

"Huh, what happens next? I will never see them again for the rest of my life. I am always worried that someone will betray them again. Don't look at me like that. The credibility of your CIA in this regard is negative."

Rita Alfaro's counterattack left Mandy Ellis speechless.

"They told me what they would do to my sister and her two daughters, rape them, torture them to death, all because of me, because I was fighting a war that was unwinnable, even if it could be won. , is it worth paying such a price?"

"Is it worth it? Ask yourself, we are just outsiders, and this is your country. The reality today is that Duozha is destined to die. Even if he doesn't die, he will rot and stink in American prisons. I'm sorry to you It’s hard to understand what he did. Do you really agree that he is our hero in Mexico?”

Jack leaned on the table between the two of them, looking down at the eldest sister.

"You Americans don't understand anything. Doza is everywhere here. Everyone here is Doza. If he dies, another Doza will appear soon."

Tears shone in Rita Alfaro's eyes, and the confident Mexican female agent she once was seemed to be a different person.

"Yeah, if you can't beat it, then join. Have you ever thought that maybe it's because there are so many people like you that this country becomes what it is now."

Jack never considered himself an American in his heart, nor did he feel any guilt about the current situation in Mexico. Naturally, he could look down on the old Mexicans from a high position.

Because he is not standing on some moral high ground, but the Chinese martyrs and the anti-narcotics police who have fought successively since the founding of the People's Republic of China have proven with their blood and sacrifice that drug addicts have never been invincible monsters.

In the country on the other side of the Pacific, there is no Hydra monster that will grow two if you cut off one head. If there is, it is because the mobilization of the people is not thorough enough, or the firepower is not sufficient to kill them all at once. Blast him to pieces.

"In fact, you do not lack heroes like Colonel Martinez. He would rather sacrifice himself than give up hope of catching Doza. The reality is that there are too few heroes like him, and people like you .”

Jack shook his head and said no more. Rita Alfaro had already made her choice, and presumably she had also weighed the costs of different options.

The cost of her rebellion will be far less than the cost of becoming a hero. This is probably the reason why the entire country is sinking into the abyss.

The situation of Rita Alfaro's rebellion has not yet been reported to CISEN (Mexican Center for Investigation and Security), and she is being secretly detained in a military camp.

Because Doza has not yet been arrested, and someone at the top of CISEN has been bribed, if Rita Alfaro is handed over now, she might be released soon.


There was no backup for the early morning raid because basically everyone who could be brought along was taken along.

Colonel Martinez was admitted to a secret military hospital, and his Mexican Marines were temporarily placed under the command of Lieutenant Lopez.

They are responsible for blocking all roads around the target building and investigating all suspicious persons. The attack and raid tasks are handed over to the SEALs. They will be divided into two teams, each leading a group of elite Mexican marines.

The target building is a steel-concrete structure warehouse building that occupies a large area, with a total of three floors. According to the architectural drawings, there is also a huge basement on the first floor.

The important thing about this operation was not the concealment but the timeliness of the raid, so they rushed directly to the target location in four Humvees, and the rest of the team had already been deployed to the surrounding area in advance.

"Bravo1, the target is 800 meters north of you." Major Blackburn's voice was a little hoarse on the communication channel. Tonight was also a very exciting night for him.

Although Colonel Martinez had previously arranged irregular dispatches of convoys every day to avoid revealing his own intentions, tonight's emergency dispatch was obviously within the opponent's prediction.

An IED placed in a car on the roadside was detonated, and dozens of militants launched a surprise attack outside the military camp.

Fortunately, these Mexican Marines are elite and very experienced. They easily defeated the opponent's attempt to delay reinforcements at the cost of a few minor injuries. Otherwise, Team B might be trapped in the church for a longer time. .

"OK, are we sure the HVT (high value target) is within the target?" Jason asked.

"No, but after receiving your intelligence, the drone has been watching here. There are indeed armed guards around, and no vehicles have entered or exited during this period."

Logistics support officer Lisa Davis, who had been staring at the drone screen, replied.

"Received, shield the surrounding radio signals, we have to be foolproof." Jason finished the communication.

Because it was an indoor raid, Jack, like the SEALs, replaced the large-caliber HK417 with a small-caliber HK416 assault rifle. Only one smoke grenade was added, and all the others were replaced with shock grenades.

Clay beside him retracted his gaze that had been looking out the car window and sighed, "I hope it won't be a trap this time."

"According to the seniors, the SEAL team will only be ambushed once at most during each deployment." Sonny began to fool the newcomer again seriously, even though the newcomer had been fighting side by side with them for more than two years.

"That's not true at all." Jason exposed his nonsense.

"Yes, yes, I know, this is just my hope." Sonny touched his arm that had been re-bandaged and said with emotion.

The raid went smoothly, or a little too smoothly. Jason led a group of people to break in from the top of the building and sweep all the way down. They found nothing except killing five militants who tried to resist.

Deputy Ray Perry led another group of people to clean the basements on the first and negative floors, but they also encountered no decent resistance.

"Every room has been searched." The two teams finally met in the storage room deep in the basement. However, except for a cleaning lady, there was no suspicious person here.

"Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me." The cleaning lady begged in Spanish and babbled a lot. Clay's Spanish was limited and he fainted from the words.

"I'll do it." Jack took out the plastic handcuffs and cuffed the cleaning lady. From the armed men distributed in the building, it was certain that this place was related to Doza, but the place was so big that it was easy to hide a few people. It was hard to tell. Will there be a secret room?

The job of cleaners may seem inconspicuous, but precisely because it is inconspicuous, they may be the people who are most familiar with the situation here.

"Where is Duozha?" He winked at everyone, then pushed the woman to the corner with a strong voice and roared at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I don't understand, please let me go, please."

This is a smart woman. As she said this, her eyes kept looking at the wall behind everyone.

Jason suddenly woke up and walked to the wall and knocked lightly. There was an obvious hollow sound from behind the wall. "Blow it up." He ordered Block.

Soon a ring of plastic explosives was posted along the wall. Bullock pressed the detonation button. After a small explosion, a huge circular gap was opened in the wall, and the secret room behind the wall appeared in front of everyone.

This is a safe house of more than ten square meters, with neatly arranged mineral water and food, clean beds, external monitors, TV sets and even a separate bathroom. The only problem is that there is no one inside.

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