The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 699 Working overtime is harmful to the body and mind

James Richard was handcuffed and forced to kneel on the ground. Danny asked impatiently, "Where is Dick Reed?"

"I don't know! I'm going to sue you for abusing violence as a police officer!" Unexpectedly, this guy actually dared to fight back.

"Abuse of violence? Do you have any witnesses?" Danny sneered and beat him to a pulp with one punch, followed by another violent beating.

However, what was unexpected was that while Danny was panting from exhaustion after beating others, James Richard remained very stubborn and remained silent.

Jack originally wanted to protect the frightened girl and leave the room first, but when he noticed the hateful look the girl was looking at that bastard, his heart couldn't help but he lowered his head and asked, "Do you want to get rid of the nightmare?"

Becky Swatch looked at him doubtfully, then followed his gaze and landed on the dagger on the ground.

"He is a Dick Reed admirer, an incompetent loser who wants to be a second Dick Reed and repeat what happened to you on other innocent girls. Just yesterday, a girl was killed in Columbia Park. His poisonous hand."

Jack's voice was not loud, but everyone in the room could hear it clearly. Danny looked at Jack in shock, already vaguely guessing his intentions.

Becky Swatch jerked away from Jack's arms, picked up the dagger on the ground, and pointed it tremblingly at Jims Richard, who was kneeling on the ground.

"No! No! You can't do this!" James Richard suddenly shouted in panic. He wanted to struggle but was unable to move because his hands were handcuffed behind his back.

"Think about the fear, helplessness and pain you have experienced. The same is true for Dick Reed and this trash. They are actually cowards, losers, trash who usually hides in the corner and trembles.

They only dare to bully the weak and vent their perverted desires on innocent women. They are not scary. As long as you have the courage to face them, you will find this. "

Amidst Jack's bewitching words, the trembling tip of the knife slowly pointed at James Richard's crotch, and the frightened screams became more and more shrill.

"Stop! Stop! No, no!"

The tip of the knife only penetrated three-thirds of the flesh, and most of James Richard's lower body was already wet. There was not much blood, and the smell was very strong.

"He wants revenge and has already planned a new goal. Help! I only know this. He said he was no longer interested in this woman and gave her to me. Please you guys! Let her stop, quickly. Tell her to stop!"

Jack reached out and held Becky Swatch's knife hand, with gentle eyes, and gently stroked the scar on her cheek with his other hand, "That's enough. Congratulations on defeating your nightmare."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The girl threw away the knife, hugged Jack and cried heartbrokenly.


20 minutes later, two patrol officers arrived and took away James Richard. Danny also called his partner Jackie to temporarily accompany Becky Swatch. The girl seemed to be much more stable before leaving. He even showed a grateful smile to the two of them.

I believe that after the scars on her face are removed through micro plastic surgery, this beautiful girl will completely usher in a new life.

"I thought you were really going to let her castrate that bastard." Danny hung up the phone, smiled and gave Jack a high-five.

"It's not enough to go too far. Just let her overcome the fear in her heart. What if she turns around and cultivates a female serial killer who specializes in attacking men?"

This is really not an alarmist statement. In my impression, there seem to be quite a few similar plots in American TV series.

"Are you okay with Irene?" Although he heard that Danny had just spoken to his sister on the phone, Jack still felt a little uneasy.

James Richard said that Dick Reed wanted revenge, but the judge who originally sentenced him was a man. Based on this guy's urine, the most likely target was Irene, the prosecutor who was the prosecutor at the time.

Of course, it might be Reed's biological sister who was rescued before, so Danny just sent another team of police officers to the hospital to protect her.

"Irene is still working overtime in the office. The old man said he would personally pick her up at 8 o'clock to have dinner with her. She was very happy to hear that Becky Swatch agreed to testify in court again and expressed her gratitude to you. The question now is how to catch her. That bastard."

Danny started to frown again as he spoke.

"Do you really think it's necessary for Becky Swatch to testify in court?" Jack muttered meaningfully.

Danny was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced around to see if anyone heard this. After a long while, he muttered out, "No matter what, we must find a way to find him first."

"It's your turn to use your cleverness. I plan to go to the court to have a look." Jack thought about it and still felt uneasy. It was getting late now and it was already off-duty time. Although the court was patrolled by guards, it was still so big. In a building, it is actually not difficult to sneak into a few people.

The two parted ways. Danny found his own car and returned to the police station, while Jack drove the Hellcat to the court. Unexpectedly, he bumped into a nervous Frank at the door.

"What happened?" He was a little confused. Danny just said that Frank would pick up Eileen at 8 o'clock. Why did he arrive just after 7 o'clock?

"Something's wrong. Irene's mobile phone can't be reached. Just now, the landline number of her office was dialed to my mobile phone, but there was no sound on the other side. The call is still being connected." Frank flashed his mobile phone and quickly stepped onto the phone. steps.

"Uh" Jack subconsciously glanced at the full-time guard who was left by the car. He hesitated for a moment without saying anything and followed him into the court.

To enter the District Attorney's Office from the side door of the court, you need to go through two corridors. The two guards guarding the door obviously knew Frank, and they were let in very respectfully.

At first glance, everything seemed normal, but after passing the first corridor, Jack noticed something strange. He rubbed his nose, pulled Frank and pushed open a door.

Inside the door was the workshop where the cleaners placed their belongings. Lying on the ground was a corpse with its neck cut open. Blood was dripping all over the floor. The smell of blood was overwhelming after opening the door.

"He should be the janitor here. Someone took off his uniform and took away his ID." Jack whispered.

Frank nodded sullenly and took out the pistol from his waist, an antique-grade Colt "Detective Special Edition" revolver.

"Are you serious?" Jack's eyes widened. This thing is at least thirty or forty years old, right? If it were the first-generation version, it wouldn't be nearly a century-old gun.

"This is my grandfather's sidearm, a very reliable old man." Frank said solemnly, then he held up the little guy and moved sideways along the corridor.

Jack shook his head speechlessly, took out his Glock 22 and walked along the other side of the corridor, while listening to what was going on around him.

The two came to the second corridor. At the end of the corridor was Aileen's office. There was a small public office area before that. Aileen's secretary's desk was in this location, which usually served as the front desk.

At this time, the entire office area was empty. There were two high heels and a satchel scattered on the ground. Frank's face became increasingly ugly. Jack quickly stepped forward to check the satchel on the floor. Irene's cell phone was lying inside, turned on silent mode.

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