No matter how much Austin Stevens begged, Lacroix never said a word until the guy finally broke down and poured out everything he needed to say.

Jack has participated in many interrogations, and many have ended up in person. It is rare to see such a weakling. Lacroix didn't ask a question, and the supervisor told him everything he knew.

He did not know the target of the attack planned by the Kanes before, but he knew the time, because Tiger Kane told him a week ago that a big event would happen tomorrow morning and reminded him to pay attention to the TV news.

It's just that their previous contact information was through anonymous mobile phones, and they agreed before the kidnapping that they would not contact each other for the time being, and everything would be done according to the previously agreed upon plan.

Just in case, Jack asked the technician to check the mobile phone number he provided. Unfortunately, his luck was not good this time. The mobile phone had obviously been abandoned.

That night was destined to be another sleepless night. All the clues were broken. It was not easy to find a few wandering citizens on the east coast with developed road transportation.

Jubal has sent photos of the Ford Raptor F150 to police departments in New York state and several nearby states, including Washington, D.C.

Just when everyone was gathering together to fill in the gaps, trying to spread their thoughts and see if there were any other ways to find the traces of this group of people, Lacroix suddenly showed his mobile phone to everyone with a serious look on his face, "I accept it. to an anonymous text message.”


"Your little bastard is now in our control. She can be deported at any time. If you still want to see her, you and your boss, Dana Moger, need to hold a press conference within the next 6 hours." meeting.

You, Agent Jess Lacroix, are going to read our manifesto at the press conference yourself, or your little bastard will be locked up in a Guatemala favela and entertained by MS-13. "

Lacroix finished reading this paragraph in a mocking tone, first looked at Dana Mouge, who had an equally subtle expression, and then looked at Jack with a grateful expression.

It has to be said that although the radical organization created by the Kanes somewhat resembles a grassroots team, the skills they created are indeed amazing.

The FBI has always been known for its tough and uncompromising stance on hostage incidents, but what if the hostage is a relative of one of the agency's own agents?

Jack didn't know if something similar had happened before, and he was secretly glad that they found little Tully in time. There were two text messages in total, and the second one was the declaration that Emma Kane asked Lacroix to read aloud.

He had just read it again. The manifesto was filled with all kinds of extreme racist remarks. It was absolutely impossible for the FBI to allow one of its own agents to read such content publicly on television, even if it was just a temporary measure.

The world is so absurd. Politicians can talk nonsense on TV under the guise of freedom of speech, but ordinary people must be careful about what they say and do.

Because you never know when you will attract insults or even accusations from others for using the wrong word, just because you call an unknown creature with two lumps of meat on its chest and a lump hanging between its legs. For "her" or "him".

Fortunately, they no longer have to face this dilemma. On the contrary, these two anonymous text messages revealed the approximate location of Emma Kane and her accomplices.

Although the anonymous cell phone used to send the message was quickly turned off and discarded, the technical nerds at the operations center were able to locate the last location of the cell phone before it was turned off, which was in Ulster County, more than 90 miles north of New York City. .

The local county police and state police who received the FBI notification immediately dispatched and blocked all traffic arteries leaving the county. The analysts frowned and drank black coffee while staring at bloodshot eyes and sifting through the information. Targets that may be attacked locally.

Jack went back to the office and took a nap. When he opened his eyes again, the floor-to-ceiling glass windows were already turning white, and the bustling metropolis under his feet was about to usher in a new day.

He walked into the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. Just as he was slurping a mouthful of mouthwash, Hannah suddenly burst in and frightened him so much that he almost swallowed it.

"Ulster County Police have just discovered a car matching the description of the Raptor F150 that Joey Carter is wanted on. They feared there was a bomb in the car and did not take immediate action. They are now requesting backup."

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head and spit out the mouthwash. For a moment, he thought that the sweet girl was no longer satisfied with playing in the parking lot in Los Angeles and planned to unlock some new achievements.

Jack and Hannah took out two huge gun boxes from the gun store. Jack and Hannah each carried one on their backs and hurried up to the roof, where a helicopter belonging to the air support team was already waiting.

The gun box contains an M82A1 that uses .50 caliber bullets and a G28E precision marksman rifle that Jack brought from the BAU. The former can be used to deal with vehicles and explosives, and the latter is used against people.

According to the news from the front, there was only one driver in the F150, who seemed to be Joey Carter himself. No other passengers were found. Currently, the county police car did not dare to approach for fear of alerting the other party. A plainclothes police car from the state police was following. other side.

The FBI-SWAT team, which had been deployed in advance, planned to use a police armored vehicle to block the road after he drove out of the residential area. However, they were worried about the 400 pounds of Semtin plastic explosives that might be loaded in the other vehicle, and they did not want to see a mushroom cloud. I still hope there is a more reliable solution.

The safest solution was naturally to use an anti-material sniper rifle to stop the car directly. Considering that the other party used remote control detonation, Jack also brought several wireless signal jammers that had just been sent by the CSI laboratory.

It only took the helicopter more than half an hour to transport the two people to Ulster County, more than 100 kilometers away. Two police armored vehicles from the SWAT team had parked on both sides of a T-intersection and set up ambush points.

Announcements from county police and state police kept coming over the walkie-talkie. Joey Carter seemed to have noticed something was not going well and was trying to escape at a faster speed.

Two county police cars had overtaken the plainclothes police cars and sounded their sirens. Behind them were a long line of police cars from the state police, ranging from Dodge Chargers to Old Crowns.

This long string of more than 20 police cars with piercing sirens and various flashing police lights cut through the early morning mist. The scene was spectacular for a moment. I am afraid that any criminal would be frightened when he saw this scene. Have to flee.

The police's goal had been achieved at this time, because there was only one way in front of him, either driving onto Interstate 209 and entering the ambush point, or abandoning the car and running away.

Joey Carter was naturally unwilling to give up. He stepped on the accelerator and accelerated all the way. Even when he entered a corner, he only braked lightly. His car did not let him down. It rubbed against the railing very smoothly and made sparks. It was surprising. Driving on the interstate without risk.

Then the next second, the sharp brakes suddenly sounded, and Joey Carter's pupils suddenly dilated as he stared ahead. An armored vehicle was parked in the middle of the road, and several black Saban vehicles were parked opposite each other in the lanes on both sides.

What frightened him even more was that on the hood of the armored vehicle, a man in a trench coat was pointing a Barrett at him, and there was a woman lying on the roof of the armored vehicle, also holding a sniper rifle.

As for the SWAT team members around them armed with assault rifles and relying on the front cover of the Saab class, it seems that it is no longer a problem that needs attention.



Almost at the moment when Joey Carter hit the brakes and gritted his teeth, intending to put on reverse gear and break out, two gunshots rang out almost at the same time, one deep and powerful, the other clear and sweet.

A puff of white smoke came out of the Raptor F150's front engine, and Joey Carter in the driver's seat had a bloody hole between his eyebrows.

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