Facts have proved that not all Chinese are in the so-called Chinatown. At least among the Asian faces surrounding him, Jack at least heard Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Laotian, Filipino Tagalog and other Asian languages. regional language.

He changed languages ​​at least three times and tried to get close to these people using his extremely poor Cantonese, but all to no avail.

"Perhaps you need to find a few translators for small languages." Jack also had a headache.

"The deceased's name is Grant Lee, a second-generation immigrant. He was an errand boy in a small gang here. There is no news yet about the guy who drove away, but the police in nearby neighborhoods have been notified.

It was a Subaru Impreza WRX with New York license plates. The Internal Affairs Department was definitely going to get after my brother now, if only they could find that guy. "

The model Danny reported almost made Jack laugh out loud. Isn't that Subaru Impreza WRX the same blue car that Takumi Fujiwara's father Bunta Fujiwara drove after giving the AE86 to his son in "Initial D"? A rally car?

He subconsciously glanced at the crowd around him, but unfortunately he didn't see the decadent uncle who looked like Huang Qiusheng, nor the squinty-eyed middle-aged man who looked similar to a certain cartoon. However, he made a new discovery.

"Danny, did your brother clearly see the appearance of the two girls who were attacked, or what characteristics they have?"

"Uh" Danny picked up the notebook and started reading, "Two Asian girls, probably in their early 20s, with shoulder-length black hair."

As he spoke, he also looked around, "Why do I feel like there are at least 30 people around me who look like this?"

Jack gestured behind him without any trace, "I remember he said that one of the girls might have a bruise on her forehead. Do you think the sweaty and nervous girl in the back looks like her?"

"Yes, that's right." Danny raised his eyebrows and walked directly towards the thin girl in the crowd, "Excuse me, miss, can I ask you a few questions?"

The Asian girl was frightened by the white police detective with a wrinkled face and a "friendly" smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I just want to ask you a few questions. Come with me, okay?"

Seeing that the Asian girl looked like she was about to cry, Danny could only turn his eyes to Jack for help.

"Don't be nervous, where are you from?" Jack asked in standard Mandarin first. Just when he was about to use everything he had learned in his life, the girl timidly replied in less standard Mandarin, "Hualien."

Well, he is really a "compatriot". Jack showed a standard business smile, with 8 straight white teeth shining brightly under the night light, "It's okay, I'm just asking a few questions, please come with us. "


After telling his brother to go home and rest first, he arranged for the police to take the Asian girl with a scratch on her head back to the police station. As usual, Danny went back with Jack's Dodge Hellcat.

"Don't you ask your dear brother why he would go to Chinatown where the security is very poor at this time?" Jack turned his head and asked Danny in the passenger seat.

"If I remember correctly, as a trainee police officer, he is not wearing uniform, which means this is his off-duty time, and that area does not belong to his jurisdiction. Did he go there specially to buy a late-night snack?"

Danny rubbed his forehead and looked like he had a headache, "He told me that he just wanted to take a walk and relax after his duty. He is an adult and I don't have the right to ground him because he lied.

As long as it has nothing to do with the case, all he needs to do is make things right when the Ministry of Internal Affairs talks to him. Damn it, I have a bad feeling that this case will be very troublesome if it doesn't go well. "

Jack silently rolled his eyes and thought to himself that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also in charge of your father. They really dare to embarrass your brother. You don't want to make progress, do you?

Back at the NYPD headquarters, Danny directly became the cashier, leaving the "erudite" Jack alone to question the girl who was brought back, and ran to check the deceased's information and the whereabouts of the Subaru Impreza WRX.

"Yijun Liu, right? Don't worry, I'm not from the immigration department, and the NYPD doesn't care about your identity or occupation. We just want to know if you know those gang members and why they want to arrest your friends."

Jack poured a cup of hot water and put it on the table, and sat down opposite this "comatriot" from Treasure Island in a friendly manner. This man's English was obviously much fluent in Mandarin, so he simply asked directly in English.

Although the girl was wearing an old coat that had been washed white, underneath she was wearing a cheongsam-style short skirt, and her face was painted with the "ABC makeup" that Europeans and Americans love most.

The eyebrows are thin and upturned. The double eyelids that were supposed to look good were turned into single eyelids with strange-colored eyeshadow. The already small eyes were painted with eyeliner to look like slanted eyes. This makeup paired with this outfit is obviously in line with the season. The clothes she wears do not match her, and her profession is clearly evident.

"Mintai is not my friend, and we haven't known each other for long." The girl named Yijun Liu stammered in English.

"What's her last name?" Jack looked directly into her eyes, his eyes slightly sharp. The girl shook her head in panic, not daring to look at him.

"So what about these people?" Jack threw out another stack of photos. These were all gang members in the small gang that Danny had just found out about Grant Lee, the gangster who was killed by a car.

The girl just took a quick glance and turned her head away, daring not to look again, looking extremely frightened.

Jack sighed, knowing that she was afraid of retaliation. An illegal immigrant who made a living soliciting customers on the street, whether it was the police or a gang, was someone she did not dare to mess with, especially the latter.

"Can you at least tell me where that unknown Mintai lives?"

"Gong xi fong." The girl nodded.

"Huh?" Jack said he didn't understand.

"We live in the same 'Gong xi fong'. I can take you there, but she later moved away. When we met this time, she just asked me to help bring something." The girl repeated again.

Jack thought for a while and realized that this might be a homophone for "shared room", and then asked, "Why did Mintai move out?"

"Because she said she was in trouble." The girl hesitated for a while before answering. She glanced at the photos on the table while speaking, and the meaning was self-evident.


"This is like a Thanksgiving party at my Aunt Sally's house, oh, no, it's ten times more exaggerated than that." Danny dodged to avoid a woman holding a toothbrush and towel and wearing only a thin nightgown. There is quite a feeling of having nowhere to stay.

Led by a girl named Yijun Liu, the two came to a rental house converted from a loft in Chinatown. There was no bed in the room of less than 20 square meters, and there were seven or eight beds on the creaking floor. There were nearly 20 women squeezed into the mattress.

"The two of them shared a mattress and took turns sleeping, and oh my God, it made me feel worse than the dump on Staten Island."

Jack watched all this silently without saying a word, because there was an aunt at his feet who might think that these two white-skinned people could not understand Chinese. She was talking loudly on the Internet phone, vividly describing herself to a relative on the other side of the ocean. Life in New York is like paradise.

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