In the interrogation room of the NYPD police station, Zoya Carter was sitting slumped in the interrogation room. She followed the two detectives to the police station very cooperatively, and then she was told that her husband was dead. He died in another room. In the hands of Mrs. Carter.

Through the one-way glass, the three men in the observation room at the other end were looking at each other.

"How did this guy do it?" After all, reasoning is reasoning, and it was really confirmed that Kevin Carter was a bigamist, and even the two families were so close to each other. Danny still said that his three views were impacted.

The key thing is that although the two Mrs. Carters are five or six years apart in age, one has black hair and the other has blond hair, they are both rare beauties.

"Kevin Carter's parents died very young, and his only brother also died in a car accident in Seattle ten years ago. He created a second identity using his own name and his brother's Social Security number."

Jack shook his head and sighed. The state of dispersion between states in the United States was really speechless. It would be difficult to verify a fake identity as long as it crossed state lines.

Mike Taylor also said that although he has experienced many bizarre cases, this is the first time he has seen such a bizarre thing, which is really eye-opening.

"It's unbelievable to be married to two women who live in the same neighborhood. What do you think is the possibility that the two Mrs. Carters didn't know each other?"

Danny couldn't wait any longer. "You'll find out if you just ask. I bet she'll ask to see a lawyer in ten minutes at most and refuse to provide her DNA."

"Although it is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie, but I prefer her to be innocent. Zoya Carter doesn't show much signs of exercise. She really doesn't look like a female serial killer who commits many murders.

At least judging from the case files that were sent in one after another, some of the methods of committing crimes required a certain amount of force, and her reaction when she learned the cause of her husband's death could not be acted out by ordinary people. "

However, Jack's words obviously failed to convince Danny. He picked up a bottle of mineral water and a glass and gestured, "At least she has a motive, right?"

This is a trick used by police detectives. Even if the suspect refuses to provide DNA, the cup they drank from at the police station can still be used to extract DNA and fingerprints.

Leaving Mike Taylor in the observation room, Jack and Danny pushed the door open and walked into the interrogation room.

"Mrs. Carter, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Jack poured a glass of water naturally and pushed the cup to the other party.

"It's okay, I just need time to calm down." Zoya Carter raised her head, took a deep breath, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, reached for the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"I can't believe it, he was married to another woman, he died, God forgive me, I don't even know if I should feel sad."

"Even if you are angry about this, it is human nature. As a victim, no one will blame you harshly for this." Jack sat down next to her and showed a warm smile.

Danny stood on the other side of the table, pacing back and forth to create psychological pressure. Some handsome young guy had snatched the good cop role away from him, so he naturally had to play the bad cop.

"You never noticed anything unusual?"

Danny's words made Zoya Carter laugh at herself, "Kevin said that he has a lot of import and export business, so he often needs to travel, ha, at least that's what he told me."

She continued, "Shortly after we got engaged, I qualified as a lawyer and got an offer from a large law firm. You know, I wanted to work 16 hours a day, so the two of us were often away from home."

Jack looked at the information in his hand, and it made sense. It was not surprising that a trainee lawyer would be squeezed to such an extent.

He took out the evidence photo of the ring and showed it to the other party, "Did you give this ring to Kevin?"

The woman covered her face with her hands and nodded sadly, "Last night was our first wedding anniversary, and I prepared his favorite dinner."

"Steak, asparagus, corn and salad?" Danny secretly curled his lips. Although his wife Linda was also a traditional wife and cared about him very much, that Kevin Carter still made him very unhappy. He swore that this was definitely the case. Not out of jealousy, but outright contempt!

"Yes, how did you know?" Zoya Carter was a little surprised.

Jack and Danny looked at each other and did not answer the question. After all, she was considered one of the family members, and topics such as autopsies could easily irritate each other.

Danny changed the topic and continued to ask, "Since yesterday was your wedding anniversary, and he left in a hurry after dinner, didn't you complain about anything? Have you been out since then?"

"No, I packed the dishes and read the case files until midnight before falling asleep. Oh my God, am I too stupid? He mentioned before that he had to catch a red-eye flight to San Francisco to meet a very important client. I There is also a lot of work, so I don’t complain much.”

Seeing that Zoya Carter was a little emotional, Jack comforted her, "It's not your fault. Trust is originally the foundation between husband and wife. He just took advantage of this."

Danny pushed another photo, which showed a black-haired woman who looked slightly more mature than Zoya Carter. If you look closely, you will find that the temperament of the two is somewhat similar.

Zoya Carter looked at the photo and was in a daze. After a while, she asked, "Is this her? His other wife? Did she kill him?"

Noticing that she only used "he" to refer to Kevin Carter from beginning to end, Jack nodded, "Yes, have you met her? Her name is Deborah."

"No." Zoya Carter's eyes were filled with tears again and she shook her head repeatedly.

"Have you ever been to her apartment? It's in the building next to your house." Danny asked.

"Of course not!" The woman sounded a little surprised, as if she still didn't understand why he asked.

"Mrs. Carter." Danny was interrupted by the other party before he finished speaking, "Please, please just call me Zoya. I don't know. Anyway, this title makes me feel very uncomfortable now."

Danny changed his mind, "Uh, Zoya, we need you to provide a DNA sample for investigation."

"Why? I don't quite understand. Didn't you tell me that she had confessed?" Zoya Carter was a little confused.

"Ahem, that's it. We suspect that there is a third person present at the scene. If that person is not you, DNA will prove it." Jack coughed lightly and glanced at Danny, who was also waiting for the other party's answer.


"I thought I had a perfect man, a perfect life, I didn't know what to do in the future, how to get through it all, he was everything to me, I'm glad she killed him, otherwise I would have Do it yourself.”

After providing oral epithelial cells for use as DNA samples, Zoya Carter left the police station in tears after leaving these words to the two of them.

"Do you think it's necessary to find someone to follow her and monitor her?" Jack asked Danny.

"It shouldn't be necessary. If she is really the female serial killer, her acting skills can win an Oscar." Danny admitted that he lost the bet again, "Anyway, please don't order something as expensive as lobster for tonight's midnight snack, okay? "

"Forget it, just go get some coffee that doesn't taste that bad. Leave the food problem to me." Jack shrugged. He would definitely have to work overtime. More than 20 pieces of evidence and information were already on the way. Yes, I am destined to have no sleep tonight.

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